Google Updates to Video Inventory Policies: What Publishers Need to Know

Google Updates to Video Inventory Policies: What Publishers Need to Know

Are You Ready for the Future Changes to Google’s Video Policy? Google is going to make major changes to its video inventory regulations on September 23, 2024. With a focus on video inventory limits, these modifications will relocate the current video content regulations from the Google Publisher regulations to a new area under Google Publisher limits. Publishers should be aware of this change since it has a direct bearing on how video content is monetized, particularly when it comes to material that is limited. 

Key Changes to Video Inventory Policies

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, understanding the changes in video inventory policies is crucial for publishers looking to optimize their revenue streams. Google has recently introduced significant updates that will impact how video content is monetized across its platforms.

  • Shift to Video Inventory Restrictions: Google is moving its guidelines for video content under Google Publisher Restrictions to a new site. This implies that fewer advertisements may be shown for any video material that the new list classifies as restricted. More specifically, advertisements for certain banned films will no longer be served by Google Ads or non-direct Ad Manager transactions like private and open auctions. This does not imply that limited material cannot make money at all, though. Advertisers can still deliver advertising through direct transactions in Ad Manager, such as programmatic guaranteed deals, preferred deals, and classic reservations, or from other sources, such as non-Google ad solutions. 
  • Clarification Through Editorial Updates: In order to make the video inventory constraints more readable and clear without altering the fundamental criteria, Google is also making editorial adjustments to them.  

Some of the key clarifications include

Video Inventory Policies

Upholding Google’s regulations is crucial in the dynamic digital world if you want to maximize ad income and guarantee a satisfying customer experience. The following are some crucial things that publishers should think about: 

  • Video Inventory Control: Play, pause, mute, skip, dismiss, and all other controls related to video inventory have to stay completely operational and visible. Crucially, controls that respond to user input—such as scrolling, hovering, touching, or swiping—are not regarded as hidden or non-functional, which always worries publishers over user interface design. 
  • Sticky Video Placements: The video must begin in the main content area and only move to the sticky location when the player goes off-screen for video players that change positions when users scroll. This preserves adherence to Google’s principles while guaranteeing a flawless user experience. 

Publishers will find it more and more crucial to be informed when Google begins to apply these substantial changes to its video inventory regulations on September 23, 2024. A significant shift in the monetization of restricted video content has occurred with the move of video content regulations to the Google Publisher Restrictions area. Maintaining and maximizing income sources will depend on your ability to comprehend these new restrictions, particularly the ramifications of limited material and the potential presented by direct transactions or non-Google ad solutions. Publishers may effectively manage these changes and carry on providing a seamless user experience while optimizing their potential for ad revenue by conforming to Google’s updated guidelines, which include making sure that video inventory controls are fully operational and that sticky video placement are implemented correctly. 

How Magicbid Supports You

It might be difficult to navigate these changes, but Magicbid is dedicated to supporting your success and flexibility. Our expert ad operations support, access to premium ad advertisers, and customized ad-serving technologies guarantee that your video inventory maximizes your revenue potential while adhering to the most recent Google monetization standards and policies. Our team is here to assist you with these changes and make sure your content is drawing in high-quality advertising and bringing in steady revenue. You can undoubtedly depend on Magicbid to guide you through these changes and help you preserve your competitive edge as the digital advertising landscape continues to develop. We’re here to keep you informed and supported every step of the way. 

Effect of Disabling Third-Party Cookies on Publisher Revenue

Effect of Disabling Third-Party Cookies on Publisher Revenue

Do you know how recent changes in digital advertising could impact your revenue?  Google recently conducted an experiment to assess the effects of deactivating third-party cookies on programmatic ad income. By analyzing revenue and ad effectiveness with cookies removed for a segment of users, the study revealed a significant drop in income. As digital advertising keeps changing, publishers and advertisers need to be aware of the implications of such changes. Google recently conducted an experiment to investigate the impact of deactivating third-party cookies on programmatic ad income. The study evaluated the effects of deleting cookies for a portion of the user base on revenue and ad effectiveness in the real world. The results show a sharp drop in income and provide important context for understanding the crucial function cookies play in the ad ecosystem and the difficulties associated with navigating a world without them. 


