AdMob Rewarded Video Ads [Ultimate Guide]

In the ever-evolving landscape of mobile app monetization, AdMob Rewarded Video Ads stand out as a powerful tool for developers. This comprehensive guide will navigate you through the intricacies of leveraging AdMob’s Rewarded Video Ads to maximise revenue, enhance user engagement, and propel your app’s success. Rewarded video ads are typically 15-30 seconds long. It can not be skipped, however, the audience may usually opt in or out of this form of advertising. 

1. Understanding Rewarded Video Ads

Rewarded Video Ads are a user-friendly advertising format where users opt to watch an ad in exchange for in-app rewards. This win-win approach fosters positive user experiences and boosts ad engagement.

2. Integrating AdMob SDK

Integrating the Admob SDK into your mobile app allows you to display ads and monetize applications through Google ads platform. There are some general steps for integrating the admob SDK into your app but you should always keep in mind that the specific step may vary based on the programming language and development environment that you are using. 

  • Create an Admob account
  • Create an Admob Ad unit
  • Download MagicBid SDK (Hybrid solution for Mediation and Waterfall)
  • Add the SDK to your project
  • Initialize Admob in your code
  • Add ad view to your layout
  • Load and display ads
  • Test your implementation
  • Handle ad events
  • Publish your app

3. Creating Ad Units

Creating an ad unit for rewarded video ads in admob involves setting up a specific configuration to define where and how the rewarded with your ads will be displayed in your mobile app. Here are steps to create ad units for rewarded video ads in admob. 

  • Login to Admob and navigate your dashboard

You have to first login or sign up your admob account and after login you will be directed to your admob dashboard and if not you can also navigate the same. 

  • By clicking on app Tab add your App

In the admob dashboard click on apps and if your app is already listed, select it and if not add app button to add a new app to your admob account. 

  • Go to monetize tab and click on rewarded under ad formats

Once you have selected your App go to the monetize tab where you can set up different ad formats including the rewarded video ads. Within the rewarded video ad section look for the button that says create ad unit or a similar option You can click on it and process creating a new ad unit. 

  • Configure your rewarded video add unit and save it

You will be promoted to configure your rewarded video ad unit which includes providing details such as ad unit name, ad format and ad unit id, once you have configured save the changes. 

  • Implement add unit and test your implementation

Take note of the ad unit ID generated for your reward with your ad unit in your app’s code. During development use the test ad unit provided by admob to ensure that your rewards with your ads are displayed correctly. 

4. Optimizing Ad Placement

Optimising ad placement is a crucial aspect of maximising revenue while providing a positive User experience within your mobile app. There are some key considerations and best practices for optimising ad placement. 

  • Understand user flow
  • Strategic placement
  • Balance Ad density
  • Responsive design
  • A/B Testing
  • Ad format Optimisation
  • Implement smart loading
  • Geographical consideration
  • User feedback
  • Compliance with ad policies 
  • Ad mediation
  • Analytics and monitoring
  • User segmentation

By carefully considering these factors and continuously monitoring performance metrics you can optimise ad placement in your app to strike a balance between revenue generation and maintenance of User experience. 

5. Setting Reward Values

Setting reward values in AdMob Rewarded Video Ads involves defining the incentives or benefits that users receive for voluntarily engaging with and watching an ad within your app. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set reward values:

   1. Define Rewards in AdMob Dashboard:

  • Log In to AdMob: Access your AdMob account and navigate to the dashboard.

   2. Create or Select Ad Unit:

  • Ad Units Section: Go to the “Ad Units” section in the AdMob dashboard.
  • Select or Create Ad Unit: Choose the rewarded video ad unit for which you want to set reward values or create a new one.

   3. Configure Rewarded Video Settings:

  • Rewarded Video Settings: Within the selected ad unit, find the settings related to rewarded videos.

   4. Set Reward Amount:

  • Define Reward Amount: Specify the amount or type of reward users will receive for watching a rewarded video ad. This could be in the form of in-app currency, power-ups, access to premium content, or any other virtual item relevant to your app.

