What are Interstitial Ads? How do Mastering Ads Effectively

What are Interstitial Ads? How do Mastering Ads Effectively

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, staying ahead of the game is essential to capture your audience’s attention effectively. One powerful tool in the digital marketer’s arsenal is the use of interstitial ads. In this blog, we’ll dive deep into the world of interstitial ads, exploring what they are, providing examples of their usage, and showcasing how they can enhance your online marketing strategy. 

What are Interstitial Ads?

Did you know! What are Interstitial Ads? Interstitial ads are full-screen advertisements that appear between content transitions on websites or mobile apps. These ads often cover the entire screen, creating an immersive experience for users. They are highly engaging and are strategically timed to capture the user’s attention during natural pauses in their browsing or app experience.

Why Interstitial Ads?

Why Interstitial Ads


Interstitial ads offer several advantages that make them a popular choice for digital marketers:

  1. High Visibility: Interstitial ads demand attention by occupying the full screen, ensuring that your message doesn’t go unnoticed.
  2. Engagement: They can be designed with interactive elements, encouraging users to interact with your content or call-to-action.
  3. Timing: Interstitials can be strategically placed during critical moments, such as page transitions or when users are about to leave your website.
  4. Promotional Opportunities: They are ideal for promoting special offers, products, or events, increasing the chances of conversions.
  5. Lead Generation: Capture user information through forms or sign-up prompts to grow your customer database.

Interstitial Ads Examples

Let’s explore some real-world examples of interstitial ads:

  1. Exit Intent Overlays: When a user attempts to exit a website, a last-minute interstitial ad can offer a discount code or an incentive to stay or convert.
  2. App Download Promotions: Mobile app developers often use interstitial ads to prompt users to download their app when visiting their website.
  3. Video Previews: Streaming platforms use video interstitials to provide previews of upcoming shows or movies, generating excitement and engagement.
  4. Newsletter Sign-Ups: Websites use interstitial ads to encourage users to subscribe to newsletters, ensuring a direct line of communication.

Best Practices for Implementing Interstitial Ads

To maximize the effectiveness of interstitial ads and provide an excellent user experience, consider these best practices:

  • Timing Matters: Display interstitials at appropriate moments, such as after users have engaged with some content.
  • Mobile-Friendly: Ensure your interstitials are responsive to various screen sizes and user devices.
  • Clear Exit Options: Provide easy-to-find options for users to dismiss or close the interstitial ad.
  • Relevance: Tailor your ad content to be highly relevant to the user and the page they are on.
  • Avoid Overloading: Limit the frequency of interstitials to prevent overwhelming users.
  • Optimize Loading Speed: Fast-loading interstitials prevent slow page loading, which can deter users.
  • Compliance: Stay updated with legal requirements, including user consent for data collection and cookies.

Conclusion – 

Magicbid provides interstitial ad formats along with many others. Interstitial ads can be a game-changer in your digital marketing strategy when implemented correctly. We suggest using interstitial ads for your mobile site and website because they enable high-value impression delivery and help to increase your ad revenue. Learn how to monetize your app and earn revenue while providing users with value using ads, in-app purchases, and subscriptions.

Remember that a user-friendly experience and relevancy are key to the successful use of interstitial ads in your online marketing campaigns. Follow the tips mentioned above, and you will achieve the best result with this ad format.

If you want to try interstitials on your site, click the button below or email at info@magicbid.ai, and we’ll get in touch with you!

Optimize Your Interstitial Ad with Magicbid’s Machine Learning

How to Choose Best Ad Mediation Platforms in 2023

Best Ad Mediation Platforms: How to Choose?

When selecting the best ad mediation platform in the digital advertising world, maximizing revenue is the name of the game. Ad mediation platforms have become a crucial tool for app developers and publishers looking to make the most of their ad space. But with a plethora of options available, choosing the best ad mediation platform can be a difficult  task. This article aims to guide you through the process and help you make an informed decision.

What is ad mediation?

Best Ad Monetization Platform

Mobile ad mediation is a process that allows publishers to optimize their ad inventory and manage multiple ad networks on a single platform. So, ad mediation tools act as a mediator between publishers and ad networks. They aid a publisher in maximizing their revenue by leveraging competition between different ad networks.

MagicBid provides the best ad mediation platform for multiple ad networks through a single SDK to help publishers increase CPMs, fill rates, and efficiency. 

How Does Ad Mediation Work?

