Exploring the Possibilities of Ads Slider

Exploring The Possibilities Of Ads Slider

Are you ready to learn about “ads sliders”? They’re these magnificent devices that assist organizations with showing their promotions in a truly cool manner on the web. We should investigate for what reason they’re so significant in the realm of computerized promoting. These are those little slideshows of promotions you see on sites and applications. They’re no joking matter in the realm of computerized advertising, and we’ll explain to you why.

Ad Sliders Enhancing User Engagement

 Enhancing User Engagement

Envision looking at your site or utilizing your go-to portable application, and unexpectedly, you run over a progression of eye-getting pictures or messages that easily coast across your screen. That is the enchantment of promotion sliders! Not at all like conventional static promotions, advertisement sliders offer a charming and drawing-in experience for clients. By exhibiting numerous advertisements in a solitary, reduced space, they expand openness while limiting interruption, finding some kind of harmony between advancement and client experience.

1. Utilizing Google AdMob Control Center

Google AdMob Control’s focus is on areas of strength for managing advancement campaigns, enabling steady consolidation of promotions sliders into flexible applications, and giving improvement tips to growing pay.

2. Contextual analyses and Examples of overcoming adversity

Certified models show off the ampleness of advancements sliders in driving responsibility and pay for associations across various endeavors.

Getting Started

  Getting Started

To start integrating promotion sliders into your computerized showcasing procedure, begin by exploring stages or devices that offer advertisement slider usefulness. Search for easy-to-understand choices that line up with your publicizing objectives and ideal interest group. Whenever you’ve picked a stage, dive more deeply into its highlights and capacities to make the most out of promotion sliders.

Advantages Of Ads Sliders


One of the indispensable advantages of advancement sliders is their versatility. Whether it’s propelling another thing, proclaiming a remarkable recommendation, or basically creating brand care, advancement sliders can conform to various displaying targets without any problem. Besides, their dynamic nature considers more vital creative minds and experimentation in advancement arrangement, engaging associations to make obviously stunning and fundamental missions that enduringly affect their group.

Solutions To Handle Ads Slider

Really overseeing promotion sliders includes a few key systems. First and foremost, guarantee that the substance showed in the sliders is significant, convincing, and lined up with your advertising targets. Routinely screen execution measurements, for example, navigate rates and transformation rates to evaluate the viability of your promotion sliders and make changes on a case-by-case basis. In addition, stay revived on industry examples and best practices to perpetually upgrade your advancement slider campaigns for the most prominent impact.

Future Patterns And Advancements

Future Patterns And Advancements

As advancement continues to create, the possible destiny of advancements sliders holds potential for extra upgrades and headways, shaping the automated publicizing scene in exciting new ways.


 Advancement sliders offer a persuading reply for associations wanting to further develop their electronic exhibiting tries. By embracing the likely results of advancement sliders, associations can make distinctive publicizing experiences that delight their group and drive results. In this manner, whether you’re a privately owned business or an overall brand, think about coordinating advancement sliders into your displaying strategy to open their most extreme limit and hang out in the dilemma-stuffed mechanized scene.


How Magicbid Will Help You

MagicBid revolutionizes app, web, and CTV monetization with its advanced ad platform, offering seamless integration, robust targeting, and dynamic ad formats. By optimizing ad placements and enhancing user engagement, MagicBid boosts revenue while maintaining a smooth user experience. It’s an essential tool for developers and publishers aiming for efficient and effective monetization across multiple platforms.

How to Choose the Right Type of Mobile Ads for Your Business

How to Choose the Right Type of Mobile Ads for Your Business

Are you willing to explore the various types of mobile ads that can benefit your business? Let’s talk and start exploring the different types of mobile ads. In the present modern age, arriving at clients through versatile advertisements is essential for any business’s prosperity. Yet, with such countless choices accessible, how would you pick the right sort of versatile promotions for your business? How about we separate it in basic terms? So let’s start with:

Understanding Your Audience

Prior to plunging into the universe of versatile advertisements, understanding your interest group is fundamental. Who are they? What are their inclinations? Which stages do they visit? Understanding what your listeners might be thinking will assist you with fitting your advertisements successfully.

Understanding Your Audience

Types of Mobile Ads

How about we explore the assorted kinds of versatile promotions molding the scene of current publicizing? Let’s explore some best types of mobile advertising:Mobile Ads

1. Search Ads

These advertisements show up at the highest point of web search tool results. They are perfect for focusing on clients effectively looking for items or administrations like yours.

2. Display Ads

Show advertisements are visual pennants that show up on sites, applications, or web-based entertainment takes care of. They’re wonderful for making brand care and reaching a wide group.

3. Video Advertisements

Video promotions play previously, during, or after internet-based recordings. They’re connected with and can pass on a ton of data in a brief time frame, making them ideal for narrating and item exhibitions.

4. Native Ads

Local promotions mix consistently into the client’s perusing experience. They match the structure and capability of the stage they show up on, bringing about higher commitment and navigate rates.

5. Social Media Ads

 With billions of dynamic clients, online entertainment stages like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter offer strong promoting open doors. You can target explicit socioeconomics, interests, and ways of behaving, making these promotions profoundly powerful.

Factors To Consider

Factors To Consider


Decide the amount you’re willing to spend on versatile promoting. Each kind of promotion has its own evaluating structure, so pick the one that lines up with your financial plan objectives.


Might it be said that you are hoping to increment deals,dr ive site traffic, or lift brand mindfulness? Your publicizing objectives will impact the sort of versatile promotions you pick.



Focus on key execution markers (KPIs) like active clicking factor (CTR), transformation rate, and profit from speculation (return for capital invested). These estimations will help you with evaluating the advancement of your adaptable advancement campaigns.


Picking the right sort of adaptable ads for your business can on a very basic level influence your displaying tries. By getting a handle on your group, considering your spending plan and targets, and noticing key estimations, you can pick the best versatile promotions to reach and interface with your objective clients. Accordingly, take as much time as is required, investigate various roads concerning various advancement designs, and watch your business prosper in the flexible scene.


How Magicbid Will Help You

MagicBid offers a smoothed-out way to deal with application adaptation, giving different promotion designs customized to your crowd and business objectives. By utilizing MagicBid, you can boost income while upgrading client experience through designated and non-meddlesome commercials. With its simple joining and powerful investigation, MagicBid engages you to improve promotion execution and drive practical development for your portable application. Open the maximum capacity of your application adaptation system with MagicBid today.

Google AdX vs Google AdSense 2024: Which is Better For You?

Google AdX vs Google AdSense 2024: Which is Better For You?

Want to know about the Google Adx vs Google Ad sense? You have landed on the right page. They are digital advertising programs but serve different purposes. Publishers use both of the platforms for the monetization of the website. Let us understand both of them with a closer look. Google AdX and Google AdSense depend on factors such as website traffic volume, publisher size, and desired level of control and customization. AdX is ideal for large publishers seeking premium ad inventory and higher revenue potential, while AdSense is suitable for smaller publishers looking for efficiency and accessibility. 

What is Google AdX?

The origin of the Google adx began from the double click ad exchange which was founded in the year 1996. It was an ad server which was later acquired by Google in 2008.

The publishers are able to sell the inventory of their ads to the advertisers and other agencies in a real time bidding setup. The ad exchange enables an open marketplace where the prices are dealt in a real time auction. The ad exchange also enabled the display at the ad spaces to be allocated in a much efficient way which could easily cross the web. 

The seller can make the money with their ad space and give access to the advertiser, whereas they still control and can advertise on their site. The buyers still get the access to more ad space and the websites for having the control over where the ads need to run. 

This platform also monetizes the ad inventory and gets to serve the mobile developers and the website owners. 

How Does Google AdX Work?

How Does Google AdX WorkThe Google ad exchange works to establish an open  market whereas the buyer places the real time bids on the ad inventory that is available. There are the three kinds of auction that is available on the Google Adx: 

Open auction: Publishers are supposedly nameless and the auction is open to all the advertisers and the publishers. It is the default auction type. 

Private Auction: The private auctions are where the publishers and the advertisers offer the ad placement on their site. The publishers are not nameless in a private auction. The publisher brand and the profile has a deep impact on how good an auction can be performed that is private. 

Preferred Deal: The publisher deal directly with the advertiser and offer them an exclusive access to the selected inventory prior it gets private. Management and the optimisation of a Google Adx account is demanding and craves for an agency or rather a dedicated resource. 

What is Google AdSense?

It is a platform which displays the content based on the advertisements on the partner site. This allows the publisher to earn profit for every ad click. 

The AdSense matches the ad to the site based on the content of the publisher’s visitor and the content. Advertisers then bid for the placement of their ads just the same as the Google Ads. In fact, the ads on the Ad sense comes from the Google Ads, the display on the Google Display Network and the Google products. 

What is exactly the difference? Which is the platform that is most suitable for you? 

How Does Google AdSense Work?

The Ad sense emerges as a free service and it clearly manages all the steps and the process once the tags are set. It gives a way for everyone to sign up. In contrast the entry barrier is kept low. 

Of course, The Google Ad sense enunciates the result and requires a lot of effort by the marketing resource and the consultant. If you want to get started with the Ad sense, it is actually very easy. For this very reason the popularity has grown high with a larger adoption rate in between the advertisers and the publisher. 

The ads get generated from the Google Ads platforms, where the advertisers set up a campaign with the ads and then bid on the keyword on the ad placement. All of it makes it very easy for the advertisers for the access of the placement on the Ad sense network. 

Google AdX vs Google AdSense: What Are the Key Differences?

Google AdX vs Google AdSense What Are the Key DifferencesAdx is a type of ad exchange which brings together the seller and the buyer of the ad inventory in the real time process of bidding. The Ad sense then comes as an ad network which simply matches the content of the publisher with the related ads. The two products serve fundamentally the purpose of different varieties of the clients. This kind gets a detailed comparison for the ad network vs ad exchange. 

Let us summarises the key differences: 

1. Functionality

Google Adx is a type of Ad exchange that lets the publisher sell the Inventory of their ad to the advertisers and the ad networks. Additionally, it also gives the publisher access to a larger pool of advertisers and adds a network that eventually results in higher revenue. 