   5. Choose Reward Type

Select Reward Type: Determine the type of reward you want to offer. Common types include:

  • Virtual Currency/ app coins: If your app has a virtual currency system, you can reward users with a specific amount of currency.
  • Unlockable Content: Provide users access to premium features or content within the app.
  • Power-ups or Boosts: Enhance the user’s in-app capabilities temporarily.

   6. Customise Reward Message

Optional: Custom Message: You can include a custom message that informs users about the reward they will receive. This message is typically displayed before users opt-in to watch the ad.

   7. Save Settings

Save Changes: After configuring the reward values, make sure to save the changes to apply them to your rewarded video ad unit.

   8. Implement in Your App

Update App Code: Implement the necessary code changes in your app to reflect the configured reward values. Ensure that the reward is delivered to users appropriately once they complete watching the rewarded video ad.

   9. Test the Integration:

Testing Phase: Before deploying the changes to production, thoroughly test the rewarded video ad integration within your app to ensure that users receive the expected rewards.

  10. Monitor and Iterate

Analytics Monitoring: Keep an eye on analytics and performance metrics to see how users respond to the rewarded video ads and the rewards offered. Use this data to iterate and optimise your reward strategy if needed.

Remember that the choice of rewards should align with your app’s content, target audience, and overall user experience. Offering meaningful and enticing rewards can enhance user engagement and make the rewarded video ad experience more appealing to your audience.

6. Implementing Ad Load Strategies 

Implementing effective ad load strategies is crucial for optimising revenue while maintaining a positive user experience in your mobile app. Ad load strategies involve determining when and how often ads are displayed to users. Here’s a guide on implementing ad load strategies:

  1. Define Ad Load Goals

Balancing Revenue and User Experience: Clearly define your goals, finding the right balance between maximising ad revenue and ensuring a positive user experience.

  1. Understand User Engagement

User Behavior Analysis: Analyse user behaviour within your app to identify natural breaks or pauses in the user experience where ads can be seamlessly integrated without causing disruption.

  1. Select Ad Formats

Choose Appropriate Ad Formats: Select ad formats that align with your app’s content and user flow. Common formats include banners, interstitials, native ads, and rewarded videos.

  1. Consider Session Length

Session Duration: Adjust ad load based on the typical duration of user sessions. For longer sessions, consider spreading ad impressions to avoid overwhelming users.

  1. Frequency Capping

Set Frequency Caps: Limit the number of ads a user sees within a specific time frame. This prevents ad fatigue and annoyance, contributing to a better user experience.

  1. Ad Placement

Strategic Placement: Place ads strategically to ensure they are visible without disrupting the user experience. Consider natural breaks in the app flow, such as between levels in a game or during transitions.

  1. Implement Smart Ad Loading

Smart Loading Techniques: Use smart ad loading techniques that consider factors like network conditions, device type, and user behaviour. This ensures a more personalised and efficient ad experience.

  1. Ad Refresh Policies

Ad Refresh Intervals: If using banner ads, implement ad refresh policies to update ad content at appropriate intervals. Avoid excessively frequent refreshes to prevent irritation.

  1. User Segmentation

Segment Users: Segment users based on behaviour, demographics, or preferences. Tailor ad load for each segment to provide a more personalised experience.

  1. A/B Testing

Experiment with Variations: Conduct A/B testing to experiment with different ad load strategies. Measure user engagement and revenue impact to identify the most effective approach.

  1. AdMob Mediation Optimization

Optimise Mediation Settings: If using AdMob mediation, regularly review and optimise mediation settings to maximise fill rates and eCPM across multiple ad networks.

  1. User Feedback

Consider User Feedback: Pay attention to user reviews and feedback related to ad frequency and placement. Use this feedback to fine-tune your ad load strategy.

  1. Compliance with Policies

Ad Network Policies: Ensure that your ad load strategies comply with the policies of the ad networks you are using. Violating policies can lead to negative consequences.

  1. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation

Analytics Monitoring: Continuously monitor analytics data to assess the impact of your ad load strategy on user engagement and revenue. Be prepared to adapt your strategy based on performance insights.