Best Ad Monetization Platform

A number of ad networks are accessible to publishers via ad mediation platforms. The available advertising inventory is then bid on by advertisers. In the end, the ad mediation platforms choose the advertiser with the best chance of earning maximum returns. The ad mediation systems finally select the advertiser with the best potential to produce the most money or the highest bidder.

Publishers rate various ad networks based on whether one can fill their available inventory. The platform uses multiple ad networks in the bidding system to fulfill the ad inventory and sends the ad request to another ad network if the top priority is unable to fulfill the request. This cycle continues until all ad requests are successfully managed.

What Are the Uses of Ad Mediation and Mediation Platforms?

Best Ad Monetization Platform

The main objective of ad mediation and mediation platforms is to increase ad revenue for publishers. The platforms establish multiple ad networks via a single integration, and then perform ad mediation with the data generated from each network, filling up an ad inventory with the highest e-CPM possible.  

Ad Mediation: Waterfall bidding vs. Header Bidding

In Ad Mediation platforms, the process of selling ad inventory is executed via two distinct methods: waterfall bidding or in-app header bidding.

In Waterfall Bidding, multiple ad networks are prioritized and ordered based on their gross ad revenue. In a nutshell, you make a request to fill an ad slot through an ad mediation platform. Once the ad is filled, it moves on to the next ad network in queue.

On the other hand, the header bidding method uses real-time bidding (RTB) to allow many advertisers to compete for a single ad slot. The mediation platform chooses the highest-spending advertisers so that publishers can sell their inventory at the highest price. The highest bidder pays $0.01 more than the second-highest bidder for the ad spot.

Each advertiser has access to hundreds of ad exchanges and may choose how much to bid on available ad inventory, making audience targeting more affordable for them.

Benefits of Using Ad Mediation

Best Ad Monetization Platforms

Before diving into the selection process, let’s explore the advantages of using ad mediation platforms:

  1. Increased Revenue

Ad mediation maximizes ad revenue by selecting the best-performing ads from various networks.

  1. Simplified Management

It centralizes ad management, reducing the complexity of dealing with multiple networks.

  1. Enhanced User Experience

By displaying relevant ads, it improves the overall user experience, leading to higher user retention.

  1. Comprehensive Reporting

Most mediation platforms offer in-depth reporting and analytics, providing insights for better decision-making.

Top 5 Mobile Ad Mediation Platforms

The Ecosystem of ad mediation features a number of platforms, each of which provides a wide range of bidding options, powerful reporting capabilities, and seamless interfaces. The five most popular ad mediation platforms today are AdMob by Google, ironSource, Magicbid, and Applovin Max. These platforms stand out as some of the most well-liked options for publishers trying to maximize ad revenue and successfully connect with their target audience.

How do you choose the right platform for you?

Best Ad Monetization Platform

How do you choose a platform when there are so many options? To choose the ideal ad mediation platform for you, use the following guiding questions:

Which ad network is supported? Make sure the ad networks that you’re currently advertising on and the ad networks you want to use in the future are integrated with the platform.

How is the user experience? One of the greatest benefits of these platforms is to streamline campaign management. Ensure the reports are easily accessible and the workflow saves you time. 

Is the server reliable? You don’t want to work with a platform with significant downtimes. The less reliable they are, the more money you’ll lose.

What additional campaign optimization capabilities do they offer? Ask for ways the platform can help you improve campaign performance. Do they provide audience segmentation and campaign testing capabilities? How are their customer support and data safety protocols?

Conclusion –

If you’re seeking to monetize a high-performing app or website, Magicbid offers a solution to effectively scale and manage your app monetization strategies

However, most of the time, your current ad monetization partner does not contain the optimal setup or you may need additional optimization, why not let the ad optimization experts manage your ad inventory for you? We’ll help you maximize your ad inventory by optimizing ad layouts, connecting you with the best ad networks to join, protecting your traffic from ad fraud, increasing advertisers demand, and much more!

What is Ad Refresh and How Does It Work? Improving In-App Ad

What is Ad Refresh and How Does it Work?

Did you know! What is Ad Refresh and How Does it Work? As a publisher seeking ways to enhance your ad yield, you may have come across ad refresh, a tool that offers the potential to generate additional revenue from the same ad units and app users. But what exactly is ad refresh, and how can it benefit your app monetization strategy? In this article, we’ll address these questions and more, providing valuable insights into the world of ad refresh.

What is Ad Refresh?

Ad refresh, also known as ad rotation or ad reloading, is a digital advertising technique used to update or change the advertisements displayed to users on a webpage or within a mobile app. This strategy is employed to keep ad content fresh and engaging, with the aim of improving ad performance and user engagement.