To empirically quantify the impact that disabling access to third-party cookies would have on the programmatic ad revenue of web publishers.

Executive Summary

Using Google Ad Manager’s programmatic component, we did a randomized controlled trial with publishers. This service displays advertisements on websites other than Google’s. We restricted access to cookies for a subset of users (the treatment group) who were chosen at random for the trial. The treatment group’s average revenue fell by 52% for the top 500 worldwide publications, with a median reduction of 64% per publisher. 


Google uses a powerful experimental framework to do A/B testing to randomized. We took advantage of this technology to essentially disable access to third-party cookies by limiting the availability of tailored data for a subset of randomly chosen users using Google Ad Manager’s programmatic arm. Only non-personalized programmatic advertisements, such as contextual advertising that doesn’t rely on third-party cookies, were displayed to users in the treatment group. We compared the treatment group’s earnings to that of the control group, which received tailored advertising as usual. From May to August 2019, a total of 96 days were dedicated to gathering data. 

Results & Statistical Analysis

Results & Statistical Analysis

The average revenue for the top 500 worldwide publishers fell by 52% in the treatment group, with a median per-publisher fall of 64%, according to the statistics, which showed a considerable impact. Publishers suffered varying percentages of revenue loss; some lost more than 50%, while some lost more than 75%. The confidence intervals for lesser publications are broader, notwithstanding the substantial results. Of the publishers studied, seven (1.5%) did not exhibit any loss; nevertheless, this discrepancy is explained by statistical noise. All but one of the top 200 publishers saw a revenue decline of more than 10%. The News vertical had a median revenue loss of 60% and an average revenue loss of 62% for publishers. 

Related Work

This is the first publicly described randomized controlled experiment measuring the effect of disabling third-party cookies on publisher revenue. Previous studies based on observational data provide similar findings:

  • Johnson et al. reported a 52% revenue decrease from users opting out of online behavioral advertising.
  • Beales and Eisenach observed revenue losses ranging from 37.5% to 66% for users without cookies compared to those with newer or longer-lived cookies.

In contrast, Marotta et al.’s recent paper reported only a 4% revenue loss, possibly due to their study being limited to a single publisher and the inherent challenges of observational studies. Google researchers are engaging with the authors to understand these discrepancies.

Additional Reflections

We examined first-order impacts in our investigation. If third-party cookies are disabled, the following second-order consequences could occur:

Client spending on advertisements has decreased as a result of non-personalized ads’ worse return on investment; funds may have been diverted to other channels.

  • higher operating expenses when publishers modify their business plans to account for the lack of third-party cookies.
  • There are several difficulties in quantifying these second-order effects, and this work was not designed to address them.

Furthermore, feedback from users shows that they are less happy with non-personalized advertisements. When consumers saw non-personalized advertising, there was a 29% increase in clicks to ‘Seen this ad multiple times, a 21% increase in clicks to cancel ads, and a 21% increase in clicks to choose ‘Not interested in this ad.


The trial of turning off third-party cookies highlights how important these cookies are to programmatic ad income. The significant income decline—which among the top 500 worldwide publishers averaged 52%—highlights the significant dependence on cookies in the delivery of relevant and successful advertising. Even though preliminary findings indicate sizable income losses, more investigation is required to fully grasp the implications, taking into account possible second-order impacts like adjustments to ad spend and higher operating expenses. Publishers need to adjust to these problems as the advertising market changes and look into new technologies and ways to maintain their revenue streams in the event that cookies are eliminated. 

How Magicbid Will Help You

MagicBid has proven to be an indispensable tool for maximizing ad revenue. Its innovative technology and user-centric design make it a top choice for publishers looking to enhance their monetization strategies. Whether for web, app, or CTV, MagicBid delivers exceptional results with minimal effort. MagicBid’s capabilities make it an ideal choice for anyone looking to maximize their ad revenue. Its intuitive interface and hassle-free integrations make it the perfect choice for publishers of all sizes.

Connect with us now to get a free ad revenue evaluation.

Website Monetization: A Complete Guide to Selling Ad Space

Website Monetization: A Complete Guide to Selling Ad Space

Are you ready to explore the world of website monetization? In this blog, we’ll guide you through everything you need to know about selling ad space on your website. From the basics of ad types to advanced strategies for maximizing your revenue, you’ll find all the insights needed to turn your site into a profitable venture. Although many publishers struggle to monetize their ad inventory, you may increase your eCPM and draw in quality advertisers by using the appropriate techniques and resources.