Implementing ad load strategies is an ongoing process that requires a balance between revenue goals and user satisfaction. Regularly evaluate and adjust your approach to align with changes in user behaviour, app content, and the evolving landscape of mobile advertising.

7. Monitoring Performance with Analytics

Monitoring the performance of rewarded video ads through analytics in AdMob is for optimising revenue and user engagement. Here’s a guide on how to effectively use analytics to track and improve the performance of rewarded video ads:

     1. AdMob Dashboard:

Overview Tab: Start by regularly checking the AdMob dashboard’s overview tab. It provides a snapshot of your app’s overall ad performance, including revenue, impressions, and eCPM (effective cost per mille).

      2. Rewarded Video Ad Units:

  • Ad Units Tab: Navigate to the Ad Units tab in your AdMob account to specifically analyse the performance of rewarded video ad units.
  • Metrics to Monitor:
  • Impressions: Track the number of times rewarded videos are displayed.
  • Fill Rate: Ensure a high fill rate to maximise revenue opportunities.
  • eCPM: Monitor effective cost per mille to understand the revenue generated per thousand impressions.

     3. User Engagement:

Rewarded Video Completion Rates: Use analytics to track the percentage of users who watch the entire rewarded video. Higher completion rates can indicate better user engagement.

Rewarded Video Click-Through Rates (CTR): Analyse how often users click on the rewarded video ads after viewing. A higher CTR can lead to increased revenue..

     4. Optimization Strategies & Revenue

  • A/B Testing: Conduct A/B tests with different ad creatives, placements, and rewards to identify the most effective combinations.
  • Ad Positioning: Experiment with the placement of rewarded video ads within your app. Test whether placing them at specific points in the user journey increases engagement. 
  • Revenue Reports: Analyse detailed revenue reports to understand which rewarded video ad units are generating the most revenue. Adjust your mediation settings accordingly.

     5. User Feedback and AdMob Mediation Analytics

Incorporate User Feedback: Consider user feedback regarding the rewarded video experience. Analytics can complement qualitative feedback, helping you make data-driven decisions.Mediation Reports: If you’re using AdMob mediation with multiple ad networks, analyse mediation reports to understand how different networks are contributing to your rewarded video revenue.

     6. AdMob Events, Custom Events and Optimisation: 

Event Tracking: Use AdMob Events and Custom Events to track specific user interactions, such as the number of times users initiate watching a rewarded video or the completion of rewarded video views. Regularly analyse analytics data and use it to make informed adjustments. The digital advertising landscape evolves, so continuous optimization is key.

By closely monitoring these metrics and leveraging analytics tools provided by AdMob, you can refine your rewarded video ad strategy, enhance user experience, and maximise revenue. Remember to stay agile, adapting your approach based on the insights gained from analytics data.

    7. AdMob Mediation for Enhanced Revenue

AdMob Mediation is a powerful tool for maximising your ad revenue by allowing you to display ads from multiple ad networks in your mobile app. By integrating AdMob Mediation, you can create competition among various ad sources, leading to better fill rates and increased revenue.

Here’s a guide on how to leverage AdMob Mediation for enhanced revenue:

Step 1: Set Up AdMob Account

  • Create an AdMob Account: If you don’t have one, sign up for an AdMob account on the AdMob website.

Step 2: Integrate AdMob SDK

  • Integrate AdMob SDK: Add the AdMob SDK to your mobile app. You can find SDK integration guides for Android and iOS on the AdMob website.

Step 3: Configure Ad Units

  • Create Ad Units: Define ad units in your AdMob account for different ad formats (banner, interstitial, rewarded video).
  • Implement Ad Unit Codes: Integrate ad unit codes into your app according to the ad formats you want to display.

Step 4: Add Mediation Networks

  • Select Mediation Networks: In your AdMob account, navigate to the Mediation tab and add the ad networks you want to mediate. Popular mediation networks include Facebook Audience Network, AdColony, AppLovin, etc.

Step 5: Configure Ad Network Adapters

  • Download Ad Network Adapters: For each ad network you added, download and integrate the corresponding adapter SDKs. These adapters enable communication between AdMob and the ad networks.