On the other side Google AdSense, emerges as an ad network which allows publishers for the placement of their ads on the website and on revenue through it when the user Clicks on that particular ad. 

2. Control:

This Adx provides the publisher with a control over the ad inventory. It also let’s the publisher to set any kind of rule they want for the type of Ads that is going to appear on the website. It supports the real time bidding which eventually helps in the maximization of revenue by selling the inventory of their ad to the highest bidder. 

With the help of Google ad sense the publisher may choose the format  of the ads. They get a less control over the content that appears on the website.

3. Revenue

The Google Adx helps in the generation of a higher amount of revenue compared to the adsense. The Adx allows access to a larger pool of the ad networks and the publishers that results in the higher revenue and higher bids. 

On the other hand, the ad sense clearly depends on the volume of traffic and number of clicks on the ad. 

4. Publisher Eligibility

The adsense is basically open to all the publishers no matter what their size of the website is and the amount of traffic they are receiving. Both of the large publishers are able to earn money with the Google AdSense by signing up and getting themselves approved. 

Google Adx on the other side is available to the large publisher who meet the eligibility criteria and want Adx. 

5. Ad Quality

The Adx and the Adsense offer a quality at which allows the advertisers who are certified to ensure that the ads which are delivered are of high quality and relevant. 

What is Google Ad Manager?

 It is a flagship ad server product that enables the publisher to hold the ad exchange and the adsense at once, aligning with the other third party apps. Google rebranded its publisher-facing product and the advertising product including the double click, AdWords, Ad exchange and other marketing tools by the end of the year 2018. The Ad sense remains as a separate product whereas Google combines both the admanager which is Google’s popular ad server and the industrial leading ad exchange. 

The Ad exchange is needed by the Publisher for the sign up. The publisher needs to be invited or signed by Google through any third party partner and during that process Google has to limit the access for the premium ad exchange for the larger publisher and the partner. 

How Authorized Buyers Work With Google Ad Manager

How Authorized Buyers Work With Google Ad ManagerThe authorised buyer program of Google enables many websites and the applications from all over the world to make their ad inventory available to the buyer. The authorised buyers get access to the Google partner inventory that allows them to curate both on who they work with and how they work with. 

The most common buyers includes: 

Ad network: the company clearly serve to be a broker between the advertiser and the publisher

Trading Desk: The divisions execute exchange buys for all the company agencies. 

Demand Side Platform: the platform make buying easier. 

How to Get Started With AdX

 If you want to sell your ad inventory then using Adx is a good option. Though, it can be a bit tricky to set up but since it is reserved for the large publisher the Google representative can manually approve the application. 

If you get this ad exchange you can access an advanced functionality of the ecosystem and can set up the floor price as per the unit and the wide range of buyers. 

If you are a large publisher then you can have your own account manager which is dedicated in the Google adx. Further the negotiation of the ad revenue share can also be done. This can also alter and create an impact on the bottom line due to the high traffic site volume that is coming. 

You can start this by signing with the Google ad manager where you will get access to the double click for the publisher which is an ad server by the Google account manager and the Google will tell your eligibility for Adx account or not. 

How to Get Started With Google AdSense

To get yourself started with the Google AdSense you need to insert an ad sense ad on the website and thereafter, which needs to be signed up using your Google account. 

You may also need to submit the physical address as Google sends a personal identification number by post to this address for the verification which usually takes almost 4 weeks. 

 As you get it approved by your address you are good to proceed. The ad tags need to be copied and provided by the adsense and this needs to be inserted on the website thereafter, where you can place your ad. 

Google AdX vs AdSense Revenue: Which Generates Greater Returns?

There are many factors that affect the digital advertising revenue category. It turns out to be difficult but there are two platforms that target different segments. 

Google Ad sense, It is basically for the small to mid size publisher which has a strict defined share of revenue. Almost 68% of it goes to publishers whereas 32% is with Google. Google Adx on the other side are specifically for the Agencies and large publishers they generate the revenue and it depends on the greater extension of whether Publication has a large source of resource and expert is in place to manage and optimize their ad operation effectively through Google ad exchange. 

AdX or AdSense: Which Should I Choose?

Ek clearly depends on the size of the audience and the business that you are going to choose a ADX or the adsense. The Ad sense and can be obtained if it is meeting the minimum criteria you can also work with the adh rather it is the Google who selects who it wants to work with. 

The Adx has the potential to generate revenue for the publisher which requires your attention and the resource is always the third party which manages its ad ops for them. 

Since the publisher used to have a large audience, they get exposed to the premium advertisers who could spend a wide budget on trafficked sites. If you have a good knowledge in tech and the ad industry the adx is going to be the right choice.


If you are a publisher looking for a way to generate revenue, Both of the adsense and Adx help the publisher to display their ad through various channels. You can consider MagicBid, its revenue, and the Optimisation solution performance as it helps the publisher to realize their efficiency and increase their revenue with a maximum earning potential.

How to Choose a Google Adx Partner: Did You Know?

How to Choose a Google Adx Partners: Did You Know?

Did You Know? Google Adx partners are not easy to choose as you need to pay heed to every consideration that ensures reputable and effective partners who work to maximize your ad revenue. Before choosing any Google Adx partner you need to define the goal and evaluate the reputation of the partner that you are choosing. Thereafter, review its target capability and seek the transparency that it offers. 

What is a Google AdX Partner?

Google ADX partner acts as a Google Adx reseller which is a third party and helps you access the Google ad exchange as a premium advertising marketplace with the high CPM deals. It also helps to increase the revenue of the website and improve the quality of the ad. When it comes to Google ad exchange partners, Google MCM is the best program as it connects the Google ad exchange to the website. MagicBid is a Google ad exchange reseller that helps you connect your website to the Google Adx. 

What is a Google Certified Channel Partners?

Google Certified Channel Partner
Google certified channel partner is awarded only by Google to the ad tech companies who achieves a proficiency in deployment of the Google advertising tools like the Google ad Manager or the Google AdSense. Magic bid has been thoroughly reviewed and the endorse the service quality and the efficacy

Ad Mediation: magic bid accelerates providing a unified platform that integrates multiple ad networks. It also allows the developer to access a wide range of demand sources without managing the separate integration. 

Ad optimization: by growing in the algorithm Magic bid automatically optimises the ad network selection which is based on factors like eCPM. 

Dedicated support: it gives dedicated support and automatically optimises the ad network selection. This Optimisation helps in maximisation of Ad revenue that delivers the most relevant and highest paying ads to the user. 

Transparent Report: magic bid on one hand accelerates the transparent reporting that enables the developer for tracking the ad revenue and earning from a different ad network. 

Real Time Analytics: it accelerates providing detailed and real time analytics on the ad performance that allows the developer to monitor the key metrics. 

How Do I Get Access to Google AdX?

How Do I Get Access to Google AdXFor getting the access you need to go through the Google account manager or there is also a medium called Google MCM aur reach it out through a publishing channel called magicbid_ai. Here, you will get a great amount of flexibility but there is also a need for advertising technology which will help you in maximising the artery venue from the platform. If you are working with an ad tech company you need to share a part of the revenue but the partner on the other hand will be taking care of the advertising operation optimizations. 

How Do I Become a Google AdX Partner?

To become the Google Adx partner the very first thing you need to do is signing up your Google ad manager account (GAM) which will establish a good viewability and score. Invalid traffic should be avoided and there should be family and friendly content for review. After all this the Google account manager assesses the suitability of your GAM account which has been live for a few months. If in case you get the direct taxes you get the flexibility to manage your own Adx account. 

For accessing the Google Adx directly you need to: 

  • Have a Google Ad manager account. 
  • There should be no history of policy violation, invalid traffic or content that is unsafe. 
  • There should be at least 5 million page views per month. 
  • An updated ads.txt file with all the detailed buyers should be there. 
  • There should be at least 10 million Ad impression per month for at least 6 months. 

How to Choose a Google AdX Partner?

While choosing a Google Adx partner you should check list the following criterias of the partner: 

  • There should be contracts without any lock-ins. 
  • MCM account access. 
  • Transparent revenue share. 
  • Anti malvertising
  • Responsive support of the account management. 
  • Solution for gdpr and ccpa compliance. 
  • High quality partner website
  • High quality ads
  • Good reviews from the high quality website. 

Google MCM Approved Partners

Google MCM Approved PartnersGoogle has specifically switched from being a scaling partner management to a multiple Customer Management. Talking about it in brief the SPM account is phrased and will no longer be accessible with the Google Adx. Therefore there shall be a surety that you are working with Google.

The Google MCM delivers the following improvements: 

  • It comes up with a new management feature of ad.
  • The functionality for the Managing publisher permission is more. 
  • There is more transparency for the publisher. 

‘MagicBid is a Google Certified Channel Partner’. 

Conclusion – You Know What’s Important?

Finding the right adx partner is not easy and is quite a tough task but there should always be an eye out there for finding a partner that raises the potential based on the above criteria. MagicBid comes as a Google certified channel partner that helps you for building a set of premium advertisers and the ad network that respects the user, builds trust and deliver better results. 

What Are Multiplex Ads? Everything You Need to Know!

What Are Multiplex Ads? Everything You Need to Know!

These are the Google native ad format which enables you to deliver the reason recommendation on your device. Are you on the way to get attention on the internet? It is difficult to stand in the crowd with so much competition and attention but there is always a workable solution to that which is Multiplex ads. This kind of ad structure assists you in a relatively new way looking for the potential. Magicbid is one such platform that is counted among the best multiplex ads providers that you need to watch out for. By then let us understand the multiplex ad in the best way possible. 

What Are Multiplex Ads?

Multiplex ads are a form of native ad format that delivers the content recommendation. It acts on the desktop or the mobile device. These kinds of ads are open for auction in the ad manager and can also be customised as per the requirement of a website. They are basically in the format of A grid but the layout of it can be changed as further need. These ads do not cover a larger area on the website. 