Understanding the principles of selling advertising space is essential, regardless of your level of expertise as a publisher or lack thereof. Offering space isn’t enough; you also need to make sure the space appeals to marketers and your target audience. Monetizing your website effectively is essential to increasing your earnings and maintaining development.
With an emphasis on website monetization strategies, we will walk you through the best ways to market your website to potential advertisers and sell ad space.

What is Ad Space and Ad Inventory?

The section of a website or page devoted to online adverts is called ad space. Pricing for ad space is often determined by ad types, locations, and website traffic. Comprehending the optimal use of these areas via diverse ad placement tactics may greatly influence your website’s revenue generation endeavors.
The entire amount of ad space that a publisher is ready to sell is known as ad inventory. The phrase was first used in reference to print media, but it has since mostly been used to refer to areas for digital advertisements across a variety of platforms, including video, applications, and desktop and mobile websites. Maximizing income requires strategically placing your ads to optimize your ad inventory.

Types of Ad Space

Types of Ad Space

Banner Ads

Banner advertisements are frequently positioned on the sides, at the top, or bottom of pages. They are made to be inconspicuous and to mix in with the site’s content. The website’s audience should find these advertisements visually appealing and relevant. The proper ad placement techniques can increase their efficacy and help you achieve your website monetization objectives.

Sidebar Ads

Blogs and news websites frequently feature sidebar advertisements. They are positioned on the sides of the page, as the name implies. They should match the website’s layout in terms of both size and appearance, and they are pertinent. These advertisements, often known as side rails, are a fantastic method to enhance your revenue prospects inside the digital ad ecosystem by connecting with other demand sources.

Pop-up Ads

Pop-up advertisements don’t have a typical form or size. They frequently show up on sponsored webpages, stand-alone websites, interactive games, and other user-engaging content. In order to guarantee that the advertisement’s message is seen, users must close pop-ups before continuing. Compared to banner advertisements, pop-up ads are frequently more effective and extremely noticeable. If they are strategically employed and in line with user experience, they may play a significant role in your website monetization plan.

Interstitial Ads

Full-page advertising units called interstitials show up when pages naturally change or after an action is finished. To prevent annoying users, they must to be utilized in moderation and provide for simple closing. When positioned properly, these advertisements may be a very effective strategy for increasing income.

Native Ads

Native advertising offers a smooth user experience by imitating the style and feel of the website’s content. To promote user engagement, they should be made relevant and interesting while yet being unmistakably advertisements. Because they blend in seamlessly with the content of your website and have the potential to be more engaging for consumers, native advertisements are an essential part of website revenue.

How to Prepare Your Website for Ad Monetization?

If you’re looking to sell ad space, you have three main options:
1. Direct Sales: Involve one-on-one negotiations, requiring more time and resources than other methods but often leading to higher revenue.
2. Affiliate Marketing: Allows you to partner with businesses for a commission on sales generated through your site.
3. Supply-Side Platforms (SSPs): Automate the process, connecting you with multiple advertisers but offering less control.

It’s important to consider which strategy best fits your goals and the specialty of your blog because each has pros and cons of its own. In the end, your decision will be based on how much power you want and how well your audience will accept it. By optimizing the demand sources you can access, open bidding techniques implemented through SSPs can improve the monetization of your website.
It’s important to set up your website for ad monetization before getting started to make sure it draws in advertisers and optimizes income possibilities.

Analyze Your Website Traffic

To learn more about the traffic patterns to your website, use tools such as Google Analytics. Determine the devices, the origins, and the demographics of your visitors. An essential first step in successfully monetizing your website is to customize your ad placement techniques to your target audience with the use of this data.

Identify High-Traffic Pages

Find out which pages on your website are most often visited. The best places to put advertisements are on these popular pages since they will get the most impressions and maybe the most money. Ad placement tactics on these sites can greatly improve your attempts to maximize income.

