What are the Best Ad Networks for App Monetization?

What are the Best Ad Networks for App Monetization?

The best ad network for app monetization does not have a single factor but comes with a variety in which you may choose according to your needs. Geographical location, target audience and your specific monetization goals should be considered and the best ad network for app monetization should be chosen depending on the strength and weakness of your app. MagicShield along with the other ad networks serves the best. 

Let us have a look at some of the Best ad networks for app monetization: 


An advertising platform that is developed by Google which allows the mobile application developers to monetize it by the display of app advertisements. 

Publisher Requirement: 

There are certain publisher requirements with the admob that requires the content policies, traffic quality, app quality, ad placement and the legal compliances that comes across. The publisher is also required to check it on a regular basis as these updates keep on changing. 

Publisher Benefit: 
  • It gives access to 30+ premium demand sources and ad networks. 
  • The creative templates can be customised. 
  • Segments the audience automatically. 

2. MagicBid

MagicBid is a Hybrid AIML based monetization platform which offers both in-app mediation and waterfall based real time bidding at the same time. It primarily focuses on publishers’ interest and brings them the best deal possible for their inventory.

MagicBid Features and Benefit: 

  • Ad Mediation with Machine Learning: MagicBid competes with demands from various popular ad networks, including Admob, Meta, IS, MAX, and 20+ others, utilizing real-time mediation to maximize your ad revenue.
  • Reduced Latency by Auto Ad Caching
  • Automatic Format Switching for Enhanced Revenue
  • Advanced ad fraud detection and prevention.


This monetization platform forms as an intermediary between the advertiser and the app developers. 

Publishers Requirement: 

It has anti-fraud ad technology that ensures the safety besides your application meets the brand safety parameters. Several kinds of ad formats such as banner ads, native ads, video ads and interstitial ads are supported in this platform and it also gives way to customization control over frequency capping, ad placement and other parameters. 

Publisher Benefit: 
  • Smaato is an innovative app that has unified bidding. 
  • Without any subscription it has access to the open marketplace. 
  • It has targeting capabilities. 


Tapjoy is an advertising platform that connects the mobile app developers with the advertisers and also initiates the user engagement. 

Publisher Requirement: 

The publisher must align with the policies of Tapjoy and keep in note about the traffic quality, service and guideline. 

Publisher Benefit: 
  • You get access to an offer wall that is customizable. 
  • This unlocks high value demand. 


A kind of digital advertising technology company which not only provides solutions for the publisher but also comes equally for the advertisers. It is specifically designed for the publisher to maximise their revenue through various advertising mediums. 

Publisher Requirement: 

This does not have a download and minimum traffic requirement. 

Publisher Benefits: 
  • It comes with a well impoverished header bidding technology. 
  • The user-friendly SSP board has various reporting tools. 


While choosing the best ad network for app monetization there are many considerations like ecpm, user experience, full rates and the publisher app alignment with the ad network should be there. Staying informed about the upcoming trend of the industry and optimizing the ad revenue strategy helps in the best monetization results. 

7 Types of Ad Fraud and How to Prevent or Stop Ad Fraud?

7 Types of Ad Fraud and How to Prevent or Stop Ad Fraud?

Ad frauds have many negative impacts on the website. Ad fraud is an activity by cyber fraudsters to manipulate the online advertising system and leads to false or misleading results. The dishonest practices aimed at the exploitation of the online advertising industry for financial gain, which impacts both advertisers and publishers. 

It is one of the biggest challenges in digital advertising and with the ad fraud as per speculation there is supposed to be a 100 billion loss in this industry in 2025. Magic-Shield comes as a boon for the same as through the cutting edge ad fraud prevention solution and the utilization of the new technology. MagicShield analyses every user coming on your website and apps with 100+ parameters in real time to create a secure and trusted advertising environment.

Types of Ad Fraud

Types of Ad FraudThere are the following types of ad fraud, Major points:

1. Pixel Stuffing

A technique which is used in computer graphic and image processing that modify the images is known as pixel stuffing. When more than one ad is placed into one single 1×1 pixel area. Fraudsters generally use these type of fraud in ad set up and make money on the impression of the ad from this kind of pixel. 

This is associated with ad fraud in the digital advertising context and you don’t even need to see the ad as it also gets counted as an impression that is viewed and it is repeated more than once in a single webpage. 

2. Ad Stacking

Pixel stuffing and Ad stacking can be used synonymously. Multiple ads can be  placed in the pixel stuffing which can be placed on the same area of the page. Ad stacking on the other hand involves the placement of the multiple ad that is unviewable ad. The users only get to see the ads that are on the top. 

3. Domain Spoofing

When you quirk your publisher or advertiser who has a premium domain and disguise your real URL for them that is called domain spoofing. This is a very serious concern and is proved as a threat and it lets the fraudster sell publishers for the ad space for their desired price but leave the publisher without revenue. 

Domain spoofing is a deceptive technique that is used by the fraudsters to exploit the advertisers place in the established website or an app. 

4. Ad Injection

When the ad is displayed on the publisher website without the permission then this is called ad injection. This type of ad fraud has a negative impact on the website of the publisher. 

5. Click Injection

Click injection is one of the types of mobile ad fraud. When the malicious app tries to manipulate the attribution of the advertising process by the injection of fake clicks for taking the credit for the legitimate installation. Therefore, click injection leads to bad performance of metrics and financial loss. 