Benefits of Multiplex Ads

  •  These kinds of advertisements are provided by google, usually the other providers do not do so and with the multiplex ads the contracts also do not have a restriction. 
  • Google has a great amount of ad purchasers. Therefore, the publishers who are concerned should not be having any issue regarding the Impressions being blank. 
  • If you are a purchaser of Multiplex adts you should waive off any problems that are related to the quality as it gives the best quality because Google verifies it. 
  • Fetching a correct balance between the experience that the user gets and the advertising is quite a task but with the multiplex ads it is not. 
  • It is always a smart idea to use this ad as using a new type always combats a banner. 

Additional Revenue Opportunity with Multiplex Ads

Additional Revenue Opportunity with Multiplex Ads

It also offers a higher click through rate that often features a variety of content and ad format that encourages investment. They help in the increasing of the ad inventory by the ad auctions and the bidding in the real time for the ad placement and consecutively attracts more advertiser that leads to higher competition and potentially higher ad rates. 

How to Get Started with Multiplex Ads in Google Ad Manager?

If you are acquainted with setting up the access of Multiplex ads on your website,  the process is quite similar when it comes to setting it up on your Google Ad manager account. 

  • Open and login to your GAM account. 
  • Select the Multiplex ad from the down drop option on the main page under delivery. 
  • Google will automatically determine the ad layout and the multiplex ad layout for both mobile device and the desktop as you select dynamically. 
  • Disable the option of ‘Let Google optimise layout’ in case you are in the mood to modify your ad. 
  • You have to choose a layout offered by Google for the multiplex advertising after disabling the configuration of default. 
  • The single column can be chosen that will have a landscape image which is for desktop rail placement and the mobile devices. 
  • Single columns with square images can be chosen for rail placement and for mobile devices. 
  • Multi column with the landscape image can be chosen which are available exclusively for the desktop
  • Choosing the optimal font or the colour design can be on Google or you can customise and why yourself too. 
  • After specifying find the targeting parameter of the multiplex ad, then go to save and continue and configure later with all the parameters. 

How to Analyse the Performance of Multiplex Ads?

How to Analyse the Performance of Multiplex AdsFor getting the valuable insights you need to analyse the performance of Multiplex ads so that you need to create a report on the multiplex ads in a manner: 

You need to select the option of reporting and then go to the reports where you will find the new report on the ad manager home page. 

After filling in the details, select the Multiplex style name in the dimension setting. Thereafter, select the total Multiplex cell impressions which will show the number of times a user has viewed the ad present in the grid. 

Best Multiplex Ads Providers 

Multiplex ads are the Google native ad formats which helps in delivering the recommendation on the desktop of any other format. As a programmatic starter you should help grow the ad revenue of the clients. Multiplex ads serve a brand safe content recommendation  that comes up with the native ads. You need to access yourself with the best multiplex ad provider such as Magicbid, Mgid, Tabula, etc that helps you grow and take advantage of their higher ad quality standards and build a large pool of available buyers. Magicbid doubles your CPM rates helping you optimise the layout. 

How to Place Multiplex Ads on Your Website

Placing of Multiplex ads on your website involves several steps: 

  • Choose an Ad Network Or Platform: You need to select the ad network or the programmatic platforms that will support the multiplex ads. Thereafter, you should sign up for the account and then complete the registration process and thereafter get the approval. 
  • Generate Ad Codes and Choose the Ad Placement: Once you approve, you should login to the ad network creating the ad unit. Thereafter, identify the strategic location. 
  • Insert Ad Codes and Optimize: Get the generated codes optimised and then paste the HTML code of your website. Experiment with the ad concept and the targeting options. 
  • Comply with Ad Policies: Ensure the compliance with the ad policy and the guideline that is said forth. 
  • Monitor and Maintain: You need to regularly monitor the performance of your multiplex ads making the adjustments, staying updated with the best practices. 


Multiplex advertising is an excellent solution that adds up to your inventory and increases your revenue from ads. You need to weigh all the drawbacks and the benefits before adopting it. Magicbid emergee out to be one of the most emerging multiplex ads provider that double up the CPM and optimses the layout. 

Types of Mobile Ad Frauds

Types of Mobile Ad Frauds

Mobile advertising faces a barrage of challenges, from ad stacking to install frauds. Fraudsters employ sophisticated techniques, disrupting and infecting mobile ad campaigns. Let’s explore the types of mobile ad frauds that plague the mobile advertising ecosystem.

Mobile ad fraud is a kind of deceptive practice that exploits the advertising system of the mobile for financial games and encompasses many fraudulent activities. It comes as a significant challenge for the advertiser, advertising platforms and all the app developers but combatting all magic bid turns out to be an ultimate solution for the same. It helps in filtering and validating all the traffic that is in accordance with the MRC guideline which is related to both general and sophisticated traffics giving you inside from the page visit. 

Different Types of Mobile Ad Frauds

Different Types of Mobile Ad Frauds

Ad Stacking:

  • Multiple ads are stacked upon each other.
  • Users engage with the top ad, but multiple advertisers are billed.
  • Fraudsters benefit numerous times per user, often without user awareness.

Attribution Fraud:

  • Fraudsters take fake credits for an app install using malware.
  • Malware tracks user activity, generating fake click reports and attributing engagement to the fraudster.
  • Fraudster gets paid for organic installs without effort.

Click Farms:

  • Physical locations where mobile ad frauds are committed using a swarm of devices and click farmers.
  • Generates fake impressions on mobile ad campaigns.
  • Evades detection by changing IP addresses through VPNs.

Click Spamming:

  • Generates fake clicks in the name of users who haven’t engaged with the ads.
  • Fraudulent apps present impressions as clicks, claiming a share of the advertiser’s budget.
  • It makes the advertising platform believe that the ads are generating a greater amount of interaction from the user perspective.
  • IVT management solutions like MagicShield offer filters to tackle click spamming.

Click Injection:

  • Fraudster hijacks the app install of real users by listening to install broadcasts.
  • Charges the click to the fraudster even before the installation is completed.
  • Uses a dormant app to inform the fraudster about the app installation.

Device ID Reset Fraud:

  • Exploits the ability of Android and iOS to reset device IDs.
  • Resets device ID after installation, making every reinstall appear as an organic install.
  • Bad actors capitalize on this opportunity to manipulate app installs.

Bundle ID Spoofing:

  • Fraudsters misrepresent ads running on one app by assigning fake identifiers to another.
  • Creates a bundle of IDs that impersonates legitimate apps, deceiving advertisers.

SDK Spoofing:

  • A malware-infused legitimate app generates clicks and impressions for a different app.
  • Engages users without marketing or installing the app.
  • Fraudsters attract engagements and impressions from another app.

Emulated Devices:

  • Simulations of mobile devices and operating systems on computers.
  • Used to generate fake impressions and engagements by creating fake users.
  • Exhausts the advertiser’s budget without genuine user engagement.

Click Redirection:

  • More common on the mobile web.
  • Redirects users to an app install landing page even when the click wasn’t intended for an ad.
  • Fraudster gets attributed for the conversion if the user downloads the app due to redirection.


The fraud makes adds many negative on the website that brings out financial losses which clear out all the resources. Magic Shield comes to your rescue when it comes to mobile ad fraud as it brings out all the insights from the page validating the conversion and being a one stop solution for the prevention of Mobile ad fraud. The magic tag by magicbid uses the fraud detection service that measures your viewability working with a trusted monetization source. This also verifies the IP, domain and the app bundles drilling down the traffic report. It also uses an anti Malware software that protects the page from performing worse, preventing it from any real time attack. 

Click Spam: Too Many Clicks to Spoil Your Inventory

Click Spam: Too any Clicks to Spoil Your Inventory

Do you know how click spam, with too many clicks, can spoil your inventory? Getting lots of clicks on your campaign might seem like a win, but hold on – you could be dealing with click spam fraud. These fraudulent clicks can originate from various sources, including automated bots, click farms, and even competitors seeking to destroy a campaign. The effects extend beyond mere numbers, affecting campaign budgets, and data accuracy, and overall spoils your inventory and marketing efficacy.

PPC campaigns offer benefits like boosting page rankings and conversions, but there’s a downside. You can buy thousands of clicks online for as little as $5. Click farms, used by fraudsters to fake real visitors, contribute to this alarming problem.

Click fraud is especially prevalent in in-mobile app advertisements, making it worse, considering the rising trends in programmatic audio ads and shopping app advertisements.

Let’s break down why click fraud is a serious issue and how it drains a campaign budget.

What is Click Spam? 

Click spam is a type of fraud where fraudulent parties use a mobile app or website to generate non-human clicks, making them look like real impressions.

This fraud involves non-human traffic, often known as bot traffic. The process starts when a genuine user interacts with an infected app or visits an infected webpage. These infected assets have malware built in to generate clicks on ads. In simple terms, a user browsing the web or using an app may be unaware of click spam happening in the background.

What is Click SpamIn the programmatic ecosystem, publishers are also susceptible to click spams, which can occur unintentionally or be initiated by competitors aiming to get a publisher’s Google AdX account suspended.

Now that we understand the severity, let’s look at the types of click spam publishers should be wary of.

Types of Click Spam

Types of Click Spam

1. Manual Spam Clicks

      • Originating from real people clicking on ads, these are easily detectable but challenging to prove as spam, often mistaken as accidental clicks.

2. Competitor Spam Clicks

      • Competitors may manually click your ads using a network of people. While each click is paid, zero conversions can trigger Google’s algorithm, leading to severe consequences.

3. Affiliates Spam Clicks

      • Affiliates, matched with advertisers, earn revenue from clicks on ads displayed on their sites. The problem arises when affiliates click on their own ads, causing losses for others.

4. Accidental Spam Clicks

      • Refreshing your site’s ad, even by accident, can generate worthless clicks, distorting marketing data and depleting the campaign budget.

5. Automated Spam Clicks

    • Bots and click farms are common in automated spam clicks. Bots mimic human behavior, clicking on ads repeatedly. Click farms employ individuals with access to multiple devices to inflate click numbers, resembling human clicks but controlled by fraudsters.