Optimize User Experience

Make sure your website loads quickly and is easy to use. A satisfying user experience will draw users to your website for longer, which raises the likelihood that they will view and interact with advertisements. Incorporating flexible design into your website monetization plan will help you accommodate mobile users and improve navigation.

Provide High-Quality Content

In order to draw in and keep your audience, consistently produce and share good, pertinent material. In addition to increasing traffic, high-quality content promotes return visits, which can improve ad performance and income possibilities. A well-thought-out content plan along with well-placed ads can maximize the revenue from your website.

How to Find Advertisers to Sell Your Ad Space?

Find businesses that complement the audience and content of your website first. Next, make a list of possible sponsors who might gain from being in front of your audience. Doing due diligence on possible sponsors is essential, particularly if you want to interact with them directly instead of depending just on ad networks.

Researching Potential Advertisers

Researching Potential Advertisers

This strategy works especially well for direct sales. Your demand sources will grow as a result of programmatic advertising, which streamlines the process and links publishers with a huge network of advertisers. However, if you decide to go with the direct transaction strategy, remember these three pointers:

1. Research Competitors’ Advertisers: Analyze the advertisers on similar websites within your niche. Visit competitor sites and take note of the companies advertising there. These businesses are already investing in your market and may be interested in advertising on your site as well.
2. Google Relevant Keywords: Use search engines to find companies actively investing in online advertising within your niche. This method helps you identify potential advertisers who are already targeting your market, broadening your demand sources, and contributing to your website monetization.
3. Advertise Yourself to Advertisers: Showcasing your audience and ad performance metrics on your website can make it appealing to potential advertisers. Promote this page through your network and social media channels to attract interest.

Utilizing Ad Networks

Publishers and advertisers are mediated by ad networks. Ads from the network’s inventory can instantly show on your website as a publisher by just creating an account on the ad network, adding their code, and getting started. Ad networks also save you from having to personally negotiate ad arrangements and usually charge a portion of your earnings in exchange for their services.

Google AdSense

With Google AdSense, publishers may profit every time a user clicks on one of their advertisements. The site is free to use. For small publishers (>100K monthly visitors) that are new to the world of website monetization, AdSense is an easy and sensible option. Technical expertise is not required, and setting it up is simple., a trusted Google Channel Partner, empowers publishers to maximize their website monetization with cutting-edge ad solutions. revolutionizes website monetization by leveraging advanced AI to optimize ad placements, increase eCPM, and maximize revenue. Our intelligent algorithms ensure that every ad space is utilized efficiently, delivering the highest value for publishers while enhancing user experience. With, you can seamlessly turn your website traffic into profitable outcomes.


A Google Certified Publishing Partner (GCPP) with an analytics-driven monetization platform, Setupad is renowned for its sophisticated ad stack, which consists of 31 premium demand sources, 11 server-to-server interfaces, and a unique ad server. Setupad promises to enhance ad income over Google AdSense by at least 30%, and many of its clients report significantly bigger gains. Through comprehensive features for income maximization through complex ad placement tactics and ad performance analytics, this platform’s interaction with Magicbid is made possible.

One of the pioneers of contextual advertising and a formidable rival of AdSense is Compared to AdSense, it delivers a greater income per thousand impression rate (RPM). Through the platform, publishers may increase their ad revenue and take advantage of a thriving search industry by connecting with a wide range of customers.


Infolinks is a system for monetizing ads based on impressions. The platform is compatible with Google AdSense and Publisher Management Partners. Infolinks characterizes the pageview requirements as modest.

Direct Ad Sales

With direct ad sales, publishers negotiate one-on-one arrangements with advertisers directly, eschewing middlemen like ad networks, SSPs, and DSPs. This method gives the advertising process more flexibility and control.

Benefits of Direct Ad Sales

Here are four key benefits of direct ad sales:

  • By eliminating the middleman, publishers can retain a larger portion of the ad revenue.
  • Direct interactions foster stronger relationships with advertisers, leading to long-term partnerships.
  • Publishers can tailor ad placements and formats to better suit the advertiser’s needs, improving ad effectiveness.
  • Direct deals provide more control over the types of ads displayed, ensuring they align with the publisher’s brand and audience preferences.
Negotiating Ad Deals

Prior to settling on an advertising agreement, do your homework and find businesses whose offerings complement your target market. Emphasize the benefits of advertising directly with you, the demographics of your audience, and the traffic your website receives. Be careful to haggle over the parameters of the agreement, such as duration, price, performance measures, and ad placement. To guarantee advertiser satisfaction and promote long-term partnerships, keep lines of communication open and offer ad performance analytics reports.