6. Geo Masking

When a low quality traffic appears and seems to be of a high quality, it is being sold to the advertiser for a good price and this is called geo masking by the fraudster. This kind of traffic usually depends on the countries as well. This traffic from countries like Australia and USA has a higher CPM and CPC than the traffic from Tier 2 countries like India and Tier 3 countries like India.

7. Bot Fraud

A kind of AD fraud which is linked to bot traffic. This is non-human traffic which is generated on the website and application by the robots. Bot fraud is not safe for the publishers and brings out a significant risk as it clearly has an interference with the usage of the website and redirects to a malicious source. Therefore it turns out to be a complete danger for the website and it also might hide the website from the Google search label. 

How to Prevent Ad Fraud?

How to Prevent Ad FraudMagicShield gets the insights from the page ad and validates the conversions by acting as a one stop solution for the prevention of ad fraud.

  • Use Fraud Detection Service: The fraud service detection uses the advanced algorithm and the machine learning  that helps in identifying the block fraudulent activity in the real-time. 
  • Viewability Measurement: You may use the viewability measurement tool that clearly ensures ads are being actually viewed by the user and are not hidden or placed in a non visible area. 
  • Bot Detection And Filtering:  The bot detection technology filters out non human traffic. 
  • Using Anti-Malvertising Software: Anti malware software protects the page from performing bad and this prevents malware from real time attack. 
  • Working with a Trusted Monetization Platform: The trusted monetization helps to set up a strong anti malware solution and therefore protects your website with any upcoming threats. 


Ad frauds have got many negative impacts on the website that affects the publishers and the website. Different types of ad fraud brings in financial losses damaging your reputation and draining your resources. This also impacts the SEO in a negative way which also negatively impacts the experience for genuine users. Magicbid comes as a MagicShield for the investigation of ad fraud instantly and protects the ad spamming. Therefore, the publishers and website work together for the establishment of the industry standards and apply the best practices to combat ad fraud in a collective way. 

Types of Bots – Spam Bots to Clickbots Everything Explained

Types of Bots – Spam Bots to Clickbots Everything Explained

Types of Bots – Spam Bots to Clickbots Everything You Need to Know! In the world of digital advertising, the biggest challenge for advertisers and publishers is the prevalence of botnet attacks. Recent studies show that around 27.7% of online traffic is generated by bad bots, with clickbots being notorious for artificially inflating ad impressions and manipulating click-through rates. To protect digital advertising campaigns effectively, it’s crucial to understand the types of bots and their characteristics. This article will explore bad bots, including spam bots and clickbots, empowering advertisers and publishers to safeguard their investments and maintain campaign integrity.

How Do Bots Work?

How Do Bots WorkBots operate on specific networks guided by algorithms, performing tasks like web scraping, interacting with users, or clicking ads. The distinction between good and bad bots lies in their intentions. Good bots, such as search engine crawlers, serve constructive purposes, while bad bots engage in malicious activities, defrauding advertisers’ budgets.

Good vs. Bad Bots

Good vs Bad BotsNot all bots are the same. Good bots adhere to industry standards and benefit users by indexing web pages. Bad bots, on the other hand, exploit vulnerabilities, leading to ad fraud and compromising user experiences. This article aims to raise awareness about the existence of bad bots that might impact campaigns.

Different Types of Bad Bots

Different Types of Bad Bots
1. Spambots

Flood comment sections, forums, and social media with unwanted content, disrupting user engagement and degrading online conversations.

2. Scrapers

Systematically extract content from websites, harming content creators and publishers by stealing copyrighted material and distorting traffic patterns.

3. Credential Stuffing Bots

Automate the use of stolen login credentials across multiple websites, compromising user accounts and personal data.

4. Malware Distribution Bots

Spread malicious software by disguising as harmless files or links, infecting devices and recruiting them into larger botnets.

5. Clickbots

Mimic human behavior by generating fraudulent clicks on digital ads, inflating click-through rates, and depleting advertising budgets.

Avoiding Bad Bots

Defending against botnet attacks requires understanding the differences between good and bad bots and implementing comprehensive detection and mitigation strategies. Digital advertisers and publishers can leverage advanced technologies like machine learning and artificial intelligence to analyze data, identify bot patterns, and detect and prevent ad fraud in real time.

In this mission for a secure online environment, MagicShield serves as a powerful partner. MagicShield provides over 130 plus filters for comprehensive ad fraud protection. It uses advanced technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence. It does not matter whether spambots flood your comments or clickbots inflate your click-through rates. The MagicShield traps the flag and blocks suspicious traffic immediately. It is essential to implement effective strategies for avoiding bad bots. Don’t let bad bots compromise your online integrity. Trust MagicShield for robust ad fraud protection and enjoy a worry-free digital experience.

How Can MagicShield Help?

As an ad fraud and invalid traffic mitigation solution, MagicShield offers over 130 plus filters to choose from for comprehensive protection. From Click Spam to Bot Networks, these traps immediately flag suspicious traffic. Once flagged, MagicShield can block these bots from infiltrating campaigns and provide real-time reports to measure the impact, ensuring a secure advertising environment. MagicShield offers ad fraud and invalid traffic strategies for comprehensive protection. It follows a strategy for traps to immediately detect and flag suspicious traffic. Once flagged, MagicShield can block these bots from attacking campaigns and provide real-time reports to measure the impact.