Do you know also how many ads should I put on my website? Understanding these types of click spam is crucial for publishers to safeguard their campaigns from fraudulent activities that can drain resources and damage their reputations.

Click Spam: How to Solve It?

Boosting clicks in your campaign may feel like a success, but beware of click spam fraud. Quality matters more than quantity; ensure genuine engagement for true campaign success. Magic-Shield helps digital publishers get the most out of the ads on their websites. Magic-Shield has helped its clients realize an average 58% relief in ad revenue, through the use of cutting-edge programmatic advertising technology paired with objective and ethical guidance.

If you are making more than $2,000 in monthly ad revenue, Contact us today to learn more about how Magic-Shield can help increase your ad revenue and best optimize the ad space available on your website or app.


As the digital landscape continues to offer promising opportunities for online advertising, The dark underbelly of click spam becomes visible as a significant threat to campaign integrity and budget allocations. Click spam is a familiar issue in mobile app advertisements. Non-human clicks are generated to simulate authentic engagement.

In the competitive world of digital security, Magic Shield stands out as more than just a brand name – It’s a promise of comprehensive protection, innovation, and ease of use. If you choose Magic Shield, you are not just adopting a security solution, you are embracing a partner in your digital journey.

Best Mobile Ad Formats and Types to Increase Ad Viewability

Best Mobile Ad Formats and Types to Increase Ad Viewability

Increasing ad viewability on mobile devices is crucial for advertisers to maximize the impact of their campaigns. Several mobile ad formats and types can help improve viewability. There are some effective options like Interstitial ads, Native Ads, Video Ads, Playable ads, Interactive ads and many such that helps you achieve the ad viewability. 

With MagicBid you can boost your revenue by seamlessly integrating ads in your mobile ad formats. Finding effective ways to generate revenue is paramount to the success and sustainability of any app.

In addition to choosing the right ad format, consider optimizing for mobile responsiveness, ensuring fast loading times, and utilizing analytics to understand user behavior. Testing different formats and tracking performance metrics will help tailor your strategy for optimal ad viewability on mobile devices.

The classification of Best Mobile Ad formats are mentioned below: 

1. In-app Advertising

When it comes to in-app advertising, choosing the right ad formats and types is crucial for increasing ad viewability. Considering the context of the app, target audience, and user experience is important while choosing the most suitable ad format. Regularly analyze performance metrics and user feedback to refine your in-app advertising strategy for optimal viewability and engagement.

In app advertising is attention grabbing that is seamlessly integrated into the interface. The strategically placed ads are effective and especially do not disrupt the user experience. 

Interstitial Ads: Full-screen ads that appear between app content, providing a high-impact and attention-grabbing experience. Some of the In app advertising are although traditional but are well designed. Interstitial ads, Native ads, Rewarded Video Ads, In feed ads, Banner ads, Playable ads and Overlay ads are some of the examples. 

2. Mobile Web Advertising

Mobile app advertising refers to the promotion of mobile applications through various advertising channels to increase app installations, user engagement, and overall visibility. This form of advertising is essential for app developers and businesses seeking to reach and attract users in the highly competitive mobile app ecosystem. Mobile app advertising encompasses a range of strategies and tactics to effectively market and promote applications on smartphones and tablets.

Mobile ad formats of web advertising is a dynamic and evolving field, with advertisers continually adapting strategies to keep up with changing user behavior, platform updates, and technological advancements in the mobile industry. Effectively reaching and engaging a target audience is crucial for the success of mobile apps in a highly competitive market.

In-app advertising also attracts the interest of brands/advertisers as:

  • Less Distracting
  • Highly Engaging and Interactive
  • Better Controlled and Managed

How to Optimize Your In-App Advertising Strategy or Goal Set

How to Optimize Your In-App Advertising

Optimizing your in-app advertising strategy or goals involves refining and improving various aspects of your approach to ensure better performance, user engagement, and overall success. By consistently evaluating and adjusting your in-app advertising strategy based on data and user feedback, you can enhance the effectiveness of your campaigns and achieve your advertising goals. 

Here, you get a great solution to address some goals:

1. Increase Conversions

Optimizing in-app advertising for increased conversions involves refining your strategy to encourage users to take desired actions, such as making a purchase, signing up, or engaging with specific features. Setting a clear conversion goal will clearly define the actions that you want to take. By optimizing landing pages and simplifying the conversion process by minimizing users step, reducing the form field eliminating unnecessary barriers help increasing the conversion rate. 

Additionally you may use retargeting campaigns, geo targeting and utilize social proof keeping a monitor. By implementing these strategies and continually refining your approach based on performance data, you can optimize your in-app advertising for increased conversions and ultimately enhance the overall success of your campaigns.

2. User Retention and Engagement

Optimizing your in-app advertising strategy to align with user retention goals involves focusing on strategies that not only attract users but also encourage them to continue using your app over time. Here’s a guide on how to optimize your in-app advertising for improved user retention.

Understanding user behavior will help tools to gain insight into user behavior within your app. It will clearly segment your audience based on behavior, demographics and other relevant factors. Target messaging, educational content and social integration also helps to build a long time user retention and engagement. 

Be prominent on Optimize load times, build loyalty programs, social integration and updating regularly. By incorporating these strategies into your in-app advertising approach, you can optimize for user retention and create a more sustainable and successful app ecosystem. Regularly analyze metrics, gather user feedback, and adapt your strategy to evolving user needs for continuous improvement.

3. Brand Awareness

To optimize your in-app advertising strategy for brand awareness, it’s essential to focus on creating a strong brand presence and making a lasting impression on your target audience. Consistent branding maintains visual elements, including logos, colours, and fonts, across all your in-app advertisements. Consistency reinforces brand recognition.

Compelling Visuals and Creatives on the other side uses high-quality, visually appealing images or videos that effectively convey your brand’s message and identity. Creative and compelling visuals can leave a lasting impression on users. Brand messaging, storytelling and social media integration with testimonials, reviews and brand hashtags will help you achieve that

Consistent efforts to reinforce your brand identity, coupled with engaging and memorable in-app advertising, can significantly contribute to building and sustaining brand awareness.

4. Drive Overall Revenue Generation

To increase ad viewability and overall revenue generation in mobile advertising, it’s crucial to choose effective ad formats and types that align with user preferences and behavior. Ads designed to seamlessly blend into the look and feel of the surrounding content that provides a non disruptive user experience. Interstitial ads, Native Ads, Video Ads, Playable Ads, Carousel Ads, Rich Media Ads, Expandable and Dynamic creative optimization can be applied along various ad formats. 

Ultimately, the effectiveness of mobile ad formats depends on your target audience, campaign goals, and the nature of your product or service. Regularly analyze performance metrics, conduct A/B testing, and adapt your strategy to optimize ad viewability and revenue generation.

Mobile Web Advertising 2024 How Can It Help Your Business?

Mobile Web Advertising 2024
Mobile Web Advertising 2024

Mobile advertising has several benefits to the business and contributes to their growth and success in an immense way. It increases the reach and visibility allowing business to get along with a larger audience increasing the brand visibility. By targeted advertising mobile web platforms allow targeting based on the user demographic interest location and behavior which helps you to connect with the right audience. 

Mobile web advertising also provides detailed analytics and metrics which allows businesses to measure the performance of their campaign being cost effective. It also allows personalized and customized messaging for prompt immediate action and drive engagement. It is a dynamic and effective tool for business growth providing opportunities to connect the diverse audience, drive website traffic and achieve marketing objectives in a mobile Centric digital landscape. 

What are some of the Standard Mobile Ad Formats?

There are several standard mobile ad formats that advertisers commonly use to reach audiences on mobile devices. These formats vary in size, style, and functionality. 

The following are some of the standard mobile Ad Formats.

  • Mobile Banner Ads: Mobile banner ads are a type of display advertising that appears on mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. They are small, rectangular visual advertisements typically placed at the top or bottom of a mobile app or webpage. These ads are a common and traditional form of mobile advertising, often used to promote products, services, or apps
  • Interstitial Ads: Interstitial ads are a type of full-screen advertisement that appears at natural transition points within a mobile app or website. These ads are designed to capture the user’s attention by covering the entire screen, typically between content pages or during breaks in the app’s flow. The term “interstitial” refers to the ad’s placement between content, serving as an intermediary element. 
  • Video Ads: Video ads are a form of digital advertising that uses video content to convey a marketing message to the audience. These ads leverage the visual and auditory elements of video to tell a story, showcase a product, or communicate a brand’s message. Video ads can be displayed on various online platforms, including websites, social media, mobile apps, and video streaming services
  • Native Ads: Native ads are a type of online advertising that seamlessly blends into the design and context of the platform where they appear, making them look like a natural part of the content. These ads are designed to match the visual and functional elements of the surrounding content, providing a non-disruptive and more integrated user experience. The goal of native advertising is to deliver promotional content that feels native to the platform and resonates with the audience without interrupting their browsing or viewing experience.
  • Rich Media Ads: Rich media ads are a type of online advertising that goes beyond the standard static or text-based formats. These ads incorporate advanced features and interactive elements to create a more engaging and immersive user experience. Rich media ads often include multimedia components, such as images, videos, audio, animations, and interactive elements, allowing advertisers to deliver more dynamic and interactive content to their audience

Mobile Banner Ads

Mobile banner ads are a type of display advertising specifically designed for mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. These ads are small, rectangular visual elements that are typically displayed at the top or bottom of a mobile app or webpage. Mobile banner ads are a common and traditional form of mobile advertising used by advertisers to promote products, services, or apps to a mobile audience.

The Size of Banner Ads

Mobile banner ad sizes and tablet banner ad sizes are different from each other. Here is the best ad size for mobile and tablet.

For mobile, 320*50, and 300*50 mobile banner ads perform quite well.

For tablets; 728*90 and 300*250 mobile banner ads perform quite well.

The Features of 320*50 and 300*50 Mobile Banner Ads

Mobile Banner Ads

  • They are leaderboards of mobile.
  • They are the most effective mobile ad banners.
  • They are popular among mobile websites and apps.
  •  They can be fitted for wider screens at either the top of the screen or the bottom.
  • The thing that should be considered is to make texts and CTA buttons big enough to be readable on a small device.