Understanding Ad Refresh

Ad refresh, also known as auto ad refresh, is a technique where a new ad is served to an existing ad unit. This approach enables publishers to display more ads to a user during a single session without reloading the entire page. By adopting ad refresh, publishers can significantly increase the number of ad impressions and, consequently, their ad revenue.

Types of Ad Refresh

Time-Based Refresh: Advertisers can set predefined time intervals for ad refresh. Ads are reloaded after a predetermined time window, such as 15, 30, or 60 seconds. This approach may impact ad viewability and revenue, as advertisers might be reluctant to spend on units that are not being seen.


Event-Based Refresh: Ad refresh occurs when a specific event, initiated by the publisher, takes place. This type is ideal for displaying fresh content, such as game scores or stats.

Action-Based Refresh: Ad refresh is triggered when a user completes certain actions. Using user activities as triggers ensures the user is actively engaged, leading to higher view ability compared to time- and event-based refreshes.

Ad Refresh and Load Times

Ad refresh does not affect the initial app load time. When ad refresh is triggered, the app sends new queries to the ad server, consuming a small amount of additional bandwidth. Therefore, while ad refresh increases data usage, it has no impact on the original app load time.



Maintaining eCPM with Ad Refresh

Properly implemented ad refresh, based on acceptable preset settings, will not lower your eCPM. Adhering to Google’s and other ad exchanges’ approved preset settings ensures you continue to receive ad fills and generate incremental revenue.


Ideal Candidates for Ad Refresh

Apps with longer session durations are well-suited for ad refresh. Gaming apps, service-based apps, and educational apps can particularly benefit from ad refresh, leading to increased ad yield.


Best Practices for Effective Ad Refresh

To ensure successful ad refresh implementation, consider the following best practices:

  • Use ad refresh on apps with engaging content.
  • Avoid reloading too frequently; maintain a minimum duration of at least 15 seconds to count impressions accurately.
  • A/B test different triggers to determine the most effective approach for your app.
  • Track Revenue Per Session (RPS) as a key success metric.
  • Familiarize yourself with ad network policies to avoid policy breaches.
  • Partner with reliable ad tech suppliers or consider ad mediation providers like MagicBid for increased ad yield while maintaining inventory quality and eCPMs.

Benefits of Ad Refresh

Improved Engagement – Ad refresh keeps ad content fresh and engaging, reducing banner blindness and increasing the likelihood of user interaction.


Higher Click-Through Rates (CTR) – When users see a new ad creative, they are more likely to click on the ad, leading to higher CTRs and potential conversions.

Optimized Revenue – Website publishers can maximize ad revenue by implementing ad refresh, as it often results in increased ad impressions and user engagement.

Dynamic Messaging – Advertisers can adapt their messaging in real-time, making it relevant to current events or user behavior.

Publisher Guide for Improving In-App Ad Yield

MagicBid believes that when ad refresh benefits both brands and users, publishers can sustainably scale up their ad revenue. By optimizing the number of ad units and page load time, ad refresh can become the answer you’ve been seeking to boost your ad yield. Partner with MagicBid to maximize the potential of ad refresh and ensure a successful app monetization strategy.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Question

What are the benefits of ad refresh?

The purpose of ad refresh is to enhance ad exposure, engagement, and revenue on a website or digital platform through the optimization of the ads.

What are the different types of ad refresh?

Firstly user action refreshes are based on user-guided navigation. Second thing Event-Driven content changes cause both page content and ads to refresh based on publisher initiated events.

How do you implement ad refresh?

Ad Refresh basically works on measuring the engagement and fill rates before/after refreshing the ad inventories. Monitor Revenue per session as success measures matrices. Implement ad refresh on pages with engaging content on your website.

What is ad refresh rate?

Ad impressions are generated on a mobile app based on the refresh rate. You can choose to not refresh ads or to refresh them every 30 to 120 seconds. You should have your ads persist for 60 seconds or longer, depending on the functionality of your app.


In conclusion, ad refresh is a dynamic strategy in digital advertising that aims to combat banner blindness, boost user engagement, and increase ad revenue. When used thoughtfully and in moderation, ad refresh can be a valuable tool for advertisers and publishers alike, helping them deliver more effective and engaging online ad campaigns.

Choose MagicBid today and explore new horizons in Ad Refresh and Mobile App Monetization, driving your success to new heights. Your app’s profitability starts here, with MagicBid.