Ready to Protect your Digital Investments with MagicShield? 🛡️

If you’re looking for tailored solutions, extra revenue, and success stories like the one above, Magicbid.ai is your go-to partner. Let’s craft a strategy that puts you at the forefront of ad innovation. Reach out to us online and let’s start boosting your revenue today!

Do you understand the types of bots? May I help you? If you don’t know about types of bots. You can Contact us support@magicbid.ai or WhatsApp to directly connect with us.


Publishers And Their Daily Challenges

Publishers And Their Daily Challenges

Every day, publishers face a mix of challenges in the ever-changing digital world. publishers always follow the rules and regulations of websites and apps. They also work hard to build a strong connection with their audience, making sure people keep coming back. Digital advertising relies more on user engagement than mere attraction. Ad publishers, those who own ad inventory, use Supply Side Platforms (SSP) to connect with potential advertisers. These SSPs act as digital agents, linking publishers to the market through ad exchanges.

The goal for every publisher is to sell the maximum inventory through Real-Time Bidding (RTB), a process that helps them understand their profitable inventory, audience, and segments for expansion.

The Dynamic World of Publishers: Daily Challenges?

Publishers play a vital role in sharing information and entertainment to a global audience. However, the journey is fraught with challenges that require patience and strategic thinking.

What are Daily Challenges? For Publishers

What are Daily Challenges For Publishers

Their mission to share information and engage their readers comes with some hurdles. Keeping people interested is an ongoing challenge. The way people behave online changes, so publishers need to adapt. 

Despite the promising landscape, the programmatic ecosystem poses challenges for publishers:

1. Frauds

Advertisers aren’t the only ones vulnerable to ad frauds; publishers face risks too:

  • Domain Spoofing: Imposter domains pose as genuine ones, tricking advertisers into paying more.
  • Ad Injection: Criminals place ads on genuine publishers’ sites without their knowledge.
  • Click Farms: Humans mimic bots, engaging in ad clicks, app downloads, and website browsing.

2. Devaluation of Premium Inventory

Publishers often prefer selling premium inventory through direct sales to maintain its value. However, malicious apps or adware plug-ins can inject non-premium brand ads, compromising the premium space and revenue for publishers.

3. Cookie Stuffing

Fraudulent parties drop cookies on users’ browsers, claiming commission for purchases users make on an advertiser’s site. This practice, known as cookie stuffing, requires publishers to stay vigilant against such attempts.

4. Transparency Issues

Publishers face transparency challenges related to traffic sources, ad details, and landing page disclosure:

    • Source of Traffic: Tracking users from unknown and non-targeted geographies and bots is challenging, leading to worthless impressions on ads.
    • Ad Details and Landing Page Disclosure: Lack of transparency regarding ad details and landing page information can damage a publisher’s reputation, as users might perceive it as spam.

The Solution

MagicShield: How to Detect and Prevent Daily Challenges?

How to Detect and Prevent Daily ChallengesMagicShield is an Invalid Traffic (IVT) Management solution designed for web and app publishers. It offers monitoring, blocking, and optimization of IVT for businesses involved in programmatic digital media. With 100+ filters, accurate verification, fast action, and transparent reporting, MagicShield helps publishers tackle challenges effectively.

The Role of MagicShield
1. Advanced Threat Detection

MagicShield employs advanced threat detection mechanisms to identify and remove malicious malware and cyber threats. Its proactive approach adds an extra layer of defense against the spread of cyber threats.

2. Phishing Protection

MagicShield’s robust phishing protection ensures that users and organizations can identify and prevent phishing attempts effectively. Real-time alerts and education contribute to a safer online experience.

3. Insider Threat Mitigation

MagicShield assists organizations in mitigating insider threats by implementing access controls, monitoring user activities, and fostering a culture of cyber security awareness. Its solutions aim to prevent and detect internal security risks.


Magic Shield provides fraud measures and adds an extra layer of security to online activities. Its work on real-time monitoring and analysis helps to identify and prevent invalid traffic. It improves the overall trust in digital advertising. By activating specific traps related to Publisher fraud, MagicShield empowers publishers to stop traffic generated from bot networks, click farms, domain spoofing, injected ads, and more, ensuring a clean and secure advertising environment.

Ad Monetization Strategies for In-App Publishers

Ad Monetization Strategies for In-App Publishers

In the ever-changing world of digital publishing, where content is king, ad monetization serves as the guide leading publishers to financial success. Whether you’re an experienced digital publisher or a new content creator, understanding the basics of ad monetization is crucial for steering your journey towards profitability, especially in the realm of in-app advertising. This article aims to be your reliable source of information, offering insights for both seasoned publishers and emerging content creators. 

Ad spending in the in-app advertising market is projected to reach $314.50 billion in 2023. Whether you’re contemplating the best ad placements within your app, considering the integration of native ads, or exploring the potential of rewarded videos, this article provides valuable knowledge. In this guide, we will not only cover the fundamental principles of ad monetization but also delve into strategies tailored specifically for in-app publishers. Additionally, we will educate you about Magic shields that utilizes new age technology for creation of better advertising campaigns. 

How Mobile Ad Monetization Works

How Mobile Ad Monetization WorksMobile ad monetization involves a multifaceted process, and understanding its key components is crucial for success. Magic shield by magicbid validate conversion and keeps an eye on its genuinity and fakeness.  Let’s simplify the complexities of this ecosystem:

1. Ad Networks and Demand Partnerships

      • Ad networks connect publishers with advertisers, facilitating ad exchange within your app.
      • Demand partnerships involve collaborations with advertisers and demand-side platforms (DSPs) for a steady flow of ads into your app’s inventory.