The Features of 728*90 Banner Ads

Feature of Banner Ads

  • Known as “leaderboard”
  • They are often placed at the top centre of a webpage.
  • They are popular among tablets and desktops as they perform better on them.
  • All graphics don’t fit perfectly within its dimensions. So, create content that fits perfectly for the wide and short format.
  • The price tends to increase due to its popularity.


The Features of 300*250 Mobile Banner Ads

Mobile Banner Ads

  • Known as “medium rectangles”
  • They are popular among tablets and desktops and among some apps compatible with tablets.
  • As its shape is like the square, it has more places to fill with the ads.
  • 300*250 banner ads that are placed above outperform ads placed below.
Most Popular Display Banner Ad Sizes

Obviously, common ad sizes will have greater demands and thereby getting you the best fill rate and eCPM. As suggested by Google, here are the most common mobile ad banners.

  1. 300 x 250 – Inline rectangle
  2. 320 x 50 – Mobile leaderboard
  3. 320 x 100 – Large mobile banner
  4. 250 x 250 – Square banner
  5. 200 x 200 – Small square banner

However, you need to be wary of ad placement. We advise you to follow Google’s recommendation.

Interstitial Mobile Ads

These are a type of best mobile ad format that appears between content transitions in full screens, such as during natural breaks or pauses in an app or mobile website. Unlike banner or display ads, interstitial ads take up the entire screen, providing a more immersive and attention-grabbing experience for users.They are interactive ads that cover the full screen. They are displayed at the transition points of an app such as while an app is loading or after an app is closed.

Interstitial Mobile Ads

Giving full screen experience, engagement opportunities, ad formation variation, cross platform compatibility, measurable performance. When used thoughtfully and in alignment with user expectations, interstitial mobile ads can be a powerful tool for advertisers to capture attention, convey messages, and drive user engagement and actions. Balancing ad frequency and relevance is essential to ensure a positive user experience and maximize the impact of interstitial advertising campaigns. 

When to Use?

Interstitial ads are a powerful advertising format, but their effectiveness largely depends on the context and user experience. Using interstitial ads during natural breaks or transitions in your app Or mobile can minimize the disruption and enhance engagement. Test and optimize the placement of interstitial ads based on the content transitions in mobile websites will help having a natural flow and maintain a positive user experience. 

When using interstitial ads, it’s essential to consider the user experience and align ad placements with the natural flow of the app or mobile website. Balancing the frequency of interstitials, ensuring relevance, and providing valuable content will contribute to a positive user experience and maximize the impact of your advertising efforts.

Where to Use?

Interstitial ads can be strategically placed in various locations within mobile apps and mobile websites to maximize their effectiveness.

App Launch: Display interstitial ads during the launch of the mobile app without interrupting  the active  engagement. 

Between App Levels or Stage:  Integrate interstitial ads between levels or stages in mobile games or interactive apps. Place the interstitial ads where it can capture attention without disrupting the gaming experience.

Loading Screens: Show interstitial ads during loading screens when transitioning between app sections or activities.

In addition to this, you may utilize interstitials to announce app updates, new features, or important news. Test and optimize the placement of interstitial ads based on user feedback and performance metrics. When deciding where to use interstitial ads, it’s crucial to consider the user experience and align ad placements with the natural flow of the app or mobile website. Strategic placement and thoughtful integration will enhance the effectiveness of interstitial ads while ensuring a positive overall user experience.

The Size of Interstitial Ads

For mobile; 320*480 (the most popular size) and 480*320 interstitial ads perform quite well.

For tablets; 1024*768 and 768*1024 interstitial ads perform quite well.

The Features

  • It is placed on crucial moments like opening a game.
  • Closing the ad requires user action.
  • Full screen on mobile especially grabs the attention of users.
  • They are best placed within games with levels, according to experts.
  • It has a larger space and a broader message. Also, they are visually compelling.
  • It requires more design work.

Rewarded Mobile Ads

Rewarded mobile ads are a type of advertising format in which users receive some form of reward or incentive in exchange for engaging with the ad content. These ads are commonly used in mobile apps, especially in gaming applications, to provide users with a positive and value-added experience. Unlike traditional ad formats that may interrupt the user experience, rewarded ads offer users something in return for their time and attention.

Rewarded Mobile Ads

Rewarded mobile ads come with incentives and rewards, Opt in engagement, video content, App monetization, ad formats that give a positive user experience increasing the user retention. It also has some gamification elements that turns the ad engagement into an interactive experience adding an extra layer. 

Rewarded mobile ad formats are a win-win for both advertisers and users. Advertisers get users’ attention in a more positive and voluntary manner, while users receive tangible benefits for their interaction. This format has proven to be effective in creating a balance between app monetization and user satisfaction.

Native Mobile Ads

Native mobile ads format refers to a type of mobile advertising format that seamlessly blends into the visual and functional design of the mobile app or website where they appear. These ads are specifically tailored to match the form and function of the surrounding content, making them look like a natural part of the user interface. Native mobile ads aim to provide a more cohesive and non-disruptive user experience while still delivering advertising messages. 

Native Mobile Ads

It builds Integration, Relevance, cross platform consistency enhancing user experience. Examples of native mobile ads include sponsored posts on social media, promoted content within news apps, or recommended products within an e-commerce app. The effectiveness of native mobile advertising lies in its ability to seamlessly integrate promotional content into the user experience while maintaining relevance and authenticity.

The Size of Native Ads

Native ads come in various sizes and formats, and the specific dimensions can vary based on the platform or advertising network. Publisher displays the ad in a way fitting the actual content of its app. Native ads are designed to seamlessly blend with the content of the hosting platform, providing a more natural and non-disruptive user experience. When creating native ads, it’s crucial to adhere to the guidelines provided by the specific platform or ad network to ensure that the ads seamlessly integrate with the user experience. These guidelines typically include recommendations for image dimensions, headline length, description length, and other relevant details. Advertisers should also consider the responsiveness of native ads to various devices, such as desktops, tablets, and smartphones, to ensure a consistent and visually appealing display across different screens.

They come in various forms and sizes. Your job is just to give the component of the ad. Publisher displays the ad in a way fitting the actual content of its app.

The Features
  • The basic feature is being less distracting than other ads.
  • It has a higher CTR (10.6%) and better ad engagement (14%).

Mobile Rich Media

Mobile rich media refers to a type of digital advertising that goes beyond traditional static banner ads, incorporating interactive and dynamic elements to engage users more effectively. Rich media ads are designed to provide a more immersive and interactive experience on mobile devices. These ads often include features such as videos, animations, interactive games, and other dynamic content.

Mobile Rich media ads include Interactive elements, Multimedia Content, Dynamic creatives, Expandable ad formats, Gamification, Tracking and Analytics.

What are Rich Media Ads?

Rich media advertising is particularly effective in mobile environments where user attention spans may be shorter, and visual appeal and interactivity play crucial roles in capturing and retaining user interest. The dynamic and interactive nature of rich media ads can contribute to higher engagement rates and improved overall campaign performance. These ads are a type of digital advertising that goes beyond traditional static banner ads, incorporating interactive and dynamic elements to enhance user engagement. These ads use multimedia elements, such as images, videos, audio, animations, and interactive features, to create a more immersive and interactive experience for users. Rich media ads are designed to capture attention, encourage user interaction, and deliver a more compelling message compared to standard display ads.

Rich media ads include advanced features such as video, audio, GPS, or other elements.

The Sizes of Rich Media Ads

Rich media ads, being more interactive and feature-rich, can come in various sizes and formats to accommodate different platforms and placements. The sizes of rich media ads may vary based on the specific requirements of the advertising platform or network. It’s crucial to note that these are general guidelines, and advertisers should always check the specific requirements and recommendations of the ad platform or network they are using. Different platforms may have unique specifications for rich media ads, including file size limits, accepted file formats, and other considerations. Adhering to platform-specific guidelines ensures that rich media ads are displayed correctly and effectively on the chosen advertising channel.

You can see the size of rich media ads from the image below.

What is Mobile Rich Media?

The Features

  • Known as ‘multimedia banner’
  • It is the best format for advertisers with ambitious goals.
  • They are interactive and dynamic.
  • They can be synchronized with technologies like JavaScript & HTML.

Mobile Video Ads

Mobile game ads are a type of advertising specifically designed to promote and drive engagement with mobile games. These ads aim to attract new players, encourage downloads and installations, and increase user retention for mobile games on various platforms, including smartphones and tablets. 

Mobile video ad formats display video content that plays when a user is engaging with an app or opens it knowingly and willfully. It requires a higher budget than others but offers higher engagement. 

Mobile video ad formats display video content that plays when a user is engaging with an app or s/he opens it knowingly and willfully. It requires a higher budget than others but offers higher engagement.

The Sizes of Video Ads

You can see the size of video ads from the image below.

Mobile Video Ads

The Features

  • Users like video.
  • It requires more budgets to produce.
  • It can be useless if you are poor.
  •  They should be short (as mentioned in the 15 to 30 seconds range).

Playable Ads

Playable ads are a type of interactive and engaging advertising format that allows users to interact with a mini-version of a mobile game or app directly within the ad itself. These ads provide users with a hands-on experience, typically showcasing the gameplay or functionality of a mobile app or game in a playable and interactive format. Playable ads are commonly used in mobile advertising to increase user engagement, drive app installations, and provide a preview of the app or game experience.

Playable ads has an interactive Gameplay, Click-to-Play Functionality, App Installation Prompt and many varieties of genres. 

Playable ads have become popular in the mobile advertising space due to their ability to provide users with an interactive and immersive preview of an app or game. By offering a firsthand experience, playable ads aim to attract more qualified and engaged users who are likely to convert into active users after installation.

Mobile Game Ads

Mobile Game Ads

Mobile game ads are a type of advertising specifically designed to promote and drive engagement with mobile games. These ads aim to attract new players, encourage downloads and installations, and increase user retention for mobile games on various platforms, including smartphones and tablets. 