How to Manage Your Ad Space?

How to Manage Your Ad Space

Tracking Ad Performance

Analytics programs (like Google Analytics) assist in tracking the effectiveness of your advertising, including impressions, clicks, and conversion rates. Regularly review these data to make sure your website monetization plan is still working and to adjust ad placements and formats for more engagement and income.

Ensuring Ad Quality

Maintaining good ad quality requires screening advertisers and making sure that advertising is pertinent to and non-intrusive to your audience. Make use of ad networks that offer ad quality control, and make sure advertisements are up to your standards by reviewing them often. Maintaining consumer trust and maximizing your website’s monetization strategy depends on having high-quality advertisements.

Preventing Ad Fraud

In the ecosystem of digital ads, ad fraud is a prevalent problem that can result in lost income and strained relationships with advertisers. Reduce the likelihood of fraudulent behavior by putting anti-fraud mechanisms into place and collaborating with trustworthy ad networks. Review ad performance analytics on a regular basis to spot any odd trends or disparities that could point to fraud. Your income and reputation will be safeguarded if your website and advertisements are protected.

Optimizing Ad Formats

Try out various ad positions and styles to see which combination is most effective for your website and target demographic. Try out several ad formats, such as video, native, and display advertisements, to discover which ones bring in the most money and interaction. It is imperative that you keep refining your ad strategy in order to maximize income and guarantee a satisfying customer experience.

Maintaining Compliance and Ethical Standards

Safeguarding the reputation of your website and preserving a great user experience depends on your advertisements adhering to ethical and legal requirements. To make sure your advertisements follow industry best practices and standards, collaborate with trustworthy ad networks and advertisers. To gain the audience’s confidence, prioritize openness and user privacy the top priority in your advertising plan.

Embracing Programmatic Advertising and Open Bidding

By automating the purchasing and selling of digital ad space, programmatic advertising enables publishers to more effectively manage and market their inventory of available ads. It helps publishers maximize their ad income by providing real-time bidding and sophisticated targeting. A more sophisticated kind of programmatic advertising called open bidding lets several demand sources fight at once for ad space. Prices rise as a result of this rivalry, increasing your earnings and improving your website monetization efforts.


One great approach to making steady money on your website is to sell advertising space. You may maximize ad performance and diversify your income streams by utilizing programmatic advertising, open bidding, direct sales, and ad networks. With its emphasis on cutting-edge ad placement techniques and ad performance statistics, Magicbid can be a useful ally on this path. In order to guarantee a satisfying user experience and long-term expansion of your digital advertising ecosystem, never forget to give top priority to compliance, excellent content, and efficient ad administration.

How MagicBid Will Help You

MagicBid stands out as a robust, all-in-one solution for app, web, and CTV monetization. Its advanced targeting, diverse ad formats, real-time bidding, and seamless integration make it an indispensable tool for maximizing revenue across multiple digital platforms. By leveraging MagicBid’s innovative technology, you can ensure that your ad inventory is utilized to its fullest potential, driving significant revenue growth and staying ahead in the competitive digital advertising landscape.
For businesses looking to enhance their monetization strategy, MagicBid offers a comprehensive, user-friendly solution that delivers tangible results. Embrace MagicBid and transform your digital advertising revenue today!

Advanced Techniques for Assessing Your Google Ad Manager (DFP) Setup

Advanced Techniques for Assessing Your Google Ad Manager (DFP) Setup

Advanced ad testing tools are available in Google Ad Manager (GAM) to assist publishers in effectively managing their ad inventory. Publishers may improve Ad Performance Analytics by optimizing their ad delivery and performance by experimenting with various ad formats, sizes, and locations, utilizing solutions such as MagicBid. 

A Brief Introduction to Google Ad Manager

DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP) and DoubleClick Ad Exchange (AdX), Google’s former advertising systems, are integrated into Google Ad Manager (GAM), which was released in June 2018. With support for different ad exchanges, networks (such as Google AdSense and Ad Exchange), and distribution channels (such as video, smart TV, desktop, and mobile), it offers granular management. GAM provides complete Ad Inventory Optimization techniques through the use of Ad Tech Solutions. 