2. Ad Formats

      • Various ad formats, such as banners, interstitials, native ads, and rewarded videos, serve different purposes and suit specific content or user experiences.

3. Ad Mediation

      • Ad mediation platforms optimize ad revenue by selecting the most profitable ads from different networks, ensuring higher earnings.

4. User Targeting and Personalization

      • Ads can be customized based on user data and behavior analytics to match audience interests, enhancing engagement and conversion rates.

5. Ad Placement and Frequency

      • Strategic ad placement within your app’s interface is crucial, balancing frequency to avoid overwhelming users for a positive experience.

6. Ad Auctions and Real-Time Bidding (RTB)

    • Real-time bidding allows advertisers to bid on ad space through instantaneous auctions, often leading to higher ad revenues for publishers.

Effective In-App Monetization Strategies for Publishers

Effective In-App Monetization Strategies for Publishers

Optimizing Ad Placement
      • Identify high-visibility areas within your app and strategically place ads without disrupting the user experience.
Implementing Rewarded Videos
      • Offer users valuable incentives, such as in-app currency or premium content, in exchange for viewing an ad to monetize your app and boost user engagement.
Leveraging Native Ads
      • Native ads seamlessly blend with your app’s content, providing a non-disruptive user experience, and can be highly customizable to engage users effectively.
Exploring In-App Purchases
      • Offer premium content, features, or ad-free experiences for a fee within the app to diversify revenue streams.
      • Secure partnerships with brands in the same niche to expand your target audience and diversify your network, attracting users who appreciate fresh content.
Ad Fraud Detection Tools
    • Implement Ad Fraud detection tools like – Magic-Shield to identify and mitigate fraudulent activities, safeguarding advertising revenue and maintaining trust with partners.
    • It also protects ad spamming by protecting ads displayed on suspicious sources.
    • MagicShield detects the spam and unwanted traffic blocking them. It also detects the source from where it is coming , enhancing the user experience. 


Ad monetization is essential for digital publishers, and mastering its intricacies is key to success. As an in-app publisher, you have the potential to unlock untapped revenue by optimizing ad placement, using native ads, and personalizing user experiences. The Magic Tag of MagicShield turns out powerful that allows the website and app owners to detect invalid traffic. This helps in the improvement of overall performance and user experience of the website. Implement these strategies, refine your approach through testing, and ensure a steady stream of income while delivering a superior user experience.

6 Metrics Every Publisher Must Track in Ad Marketing

6 Metrics Every Publisher Must Track in Ad Marketing

In the ever-evolving world of ad marketing, keeping a close eye on website metrics is crucial for the success of programmatic publishers. These metrics act as a guide, providing valuable insights into performance, audience behavior, and revenue generation. They are essential for navigating the complexities of online advertising, helping publishers make informed decisions to maximize the potential of each ad placement.

In the first half of 2022, the global viewability rate for desktop display ads was 71.5 percent. This means that 71.5 percent of display ads on desktops were viewable during that period. Website performance metrics play a key role in monitoring user engagement, assessing ad viewability, and optimizing revenue streams. They empower publishers to make informed decisions in the competitive ad marketing landscape.

What is Ad Marketing?

what is ad marketingAd marketing is a method of reaching people through paid advertisements. When you use ad marketing, you create specific messages to motivate people to take action. When you invite your audience to interact with your business, whether through a newsletter sign-up or a product or service purchase, you’re using a targeted message.

In this blog, we’ll explore the six most crucial metrics that publishers should track in 2024 to ensure programmatic success in ad marketing.

Importance of Tracking Website Metrics for Publishers

Website Metrics for PublishersMaximizing Ad Revenue: Metrics identify high-performing ad formats and placements, optimizing revenue streams with data-driven insights.

Ensuring Ad Viewability: Monitoring metrics like viewability ensures that ads are seen by the audience, enhancing engagement and conversions.

Improving Ad Performance: Metrics evaluate the effectiveness of ad campaigns, allowing publishers to refine strategies for better performance.

6 Website Metrics Every Publisher Must Track

6 Website Metrics

The following are six website metrics that every publisher must track:

1. Website Speed Up

  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): Measures how quickly a page loads the largest visible text or image.
  • First Input Delay (FID): Measures a page’s interactivity. The new metric, INP (Interaction to Next Paint), will replace FID as part of the Core Web Vitals in March 2024.
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): Measures visual stability. Aim for scores below recommended thresholds.

2. Click-Through Rate (CTR)

  • CTR measures the percentage of users who click on an ad after viewing it.
  • High CTR indicates engaging ad content and resonating placements.

3. Conversion Rate

  • Measures the percentage of visitors who complete a desired action.
  • Helps assess the effectiveness of ad marketing campaigns.

4. Average Time on Page

  • Indicates how long visitors spend on a webpage.
  • Reflects user engagement with content and ads.

5. Ad Fill Rate

  • Refers to the percentage of ad requests successfully filled with ads.
  • Measures ad inventory utilization efficiency.

6. Bounce Rate

  • Reflects the percentage of visitors who leave a site after viewing only one page.
  • High bounce rates may indicate irrelevant ad placements or poor user experience.

In the dynamic realm of ad marketing, tracking these six metrics is vital for programmatic publishers. These insights help optimize strategies, refine ad placements, enhance user experience, and maximize revenue, providing a competitive edge in the digital advertising landscape.