Mobile game ad formats take the best out of the in-app environment: interactivity, commitment, and memorable user experience. In-game advertising can be static and vibrant, including videos or interstitial advertisements. Mobile game ads require creativity, targeting precision, and an understanding of the gaming audience. By employing a mix of engaging ad formats, strategic placement, and community-building efforts, game developers and advertisers can effectively promote mobile games and drive user acquisition.

Mobile game ads has interactive playable ads, In app advertising, Rewarded Video Ads, Social Media Promotion, User Reviews and Testimonials along with community engagement.

Mobile game ad formats take the best out of the in-app environment: interactivity, commitment, and memorable user experience. In-game advertising can be static and vibrant, including videos or interstitial advertisements.

The Size of Mobile Game Ads

The size of mobile game ads can be similar to interstitial and video mobile ad formats.

The Features

  • They are highly interactive and engage more.
  • They are cost-effective.
  • Their mobile ad format is universally supported.

Different Ad Types

Mobile advertising encompasses various ad types, each tailored to engage users on smartphones and tablets. 

Let’s have a look at the different mobile ad types:

       1. Text, Image & Rich Media

Text, image, and rich media are distinct ad types, each offering unique characteristics and engagement opportunities in the world of digital advertising. Text-based advertisements typically consist of a headline, description, and a clickable link which relies on compelling copy to convey the message. Additionally being lightweight and quick to load. In summary, the effectiveness of text, image, and rich media ads depends on the advertising goals, target audience, and the platforms used. A thoughtful integration of these ad types can create a cohesive and impactful digital advertising strategy

       2. Video

Video is a powerful and versatile ad type that leverages visual and auditory elements to convey a message, tell a story, and engage audiences. Video advertising has become increasingly popular across various digital platforms due to its ability to captivate users, deliver immersive content, and drive user actions. By using auditory elements and conveying brand messages this visual impact helps in capturing the audience’s attention. 

Video ads, when executed effectively, have the potential to create a lasting impact on audiences, driving engagement, brand awareness, and conversions. The combination of sight, sound, and storytelling makes video a dynamic and influential tool in the digital advertising landscape.

       3. Interactive

Interactive ads are a dynamic and engaging ad type that encourages user participation and involvement. Unlike static ads, interactive ads invite users to interact with the content, providing a more immersive and personalized experience. These ads encourage users to actively engage with ads rather than passively view them.  This engagement fosters a deeper connection with the brand or message.

Interactive ads may incorporate simple games, quizzes, or challenges that users can participate in, making the experience entertaining and enjoyable. These ads incorporate rich media elements, such as images, videos, animations, and audio, to create a visually appealing and dynamic experience. The combination of multimedia and interaction enhances the overall immersive nature of the ad.

Interactive ads are particularly effective in capturing and maintaining user attention, fostering a sense of active participation and enjoyment. The combination of user engagement, personalization, and multimedia elements makes interactive ads a compelling choice for advertisers looking to create memorable and impactful experiences for their audiences.

Things to keep in mind while placing different types of mobile app ads are:

  1. Choose the right ad size
  2. Choose the right display ads
  3. Don’t create false footers

How to Choose the Right Ad Formats

Choosing the right ad formats is a crucial aspect of creating an effective digital advertising strategy. The selection of ad formats depends on various factors, including campaign objectives, target audience, platform, and the nature of the product or service being promoted. 

Here are steps to guide you in choosing the right ad formats:

Define Campaign Objectives: Clearly outline the goals of your advertising campaign. Are you aiming for brand awareness, lead generation, website traffic, or sales? Different ad formats are better suited for different objectives.

Identify Target Audience: Understand your target audience’s preferences, behaviors, and the platforms they frequent. Choose ad formats that align with the way your audience consumes content and engages with ads.

Consider Platform and Placement: Each platform has its preferred ad formats and specifications. Consider where your audience spends the most time—whether it’s on social media, search engines, mobile apps, or websites—and tailor your ad formats accordingly.

Adapt to Mobile: Given the increasing use of mobile devices, ensure that your chosen ad formats are optimized for mobile platforms. Responsive design and mobile-friendly formats are essential for reaching users on smartphones and tablets.

Understand Ad Format Options: Familiarize yourself with the various ad formats available, including display ads, video ads, social media ads, native ads, interactive ads, and more. Each format has its strengths and is suitable for specific purposes.

Consider the Funnel Stage: Align ad formats with the stage of the marketing funnel. For instance, display and video ads may be effective for generating awareness, while retargeting or interactive ads can be more impactful in the consideration and conversion stages.

Budget Considerations: Consider the budget available for your advertising campaign. Some ad formats may require higher production costs or bid prices, so choose formats that align with your budget while still meeting your campaign objectives.

Adapt to Trends and Innovations: Stay informed about industry trends and emerging ad formats. New technologies and innovations may introduce more effective ways to engage with your audience.

Review Analytics and Performance: Regularly review analytics data to assess the performance of your chosen ad formats. Identify which formats are driving the desired results and adjust your strategy accordingly.

By taking a strategic and data-driven approach, you can choose the right ad formats that align with your goals, resonate with your target audience, and deliver optimal performance across various digital advertising channels.

What are the right mobile ad formats and the best mobile ad sizes? The question never gets old and publishers are still searching for the right answer. Well, as an SSP, we decided to put an end to curating this ultimate guide.


Increasing ad viewability on mobile devices involves choosing best mobile ad formats and types that are effective and engaging for users. Viewability is a critical metric in digital advertising that measures the likelihood that an ad is actually seen by the user. Magic Bid offers cutting edge technology solutions  to maximize your mobile app monetization potential. 

By incorporating these mobile ad formats and strategies, advertisers can enhance the viewability of their ads and create more engaging experiences for users on mobile devices. It’s essential to continuously analyze performance metrics and adapt strategies based on user behavior and preferences.

What is Admob? Features and benefits of AdMob

What is Admob? Features and benefits of AdMob

Did you know! What is Admob? AdMob is a mobile advertising platform developed by Google that allows app developers to monetize their mobile applications by displaying in-app ads. It majorly focuses on serving ads within mobile apps on various platforms, including iOS, Android and Unity. AdMob provides developers with a way to generate revenue from their apps by displaying targeted ads to users.

Key Features of AdMob Include

Ad Formats:

  • Banner Ads: These are rectangular ads that appear at the top or bottom of the screen. They are usually displayed in a fixed position and can be easily integrated into the layout of the app.
  • Interstitial Ads: Full-screen ads that cover the entire screen and are typically displayed at natural breaks or transitions within the app, such as between levels or when launching the app.
  • Rewarded Video Ads: Users can choose to watch a video ad in exchange for in-app rewards, such as virtual currency, extra lives, or other incentives.

Targeting and Personalization:

AdMob uses Google’s ad targeting capabilities to display ads that are relevant to the user’s interests, demographics, and behaviour. This helps improve user engagement and increases the likelihood of ad clicks.


AdMob supports ad mediation, allowing developers to maximise their revenue by displaying ads from multiple ad networks. This feature helps in optimizing the fill rate and eCPM (effective cost per mille) by selecting the best-performing ads from different networks.

Integration with Google Analytics:

AdMob can be integrated with Google Analytics for Firebase, providing developers with detailed insights into user behaviour, ad performance, and other analytics data. This integration helps in making data-driven decisions to enhance the app and ad strategy.

AdMob Network:

In addition to third-party ad networks, AdMob offers its own ad network, providing a source of ads for developers who may not have direct relationships with advertisers.

Monetization Analytics:

AdMob provides analytics tools that allow developers to track their app’s performance, monitor revenue, and gain insights into user engagement with ads.

Easy Integration:

AdMob is designed to be easily integrated into mobile apps, with SDKs (Software Development Kits) available for both Android and iOS platforms.

Payment and Payouts:

AdMob handles the payment and payout process for developers, making it convenient for them to receive their earnings.

AdMob is a popular choice for app developers looking to monetize their mobile applications through ads, and it offers a range of features to help monetize ad revenue and user experience.

Benefit of AdMob

AdMob offers several benefits to app developers looking to monetize their mobile applications through in-app advertising. Here are some key advantages:

  • AdMob provides a source of revenue for app developers by displaying ads within their mobile applications.
  • AdMob is designed for easy integration into mobile apps, with SDKs available for both Android and iOS platforms.
  • AdMob supports various ad formats, including banner ads, interstitial ads, and rewarded video ads.
  • AdMob supports ad mediation, enabling developers to display ads from multiple ad networks. This helps optimize the fill rate and eCPM by selecting the best-performing ads from different sources, maximizing revenue potential.
  • Mob provides analytics tools that offer insights into user behavior, ad performance, and revenue generation. 
  • AdMob seamlessly integrates with other Google services, such as Google Analytics for Firebase. This integration allows developers to access additional analytics and user behaviour data, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of app performance.
  • It provides developers with the flexibility to choose when and where to display ads in their apps.
  • As a product of Google, AdMob offers support and resources to developers, including documentation, tutorials, and community forums. 
  • Mob handles the payment process for developers, streamlining the financial aspect of monetization.

In summary, AdMob offers a comprehensive solution for developers looking to monetize their mobile apps through in-app advertising, providing a range of features that contribute to revenue generation, user engagement, and overall app performance.

Google AdMob: Earn More With Mobile App Monetization

What is Google admob? Google admob is a mobile advertising platform developed by Google that allows app developers to monetize their mobile applications by playing in app advertisements.

Here are some key points about Google admob to Remember: 


Admob enables app developers to generate revenue by playing ads within their mobile applications. 

Ad Format

Addmob supports various ad formats like banner ads, interstitial arts and rewarded video ads. 


Ad mob provides software development kit for both Android and IOS platform making it easy for developers to integrate ad monetization into their app. 

Monetization Control

Developers have control over how and when ads are displayed allowing them to balance revenue generation with positive User experience. 

Security and Policy

Ad mob includes control related to ad content and policies allowing developers to set guidelines for their type of ad displayed in their app. 

Google admob serves as a powerful tool for app developers to monetize their mobile applications through in-app advertising. It provides a variety of Ad format sophisticated targeting analytics tools and integration with other Google services to help developers maximize their revenue while maintaining a positive User experience. 