Step 6: Set Up Mediation Groups

  • Create Mediation Groups: Group ad networks with similar eCPMs (effective cost per mille) to maximise competition. This ensures that the highest-paying ads are displayed to users.

Step 7: Optimise and Test

  • Implement AdMob Ad Targeting: Utilise AdMob targeting features to show relevant ads to your users.
  • Test Ad Performance: Regularly test different ad network configurations and mediation strategies to find the most lucrative combination.

Step 8: Monitor and Analyze

  • Use AdMob Analytics: Leverage AdMob analytics to monitor ad performance, fill rates, and revenue. Adjust mediation settings based on the data.

Step 9: Stay Updated

  • Keep Adapters Updated: Ensure that you’re using the latest versions of ad network adapters to benefit from performance improvements and bug fixes.

Step 10: Experiment with Ad Formats

  • Try Different Ad Formats: Experiment with various ad formats (banners, interstitials, rewarded videos) to see which ones generate the highest revenue for your app

By following these steps and continuously optimizing your ad mediation setup, you can enhance your app’s ad revenue through AdMob Mediation. Regularly monitor performance metrics and adapt your strategy to changing market conditions for the best results.


What are AdMob Rewarded Video Ads?

AdMob Rewarded Video Ads

Admob rewarded video ads are a specific type of In app advertising format provided by the admob platform. These ads are designed to incentivize users to engage with advertisements voluntarily by offering them virtual rewards or benefits within the mobile app or game. Rewarded video ads have become popular among developers as they provide a user-friendly way to monetize apps while enhancing the overall User experience. 

What are the Benefits of AdMob Rewarded Video Ads?

What are AdMob Rewarded Video Ads

Key feature of admob rewarded video ads include

  • Voluntary Engagement: users have the option to choose whether or not to watch or reward video ad this opt-in approach distinguishes rewarded video ads from other ad formats that may be more intrusive. 
  • Incentive and Rewards: users are offered incentive or rewards and exchange for watching the entire video ads. 
  • Enhanced User Experience: rewarded video ads are generally well received by users because they provide a clear value exchange. users willingly choose to view the ad knowing that they will receive something beneficial in return. 
  • Monetization Strategy: Developers and app publishers used rewarded video ads as a strategy to generate revenue through their apps. Advertisers pay for placement and the rewards offered to users are funded by the revenue generated from these ad placement. 
  • Ad Targeting: like other Admob ad formats, rewarded video ads can target specific user demographics and interests. This helps ensure that the content of the Ads is relevant to the user increasing the likelihood of engagement. 
  • Flexible Ad Length: rewarded video ads can vary in length typically from a few seconds to around 30 seconds. The length of the ad can be determined by the advertiser or the ad network. 
  • Ad revenue sharing: developers earn revenue when users engage with rewarded video ads. The revenue sharing model involves developers receiving a portion of the ad revenue generated by the advertiser for each completed view. 

The admob rewarded video ads provide a mutually beneficial arrangement where users receive rewards, developers generate revenue and advertisers gain exposure for their product or service. This format has proven to be effective and give you a nice user engagement with monetization in the mobile app ecosystem.

Rewarded Video Ads vs. Interstitial Ads

Rewarded video ads and the interstitial ads are two popular formats in mobile advertising each serves a different purpose and provide a unique benefit to both app developers and advertisers. 

Rewarded video ads on one side serves user engagement and rewards higher user attention, enhances your monetization and integrates rewards. 

Interstitial ads are full screen ads that appear at natural breaks or transition points with an app such as between levels in a game or during a change of app content. 

Rewarded Video Ads vs. Interstitial Ads

Well, rewarded video ads focus on voluntary user engagement with the incentive of rewards interstitial ads aim for high visibility at strategic points within the app; the effective integration of both formats can contribute to a well rounded and successful mobile advertising strategy. 


AdMob Rewarded Video Ads present an exceptional opportunity for app developers to monetize effectively while maintaining positive user experiences. By following this ultimate guide, you’ll unlock the full potential of AdMob Rewarded Video Ads, propelling your app towards greater success, engagement, and profitability. Elevate your mobile app monetization strategy with AdMob’s powerful and rewarding advertising solution.