In the challenging world of ad marketing, maximizing the power of metrics is not just a choice but a necessity for programmatic publishers looking for success. The six crucial metrics outlined here serve as markers, guiding publishers through the complexities of digital advertising in 2024. As we navigate the complexities of 2024, MagicShield stands out as more than a brand. It is a guardian.  MagicShield provides insightful metrics to steer publishers toward success. This type of MagicShield provides a protective shield that offers a competitive edge in refining campaigns. It ensures engaging user experiences and optimizing revenue streams.

6 Ways to Increase Ad Revenue from Websites [Ultimate Guide]

6 Ways to Increase Ad Revenue from Websites [Ultimate Guide]

In the competitive environment of digital publishing, maximizing ad revenue is a pivotal goal for publishers seeking sustainable growth and success. This blog explores six innovative strategies to increase Ad Revenue from websites that serve as a game-changer. Did you know that header bidding is one of the most effective techniques applied by publishers to increase ad revenues? Learn how you can enhance your position in the dynamic world of online publishing by optimizing ad placements and using innovative formats.

Digital ads are a vital source of revenue for publishers in the programmatic ecosystem. Programmatic advertising made up 86.5% of digital ad spending in 2021, as reported by eMarketer. To optimize revenue, publishers seek ways to maximize their inventory’s value. 

Consider to Increase Ad Revenue from Websites

Step By Step Process to Increase Ad Revenue from Websites

Here are some steps to increase ad revenue from websites:

1. Build and Optimize Content

In the dynamic world of digital publishing, the foundation of success resides in building and optimizing compelling content. As publishers begin on the journey of content creation, MagicShield stands as a protective shield, ensuring a secure environment for engaging and relevant content.

There are the following points cover:

      • Create quality content relevant to a commercially viable sector.
      • Optimize content with profitable keywords for better search engine indexing.
      • Aim for a content length of 750-1000 words for optimal SEO.

With MagicShield, publishers can confidently navigate the competitive environment, knowing their content is not just optimized for SEO but safeguarded against potential threats.

2. Try Different Ad Formats

The key to capturing audience attention in the ever-evolving world of digital advertising is versatility. Whether it’s eye-catching display ads or simplified text formats, the MagicShield brand recognizes the importance of this strategic variability. 

There are the following points cover:

      • Test content in various formats based on your niche.
      • Customize display ads or prioritize text ads depending on the preferred format.
      • Highlight the role of MagicShield in providing a secure environment during header bidding efforts.
      • Use contrasting color themes to make ads more appealing.

As publishers venture into trying different ad formats, MagicShield serves as a protective layer, ensuring a secure environment for experimentation.

3. Experiment with Ad Placements

Strategic ad placements can be a game-changer in digital advertising. Experimenting with different placements to determine higher Click-Through Rates (CTR) is key. 

There are the following points cover:

      • Test different ad placements to determine ones with higher Click-Through Rates (CTR).
      • Consider placing ads near Call-To-Action (CTA) buttons for increased visibility.
      • Experiment with placements that lead to higher ad viewability.

MagicShield ensures a secure environment during this experimentation. It allows publishers to optimize visibility and engagement confidently. 

4. Test Ad Sizes

Click Through Rates (CTR) can be affected by experimenting with different ad sizes. Recognized sizes such as Leaderboard (728×90), Medium Rectangle (300×250), and Skyscraper (160×600) offer diverse possibilities. 

There are the following points cover:

      • Experiment with different ad sizes and placements to impact clickthrough rates.
      • Recognized sizes include Leaderboard (728×90), Medium Rectangle (300×250), and Skyscraper (160×600).
      • Testing alternative sizes, like a link unit (728×15), can yield better results.

MagicShield provides a secure environment for testing alternative sizes. It ensures publishers find the optimal dimensions for maximum impact confidently.

5. Consider Ads from Different Ad Networks

Choosing ad networks on a Cost-Per-Mille (CPM) basis can substantially increase revenue.

There are the following points cover:

      • Enter contracts with ad networks on a Cost-Per-Mille (CPM) basis for greater revenue.
      • Optimize content for a specific niche and partner with affiliate networks on a Cost-Per-Action (CPA) basis.
      • Test various ad networks to identify the one providing maximum revenue.

Magicbid provides a secure environment to explore partnerships with different networks. It is about considering diverse ads confidently, backed by the security of MagicShield.

6. Optimize Ad Inventory Value

Testing new user interface (UI) elements is essential for increasing user engagement. Prioritize metrics for ad placement with MagicShield secure environment. 

There are the following points cover:

    • Test new user interface (UI) elements to increase user engagement, like incorporating ‘swipe’ features.
    • Prioritize the right metrics for ad placement to ensure higher click-through rates.
    • Implement and optimize header bidding to attract maximum demand partners and get the best price for premium inventory.

By following these steps, publishers can enhance their revenue streams and navigate the complex landscape of digital advertising effectively.

Elevate Your Ad Revenue Safely with MagicShield

Increase Ad Revenue with MagicShield
Did you know that MagicShield provides an excellent solution to face malvertising, ensuring a secure environment for your digital ads? In an ecosystem where programmatic advertising dominates, MagicShield serves as crucial in safeguarding publishers’ interests. User engagement and implementing header bidding with MagicShield, you not only enhance revenue streams but also ready your website against malicious threats. 