Strength of AdMob

AdMob, Google’s mobile advertising platform, boasts several strengths that make it a popular choice for app developers looking to monetize their mobile applications:

Global Reach:

AdMob leverages Google’s extensive global network, providing developers with access to a vast pool of advertisers and a wide range of ad inventory. This global reach enhances the potential for ad monetization. Being part of Google ecosystem, admob has a brand Global reach connecting developers with a wide range of advertiser and ad inventory. 

Integration with Google Services

AdMob seamlessly integrates with other Google services, such as Google Analytics for Firebase. This integration allows developers to combine ad performance data with other analytics insights, offering a more comprehensive view of user behaviour and app performance.

Ad Format Variety:
  • AdMob supports a variety of ad formats, including banner ads, interstitial ads, and rewarded video ads. This versatility allows developers to choose the ad types that best fit their app’s user experience and content.
Targeted Advertising:
  • Leveraging Google’s robust ad targeting capabilities, AdMob delivers ads that are tailored to users’ interests, demographics, and behaviour. This targeted approach can lead to higher user engagement and increased click-through rates.
Ad Mediation:
  • AdMob supports ad mediation, enabling developers to maximize their revenue by displaying ads from multiple ad networks. This feature helps optimize the fill rate and eCPM by selecting the best-performing ads from different sources.
User-Friendly Integration:
  • AdMob is designed for easy integration into mobile apps, with SDKs available for both Android and iOS platforms. This user-friendly approach simplifies the process for developers to start monetizing their apps through ads.
Monetization Analytics:
  • AdMob provides robust analytics tools that offer insights into user behaviour, ad performance, and revenue generation. Developers can use this data to make data-driven decisions, optimize their ad strategy, and enhance overall app performance.
High-Quality Ads:
  • AdMob focuses on delivering high-quality, relevant ads to users. This emphasis on quality can contribute to a positive user experience and can potentially increase the likelihood of user engagement with the displayed ads.
Google’s Ad Network:
  • AdMob is part of Google’s ad network, providing developers with access to a broad range of advertisers. This network strength can result in a higher fill rate and increased opportunities for ad revenue.
Continuous Innovation:
  • As a product of Google, AdMob benefits from continuous innovation and updates. This ensures that developers have access to the latest features and improvements, keeping the platform competitive and up-to-date with industry standards.

AdMob’s strengths lie in its global reach, integration with Google services, diverse ad formats, targeted advertising capabilities, ad mediation support, user-friendly integration, robust analytics, emphasis on high-quality ads, access to Google’s ad network, and continuous innovation. These factors collectively make AdMob a powerful and attractive option for developers seeking to monetize their mobile apps through in-app advertising.

Admob VS. MagicBid

MagicBid is a powerful mediation network that is highly suggested as you expand your app’s audience. You don’t want to limit yourself to AdMob and miss out on other ad networks and demand sources. Also, AdMob is great for getting started, but MagicBid is for more experienced developers with thousands of app installs.

Unlike other app monetization services that priorities advertisers, MagicBid priorities publishers. However, MagicBid is not an ad network but a programmatic advertising tool. As a result, publishers may retain control of their inventory while increasing their existing revenue stream.

Google Admob VS. MagicBid.ai

MagicBid ad Mediation is a technology that lets you show ads in your apps from several sources, including AdMob, third-party ad networks, FAN, and others. By sending ad requests to several networks, MagicBid’s Mediation tool helps you improve your fill rate and boost your monetization. Effective mediation guarantees that you locate the best available network to display advertisements through in-app bidding, in which the network with the highest bid receives your inventory, resulting in increased income for publishers.


Ad mob features and benefits encompasses a wide range of Ad format targeting capabilities and analytics tools and integration with Google services, providing developers with a comprehensive solution for monetizing their mobile apps through in-app advertising. Magicbid on the other hand understands the lack of ad monetization that priorities the need of publishers clearly. 

AdMob Rewarded Video Ads [Ultimate Guide]

AdMob Rewarded Video Ads [Ultimate Guide]

In the ever-evolving landscape of mobile app monetization, AdMob Rewarded Video Ads stand out as a powerful tool for developers. This comprehensive guide will navigate you through the intricacies of leveraging AdMob’s Rewarded Video Ads to maximise revenue, enhance user engagement, and propel your app’s success. Rewarded video ads are typically 15-30 seconds long. It can not be skipped, however, the audience may usually opt in or out of this form of advertising. 

1. Understanding Rewarded Video Ads

Rewarded Video Ads are a user-friendly advertising format where users opt to watch an ad in exchange for in-app rewards. This win-win approach fosters positive user experiences and boosts ad engagement.

2. Integrating AdMob SDK

Integrating the Admob SDK into your mobile app allows you to display ads and monetize applications through Google ads platform. There are some general steps for integrating the admob SDK into your app but you should always keep in mind that the specific step may vary based on the programming language and development environment that you are using. 

  • Create an Admob account
  • Create an Admob Ad unit
  • Download MagicBid SDK (Hybrid solution for Mediation and Waterfall)
  • Add the SDK to your project
  • Initialize Admob in your code
  • Add ad view to your layout
  • Load and display ads
  • Test your implementation
  • Handle ad events
  • Publish your app

3. Creating Ad Units

Creating an ad unit for rewarded video ads in admob involves setting up a specific configuration to define where and how the rewarded with your ads will be displayed in your mobile app. Here are steps to create ad units for rewarded video ads in admob. 

  • Login to Admob and navigate your dashboard

You have to first login or sign up your admob account and after login you will be directed to your admob dashboard and if not you can also navigate the same. 

  • By clicking on app Tab add your App

In the admob dashboard click on apps and if your app is already listed, select it and if not add app button to add a new app to your admob account. 

  • Go to monetize tab and click on rewarded under ad formats

Once you have selected your App go to the monetize tab where you can set up different ad formats including the rewarded video ads. Within the rewarded video ad section look for the button that says create ad unit or a similar option You can click on it and process creating a new ad unit. 

  • Configure your rewarded video add unit and save it

You will be promoted to configure your rewarded video ad unit which includes providing details such as ad unit name, ad format and ad unit id, once you have configured save the changes. 

  • Implement add unit and test your implementation

Take note of the ad unit ID generated for your reward with your ad unit in your app’s code. During development use the test ad unit provided by admob to ensure that your rewards with your ads are displayed correctly. 

4. Optimizing Ad Placement

Optimising ad placement is a crucial aspect of maximising revenue while providing a positive User experience within your mobile app. There are some key considerations and best practices for optimising ad placement. 

  • Understand user flow
  • Strategic placement
  • Balance Ad density
  • Responsive design
  • A/B Testing
  • Ad format Optimisation
  • Implement smart loading
  • Geographical consideration
  • User feedback
  • Compliance with ad policies 
  • Ad mediation
  • Analytics and monitoring
  • User segmentation

By carefully considering these factors and continuously monitoring performance metrics you can optimise ad placement in your app to strike a balance between revenue generation and maintenance of User experience. 

5. Setting Reward Values

Setting reward values in AdMob Rewarded Video Ads involves defining the incentives or benefits that users receive for voluntarily engaging with and watching an ad within your app. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set reward values:

   1. Define Rewards in AdMob Dashboard:

  • Log In to AdMob: Access your AdMob account and navigate to the dashboard.

   2. Create or Select Ad Unit:

  • Ad Units Section: Go to the “Ad Units” section in the AdMob dashboard.
  • Select or Create Ad Unit: Choose the rewarded video ad unit for which you want to set reward values or create a new one.

   3. Configure Rewarded Video Settings:

  • Rewarded Video Settings: Within the selected ad unit, find the settings related to rewarded videos.

   4. Set Reward Amount:

  • Define Reward Amount: Specify the amount or type of reward users will receive for watching a rewarded video ad. This could be in the form of in-app currency, power-ups, access to premium content, or any other virtual item relevant to your app.

   5. Choose Reward Type

Select Reward Type: Determine the type of reward you want to offer. Common types include:

  • Virtual Currency/ app coins: If your app has a virtual currency system, you can reward users with a specific amount of currency.
  • Unlockable Content: Provide users access to premium features or content within the app.
  • Power-ups or Boosts: Enhance the user’s in-app capabilities temporarily.

   6. Customise Reward Message

Optional: Custom Message: You can include a custom message that informs users about the reward they will receive. This message is typically displayed before users opt-in to watch the ad.

   7. Save Settings

Save Changes: After configuring the reward values, make sure to save the changes to apply them to your rewarded video ad unit.

   8. Implement in Your App

Update App Code: Implement the necessary code changes in your app to reflect the configured reward values. Ensure that the reward is delivered to users appropriately once they complete watching the rewarded video ad.

   9. Test the Integration:

Testing Phase: Before deploying the changes to production, thoroughly test the rewarded video ad integration within your app to ensure that users receive the expected rewards.

  10. Monitor and Iterate

Analytics Monitoring: Keep an eye on analytics and performance metrics to see how users respond to the rewarded video ads and the rewards offered. Use this data to iterate and optimise your reward strategy if needed.

Remember that the choice of rewards should align with your app’s content, target audience, and overall user experience. Offering meaningful and enticing rewards can enhance user engagement and make the rewarded video ad experience more appealing to your audience.

6. Implementing Ad Load Strategies 

Implementing effective ad load strategies is crucial for optimising revenue while maintaining a positive user experience in your mobile app. Ad load strategies involve determining when and how often ads are displayed to users. Here’s a guide on implementing ad load strategies:

  1. Define Ad Load Goals

Balancing Revenue and User Experience: Clearly define your goals, finding the right balance between maximising ad revenue and ensuring a positive user experience.

  1. Understand User Engagement

User Behavior Analysis: Analyse user behaviour within your app to identify natural breaks or pauses in the user experience where ads can be seamlessly integrated without causing disruption.

  1. Select Ad Formats

Choose Appropriate Ad Formats: Select ad formats that align with your app’s content and user flow. Common formats include banners, interstitials, native ads, and rewarded videos.