In the challenging world of digital publishing, where maximizing ad revenue is key to sustainable growth, publishers face a multitude of strategies. This blog has explored six innovative approaches that can truly be a game-changer in the quest to increase ad revenue from websites. Among these strategies, one name stands out as a light of security and success – MagicShield.

As you optimize content and experiment with ad formats and placements, integrating MagicShield into your strategy adds an extra layer of protection. In a world where digital advertising complexity grows, MagicShield empowers publishers to navigate this environment securely.

Click Spam: Too Many Clicks to Spoil Your Inventory

Click Spam: Too any Clicks to Spoil Your Inventory

Do you know how click spam, with too many clicks, can spoil your inventory? Getting lots of clicks on your campaign might seem like a win, but hold on – you could be dealing with click spam fraud. These fraudulent clicks can originate from various sources, including automated bots, click farms, and even competitors seeking to destroy a campaign. The effects extend beyond mere numbers, affecting campaign budgets, and data accuracy, and overall spoils your inventory and marketing efficacy.

PPC campaigns offer benefits like boosting page rankings and conversions, but there’s a downside. You can buy thousands of clicks online for as little as $5. Click farms, used by fraudsters to fake real visitors, contribute to this alarming problem.

Click fraud is especially prevalent in in-mobile app advertisements, making it worse, considering the rising trends in programmatic audio ads and shopping app advertisements.

Let’s break down why click fraud is a serious issue and how it drains a campaign budget.

What is Click Spam? 

Click spam is a type of fraud where fraudulent parties use a mobile app or website to generate non-human clicks, making them look like real impressions.

This fraud involves non-human traffic, often known as bot traffic. The process starts when a genuine user interacts with an infected app or visits an infected webpage. These infected assets have malware built in to generate clicks on ads. In simple terms, a user browsing the web or using an app may be unaware of click spam happening in the background.

What is Click SpamIn the programmatic ecosystem, publishers are also susceptible to click spams, which can occur unintentionally or be initiated by competitors aiming to get a publisher’s Google AdX account suspended.

Now that we understand the severity, let’s look at the types of click spam publishers should be wary of.

Types of Click Spam

Types of Click Spam

1. Manual Spam Clicks

      • Originating from real people clicking on ads, these are easily detectable but challenging to prove as spam, often mistaken as accidental clicks.

2. Competitor Spam Clicks

      • Competitors may manually click your ads using a network of people. While each click is paid, zero conversions can trigger Google’s algorithm, leading to severe consequences.

3. Affiliates Spam Clicks

      • Affiliates, matched with advertisers, earn revenue from clicks on ads displayed on their sites. The problem arises when affiliates click on their own ads, causing losses for others.

4. Accidental Spam Clicks

      • Refreshing your site’s ad, even by accident, can generate worthless clicks, distorting marketing data and depleting the campaign budget.

5. Automated Spam Clicks

    • Bots and click farms are common in automated spam clicks. Bots mimic human behavior, clicking on ads repeatedly. Click farms employ individuals with access to multiple devices to inflate click numbers, resembling human clicks but controlled by fraudsters.

Do you know also how many ads should I put on my website? Understanding these types of click spam is crucial for publishers to safeguard their campaigns from fraudulent activities that can drain resources and damage their reputations.

Click Spam: How to Solve It?

Boosting clicks in your campaign may feel like a success, but beware of click spam fraud. Quality matters more than quantity; ensure genuine engagement for true campaign success. Magic-Shield helps digital publishers get the most out of the ads on their websites. Magic-Shield has helped its clients realize an average 58% relief in ad revenue, through the use of cutting-edge programmatic advertising technology paired with objective and ethical guidance.

If you are making more than $2,000 in monthly ad revenue, Contact us today to learn more about how Magic-Shield can help increase your ad revenue and best optimize the ad space available on your website or app.


As the digital landscape continues to offer promising opportunities for online advertising, The dark underbelly of click spam becomes visible as a significant threat to campaign integrity and budget allocations. Click spam is a familiar issue in mobile app advertisements. Non-human clicks are generated to simulate authentic engagement.

In the competitive world of digital security, Magic Shield stands out as more than just a brand name – It’s a promise of comprehensive protection, innovation, and ease of use. If you choose Magic Shield, you are not just adopting a security solution, you are embracing a partner in your digital journey.

What is Header Bidding and How Does It Work?

What is Header Bidding and How Does It Work?

Urgency comes as a great point of change and header bidding can be an instance for the same. When the advertisers and the Publishers are on the verge of losing revenue because of being dominated by the big players and the monopoly efficiency and flexibility in the advertising industry is what they needed and thereafter header bidding came into existence. 

Magicbid comes from the header bidding as a programmatic advertising technique which is used in the industry of digital advertisement that sells ad impressions on a website or an application. It lets publishers offer ad inventory to multiple ad exchanges and maximize the revenue which is generated from each impression by enabling multiple demand sources for the ad space. 

It is works with a channel of steps that has involvement of the publisher and the owner of the website. This works with multiple add exchange and demand partners. 

What is Header Bidding? [Definition]

What is Header BiddingHeader bidding, also known as advance bidding or pre-bidding, is an advanced programmatic technique where publishers offer inventory to multiple ad exchanges simultaneously before making calls to their ad servers (mostly DoubleClick for Publishers). 

Yieldbot CEO Jonathan Mendez said that, ‘Header bidding is a much cleaner and better tech integration between revenue partners, ad tech companies and publishers compared to what’s going on currently’.