  1. Consider Session Length

Session Duration: Adjust ad load based on the typical duration of user sessions. For longer sessions, consider spreading ad impressions to avoid overwhelming users.

  1. Frequency Capping

Set Frequency Caps: Limit the number of ads a user sees within a specific time frame. This prevents ad fatigue and annoyance, contributing to a better user experience.

  1. Ad Placement

Strategic Placement: Place ads strategically to ensure they are visible without disrupting the user experience. Consider natural breaks in the app flow, such as between levels in a game or during transitions.

  1. Implement Smart Ad Loading

Smart Loading Techniques: Use smart ad loading techniques that consider factors like network conditions, device type, and user behaviour. This ensures a more personalised and efficient ad experience.

  1. Ad Refresh Policies

Ad Refresh Intervals: If using banner ads, implement ad refresh policies to update ad content at appropriate intervals. Avoid excessively frequent refreshes to prevent irritation.

  1. User Segmentation

Segment Users: Segment users based on behaviour, demographics, or preferences. Tailor ad load for each segment to provide a more personalised experience.

  1. A/B Testing

Experiment with Variations: Conduct A/B testing to experiment with different ad load strategies. Measure user engagement and revenue impact to identify the most effective approach.

  1. AdMob Mediation Optimization

Optimise Mediation Settings: If using AdMob mediation, regularly review and optimise mediation settings to maximise fill rates and eCPM across multiple ad networks.

  1. User Feedback

Consider User Feedback: Pay attention to user reviews and feedback related to ad frequency and placement. Use this feedback to fine-tune your ad load strategy.

  1. Compliance with Policies

Ad Network Policies: Ensure that your ad load strategies comply with the policies of the ad networks you are using. Violating policies can lead to negative consequences.

  1. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation

Analytics Monitoring: Continuously monitor analytics data to assess the impact of your ad load strategy on user engagement and revenue. Be prepared to adapt your strategy based on performance insights.

Implementing ad load strategies is an ongoing process that requires a balance between revenue goals and user satisfaction. Regularly evaluate and adjust your approach to align with changes in user behaviour, app content, and the evolving landscape of mobile advertising.

7. Monitoring Performance with Analytics

Monitoring the performance of rewarded video ads through analytics in AdMob is for optimising revenue and user engagement. Here’s a guide on how to effectively use analytics to track and improve the performance of rewarded video ads:

     1. AdMob Dashboard:

Overview Tab: Start by regularly checking the AdMob dashboard’s overview tab. It provides a snapshot of your app’s overall ad performance, including revenue, impressions, and eCPM (effective cost per mille).

      2. Rewarded Video Ad Units:

  • Ad Units Tab: Navigate to the Ad Units tab in your AdMob account to specifically analyse the performance of rewarded video ad units.
  • Metrics to Monitor:
  • Impressions: Track the number of times rewarded videos are displayed.
  • Fill Rate: Ensure a high fill rate to maximise revenue opportunities.
  • eCPM: Monitor effective cost per mille to understand the revenue generated per thousand impressions.

     3. User Engagement:

Rewarded Video Completion Rates: Use analytics to track the percentage of users who watch the entire rewarded video. Higher completion rates can indicate better user engagement.

Rewarded Video Click-Through Rates (CTR): Analyse how often users click on the rewarded video ads after viewing. A higher CTR can lead to increased revenue..

     4. Optimization Strategies & Revenue

  • A/B Testing: Conduct A/B tests with different ad creatives, placements, and rewards to identify the most effective combinations.
  • Ad Positioning: Experiment with the placement of rewarded video ads within your app. Test whether placing them at specific points in the user journey increases engagement. 
  • Revenue Reports: Analyse detailed revenue reports to understand which rewarded video ad units are generating the most revenue. Adjust your mediation settings accordingly.

     5. User Feedback and AdMob Mediation Analytics

Incorporate User Feedback: Consider user feedback regarding the rewarded video experience. Analytics can complement qualitative feedback, helping you make data-driven decisions.Mediation Reports: If you’re using AdMob mediation with multiple ad networks, analyse mediation reports to understand how different networks are contributing to your rewarded video revenue.

     6. AdMob Events, Custom Events and Optimisation: 

Event Tracking: Use AdMob Events and Custom Events to track specific user interactions, such as the number of times users initiate watching a rewarded video or the completion of rewarded video views. Regularly analyse analytics data and use it to make informed adjustments. The digital advertising landscape evolves, so continuous optimization is key.

By closely monitoring these metrics and leveraging analytics tools provided by AdMob, you can refine your rewarded video ad strategy, enhance user experience, and maximise revenue. Remember to stay agile, adapting your approach based on the insights gained from analytics data.

    7. AdMob Mediation for Enhanced Revenue

AdMob Mediation is a powerful tool for maximising your ad revenue by allowing you to display ads from multiple ad networks in your mobile app. By integrating AdMob Mediation, you can create competition among various ad sources, leading to better fill rates and increased revenue.

Here’s a guide on how to leverage AdMob Mediation for enhanced revenue:

Step 1: Set Up AdMob Account

  • Create an AdMob Account: If you don’t have one, sign up for an AdMob account on the AdMob website.

Step 2: Integrate AdMob SDK

  • Integrate AdMob SDK: Add the AdMob SDK to your mobile app. You can find SDK integration guides for Android and iOS on the AdMob website.

Step 3: Configure Ad Units

  • Create Ad Units: Define ad units in your AdMob account for different ad formats (banner, interstitial, rewarded video).
  • Implement Ad Unit Codes: Integrate ad unit codes into your app according to the ad formats you want to display.

Step 4: Add Mediation Networks

  • Select Mediation Networks: In your AdMob account, navigate to the Mediation tab and add the ad networks you want to mediate. Popular mediation networks include Facebook Audience Network, AdColony, AppLovin, etc.

Step 5: Configure Ad Network Adapters

  • Download Ad Network Adapters: For each ad network you added, download and integrate the corresponding adapter SDKs. These adapters enable communication between AdMob and the ad networks.

Step 6: Set Up Mediation Groups

  • Create Mediation Groups: Group ad networks with similar eCPMs (effective cost per mille) to maximise competition. This ensures that the highest-paying ads are displayed to users.

Step 7: Optimise and Test

  • Implement AdMob Ad Targeting: Utilise AdMob targeting features to show relevant ads to your users.
  • Test Ad Performance: Regularly test different ad network configurations and mediation strategies to find the most lucrative combination.

Step 8: Monitor and Analyze

  • Use AdMob Analytics: Leverage AdMob analytics to monitor ad performance, fill rates, and revenue. Adjust mediation settings based on the data.

Step 9: Stay Updated

  • Keep Adapters Updated: Ensure that you’re using the latest versions of ad network adapters to benefit from performance improvements and bug fixes.

Step 10: Experiment with Ad Formats

  • Try Different Ad Formats: Experiment with various ad formats (banners, interstitials, rewarded videos) to see which ones generate the highest revenue for your app

By following these steps and continuously optimizing your ad mediation setup, you can enhance your app’s ad revenue through AdMob Mediation. Regularly monitor performance metrics and adapt your strategy to changing market conditions for the best results.


What are AdMob Rewarded Video Ads?

AdMob Rewarded Video Ads

Admob rewarded video ads are a specific type of In app advertising format provided by the admob platform. These ads are designed to incentivize users to engage with advertisements voluntarily by offering them virtual rewards or benefits within the mobile app or game. Rewarded video ads have become popular among developers as they provide a user-friendly way to monetize apps while enhancing the overall User experience. 

What are the Benefits of AdMob Rewarded Video Ads?

What are AdMob Rewarded Video Ads

Key feature of admob rewarded video ads include

  • Voluntary Engagement: users have the option to choose whether or not to watch or reward video ad this opt-in approach distinguishes rewarded video ads from other ad formats that may be more intrusive. 
  • Incentive and Rewards: users are offered incentive or rewards and exchange for watching the entire video ads. 
  • Enhanced User Experience: rewarded video ads are generally well received by users because they provide a clear value exchange. users willingly choose to view the ad knowing that they will receive something beneficial in return. 
  • Monetization Strategy: Developers and app publishers used rewarded video ads as a strategy to generate revenue through their apps. Advertisers pay for placement and the rewards offered to users are funded by the revenue generated from these ad placement. 
  • Ad Targeting: like other Admob ad formats, rewarded video ads can target specific user demographics and interests. This helps ensure that the content of the Ads is relevant to the user increasing the likelihood of engagement. 
  • Flexible Ad Length: rewarded video ads can vary in length typically from a few seconds to around 30 seconds. The length of the ad can be determined by the advertiser or the ad network. 
  • Ad revenue sharing: developers earn revenue when users engage with rewarded video ads. The revenue sharing model involves developers receiving a portion of the ad revenue generated by the advertiser for each completed view. 

The admob rewarded video ads provide a mutually beneficial arrangement where users receive rewards, developers generate revenue and advertisers gain exposure for their product or service. This format has proven to be effective and give you a nice user engagement with monetization in the mobile app ecosystem.

Rewarded Video Ads vs. Interstitial Ads

Rewarded video ads and the interstitial ads are two popular formats in mobile advertising each serves a different purpose and provide a unique benefit to both app developers and advertisers. 

Rewarded video ads on one side serves user engagement and rewards higher user attention, enhances your monetization and integrates rewards. 

Interstitial ads are full screen ads that appear at natural breaks or transition points with an app such as between levels in a game or during a change of app content. 

Rewarded Video Ads vs. Interstitial Ads

Well, rewarded video ads focus on voluntary user engagement with the incentive of rewards interstitial ads aim for high visibility at strategic points within the app; the effective integration of both formats can contribute to a well rounded and successful mobile advertising strategy. 


AdMob Rewarded Video Ads present an exceptional opportunity for app developers to monetize effectively while maintaining positive user experiences. By following this ultimate guide, you’ll unlock the full potential of AdMob Rewarded Video Ads, propelling your app towards greater success, engagement, and profitability. Elevate your mobile app monetization strategy with AdMob’s powerful and rewarding advertising solution.