History of Header Bidding

Header Bidding a programmatic software has changed overtime with response to the need and dynamics of the digital advertising ecosystem. In early 2010, which is supposed to be the pre header bidding era, is usually considered traditional for the ad selling inventory with a waterfall model where the Impressions of an ad was offered to the demand partners and each partner shall have a probability to chance the bid. 

In the year 2014 header beating was introduced as an alternate option to the waterfall model. This allowed multiple demand partners to bid simultaneously before the ad server call. 

There came a rapid Adoption in 2015 when publisher and ad tech companies adopted header bidding and increased its potential to create a competitive auction environment. 

Thereafter in late 2010 the advertising bureau introduced open RTB 3.0 specification, which included support for header bidding to standardize certain aspects of header bidding which made it more accessible. 

Seeing the current status this industry has explored advanced header bidding technique such as bid catching and bid shading, that further enunciate the efficiency and the revenue by providing many solutions like server to server connection, supply-path and Optimization. 

What is Open Bidding?

Open Bidding is also called ‘Exchange Bidding’ and is a kind of solution which is offered by Google ad manager that simplifies the process of selling ad inventory for publishers by allowing multiple ad exchanges to fight in an auction. 

Open bidding has a simplified management where publishers are able to manage their ad inventory more efficiently within the Google ad manager interface. It offers a wide range of partners where publishers will also get access to diverse demand sources that help to maximize the opportunities and monetize their ad inventory. Open bidding is truly specified with Google ad manager whereas header bidding comes as a more generic term which refers to a technique used across various Tech platforms and solutions. 

How Header Bidding Works?

Here is the working profile of Header bidding: 

  • In the first case the publisher gets to paste the code of header bidding on the page. 
  • After visiting the site The wrapper will make an ad call to the demand partners. 
  • The demand partners will then Submit their bids. There is always a time frame in which the bidders should respond so that the page latency must be prevented. 
  • The wrapper will then proceed and send the bid to the publisher ad server. 
  • Finally the highest bidder will win the real time auction and the creative will be displayed on the publishers page. 

What is Header Bidding in Advertising?

It will allow the publisher to offer the Inventory of the ad to multiple ad exchanges before making a call to the ad server. It enables a simultaneous and competitive auction environment and works as a brilliant initialization, simultaneous auction with responses and ad server calls. 

When it comes to the advantage of header bidding it increases competition, improves transparency and the potential for higher ad revenue for the publishers. If compared with the traditional method of waterfall where ad Impressions are offered to one ad exchange at a time the header bidding has gained immense popularity as it offers multiple ad exchanges. Hence, it creates a more efficient and a competitive environment which benefits both the publishers and the advertisers. 

Waterfall vs. Header Bidding

Waterfall vs. Header BiddingHeader Bidding and waterfall both are used in the digital advertising for selling up the ad inventory and maximizing the revenue but they share a different way of operation. 

  • While using the waterfall the ads are requested to be sent sequentially to the different ad networks. It is a process where the subsequent and network get a chance to fill the impression if the previous one fails. 
  • Header bidding is a step ahead from a traditional approach that allows the advertiser to bid on the impression in real time where the highest bidder will win and provide the maximum possible revenue for the publisher. 

How to Setup Header Bidding?

For setting up a header wedding you need to understand and determine the platform where you want to implement and then select the wrapper that suits your need. You need to integrate the wrapper into your website or app and then configure by setting the parameters such as time out, floor prices, values and ad unit information. 

You need to work closely with your demand partners and stay informed regarding the industry Trend and updates adhering to compliance and privacy. 

Essential Factors to Keep in Mind During Header Bidding

If you want to implement successfully the header beating there should be few considerations to keep in mind:

  • Ad Server Latency
  • Timeout Settings
  • Partner Selection
  • Ad Quality
  • Wrapper Management
  • Ad Fraud Prevention
  • Mobile Optimization
  • Testing and Optimization

What is Header Bidding in Programmatic?

In programmatic advertising technique header wedding is designed to optimize the sale of online Ad impression in real time in this the ad Impressions get option of in a structure of a waterfall. The art inventory is offered to multiple exchanges or networks in a sequential manner. Therefore it has become a widely adopted practice in programmatic advertising as it offers a more efficient and transparent way to transact the ad inventory in the real time auctions. 

What is In-App Header Bidding?

In app header bidding is in the context of mobile applications and it lets the developer of the application and its publisher to create a competitive and efficient auction environment for the industry. By the help of in app header beating the ad inventory can be sold to the publisher in real time. 

What is Video Header Bidding?

Video header beating is a kind of technique of advertising that extends to the digital advertising system. This has lately got the approval from the tech industry as the popularity and demand is rising. Everyone including the publisher and the advertiser have become interested in the video advertisement as it gives a potential and an extent of engagement increasing revenue. 

The advancement of Technology video header bidding is taking its own place. 

Mistakes to Avoid in Header Bidding

Implementation header bidding is a powerful strategy for maximizing ad revenue, but it is important to avoid certain mistakes to ensure a successful implementation. 

  • Too Many Header Bidding Solution Providers: With many of the header bidding providers. While multiple demand partners increase competition it too affects page latency. 
  • Too Many Bidders: There should not be inclusion of multiple ad exchanges in the header bidding set up. 
  • Inadequate Server Capacity: This generates a lot of request and stresses publishers a lot. 
  • Not Optimizing  Timeouts: Timeout values shall balance the number of bids. 
  • Not Monitoring To The Performance: The regular monitor of the header bidding setup certain the effective running of the setup. 
Too Many Header Bidding Solution Providers:

There are certain mistakes that you should avoid while using a header bidding implementation. 

Too Many Bidders: header bidding provides you with too many bidders. Hence, there might be a risk that you may put the impression on the sale for the second time with confusion to the same buyer and this will lead to duplicacy. 

Inadequate Server Capacity: header bidding sometimes turns out to be a stress for the publisher as it generates plenty of requests. 

Not Testing the Setup: publisher has to test the setup of header beating ensuring the working and promptness. 

Not Optimizing Timeouts: time out Optimization is important in header beating and not optimizing it can lead to several negative impacts that considerably increases the latency and User experience degradation. 

Not Monitoring the Performance: the publisher shall on a regular basis examine the performance of the solution and ensure its efficiency. 

What are the Disadvantages of Header Bidding?

Header beading has number of disadvantages and challenges that should be well aware by the advertisers: 

  1. It can potentially slow down the page loading time as it has a number of ad exchanges.
  2. The maintenance and implementation of it is not easy. 
  3. Even though the header bidding aims for latency reduction when compared with the other setups, it fails at times. 

What are the Benefits of Header Bidding for Publishers?

Header bidding comes as a complete guide for the publisher and is a kind of digital advertising technique where they can seek the leverage and with the help of header bidding gets the ability to offer ad and inventory to multiple demand partners and increase their revenue. 

Prior to making the request to the ad server, It also turns out collecting bed on the publisher web page. Hence, this does not restrict the publisher to sell their ad inventory unless the other becomes the highest bidder the whole of this process is maintained very fair and transparent for the Publishers. 

What are the Benefits of Header Bidding for Advertisers?

  1. Header beading for advertisers provides you with an opportunity where you can bid for the premium inventory without getting indulged in a direct deal. 
  2. Publishers clearly get to share the level of data from the bid with the advertiser as a reference for the bidding decision of the future.

Header Bidding Vs. RTB 

Header Bidding Vs. RTB It is a way through which the add inventory can be sold to RTB. 

RTB is an auction based method for buying and selling the ad impressions of individuals in real time. This also encompasses: 

  • Waterfall
  • Private Auction
  • Header Bidding
  • Private Auction
  • Preferred Deal
  • Programmatic Guaranteed


From offering a large amount of benefit, the successful implementation of management to avoid the same fall such as latency and complex setup and Magicbid turns on the table for the same. The Header bidding publishers often use header bidding wrapper or the container for streamlining the process. 

Why is a Publisher at Risk of Being Banned by AdSense?

Why is a Publisher at Risk of Being Banned By AdSense?

Do you know why any website is banned by Adsense? It is common for digital publishers to misunderstand Google AdSense banned checks as more focused on other activities than user-friendly. According to Google policy, Magicbid helps to prevent or be aware of any ban by Google AdSense. This blog is very useful for publishers’ points of view. It can help to improve your website for AdSense eligibility. 

You might wonder, what exactly do we mean by ‘activity-friendly’?

It’s related to the impressions and engagements generated on an ad hosted by the publisher. While AdSense is a platform for monetization, not every reported activity on an ad should be paid for by advertisers. When invalid traffic comes into play, it’s Google AdSense’s job to make sure they keep such fraudulent impressions in check.

To do this effectively, AdSense has policies regarding publisher activity. Violating these policies can lead to consequences as severe as the temporary or permanent suspension of the publisher’s account. Let’s discuss some violations committed by publishers that expose them to the risk of account suspension.

AdSense Violations: You Might Be Committing

AdSense Violations
Clicking Your Own Ads
      • Clicking your own ads intentionally or unintentionally is a common violation. Google takes this seriously because advertisers don’t want to pay extra for invalid clicks generated by the publisher.

Placing Ads on Copyright-Infringed Content

      • AdSense doesn’t allow ads on websites with copyright-infringed content. If your site has copyrighted material without permission, using AdSense for monetization is a policy violation.

Prohibited Content on AdSense

      • AdSense prohibits certain content, including drugs, alcohol, hacking, adult content, and more. If your site has such content, you risk policy violations.

Absence of Privacy Policy Page

      • AdSense mandates a Privacy Policy page. Failing to have one can lead to policy violations. It ensures that information collected about users is consensual.

Non-User-Centric Website

      • Placing ads poorly, disrupting the user experience, or not labeling ad units appropriately can lead to policy violations. Efforts should be made to improve user experience.

Placing Ads on Error 404 Pages

      • Displaying ads on pages with little traffic, like Error 404 pages, can be seen as deceptive. Google considers this a policy violation.

Ads in Unsupported Language

      • If your site doesn’t support AdSense-listed languages other than English, you lose the opportunity to display ads.

Placing AdSense Ads on Pages with Little to No Content

      • AdSense requires ads on pages with substantial and original content. Placing ads on pages with minimal content violates AdSense policies.

Encouraging Clicks on AdSense Ads

      • Encouraging clicks on AdSense ads, offering rewards, or using language that pushes users to click is strictly prohibited.

Using Bots or Automated Tools

      • Using bots or automated tools to generate clicks or impressions on AdSense ads is considered fraudulent and strictly prohibited.

Modifying AdSense Code

  • Modifying AdSense code in any way, including altering it to inflate clicks or impressions, hiding ads, or making them look like content, is strictly prohibited.

Understanding and adhering to these policies is crucial for publishers using Google AdSense to avoid the risk of account suspension or termination.