What is Google Ad Manager?

Google Ad Manager is a feature-rich tool for managing ads that is intended to improve ad experiences and maximize campaign performance for online publishers. It has an easy-to-use interface, strong reporting capabilities, and features including programmatic advertising, ad serving, and administration. By offering insights into Ad Performance Analytics and enhancing ROI through careful analytics, GAM assists in managing advertising across several platforms. Ad Inventory Optimization may be improved even further by utilizing MagicBid, which can also increase publisher revenue. 

The Importance of Testing Your Google Ad Manager Setup

Testing your GAM setup is crucial for several reasons:Testing Your Google Ad Manager Setup

  1. Ensuring Accurate Ad Delivery: Ad delivery accuracy is confirmed by careful testing, upholding advertiser confidence, and guaranteeing revenue is not at risk. Revenue leakage may be avoided and correct ad delivery can be ensured by using technologies such as MagicBid
  2. Optimizing Performance and Revenue: By determining the ideal ad sizes, layouts, and locations through testing, performance and income may be improved. Revenue maximization may be achieved by using efficient Ad Tech solutions, which can also dramatically improve Ad Performance Analytics. 
  3. Avoiding Revenue Leakage: To prevent revenue loss from unsold or poorly monetized impressions, careful testing is necessary. MagicBid can be quite helpful in identifying disparities in ad placements and tags. 
  4. Enhancing User Experience and Website Performance: Ad setup correctly guarantees a seamless user experience by avoiding problems like jerky or slow-loading advertising, which can lower customer satisfaction and bounce rates. By balancing monetization and user experience, tools like MagicBid promote publisher revenue growth. 

 Pre-Testing Checklist

  1. Review GAM Settings: Verify your configurations, ensure ad delivery, and offer accurate data. Solutions such as MagicBid are used to improve Ad Performance Analytics.
  2. Test Across Devices and Browsers: Verify that all user access methods are covered.
  3. Include Third-Party Integrations: To obtain a further understanding of Ad Inventory Optimization, test systems that are not part of GAM, such as order management and reporting tools. 

Key Areas to Test

Key Areas to Test

  • Ad Tag Implementation: Verify that ad tags are correctly placed and functioning across all pages to maximize visibility and performance. Tools like MagicBid can help ensure accurate tag implementation.
  • Targeting and Inventory Settings: Ensure targeting and inventory settings align with advertising goals, optimizing for Ad Inventory Optimization.
  • Header Bidding and Exchange Integration: Use Ad Tech Solutions to test the connection with external exchanges or header bidding partners.
  • Creatives and Ad Formats: Verify that high-quality ad formats are used and that creatives are published and shown appropriately on all devices.
  • Frequency Capping and Delivery Rules: Review settings to balance ad repetition and prioritize campaigns.
  • Third-Party Verification and Viewability Measurement: Verify interfaces with third-party technologies for viewability and verification.
  • Ad Quality and Compliance: Make sure that ad quality guidelines are followed, and steer clear of ad-related problems.

Testing Methods

  •  Test Object Creation: Set up a test environment with distinct test objects for accurate assessment.
  • Generate Test Data: Use various IP addresses and devices to test ad delivery and page performance, leveraging MagicBid for enhanced insights.
  • Check Ad Creatives: Use GAM’s preview feature to ensure creatives render correctly across all devices.

 Additional Tools for Testing

  • Chrome DevTools: Monitor GAM tags and page performance.
  • Google Publisher Console (GPC): Troubleshoot ad delivery issues and diagnose errors, ensuring effective Ad Tech Solutions.
  • Opportunities and Experiments: Use GAM’s self-service feature to identify and test potential optimizations.


Optimizing ad operations and increasing income requires testing your Google Ad Manager configuration. By carefully assessing and optimizing your GAM setup, you can improve ad performance, establish trustworthy alliances, and succeed over the long haul. Ad Inventory Optimization, enhanced Ad Performance Analytics, and increased Publisher Revenue may all be greatly aided by tools such as MagicBid. In the always-evolving world of ad tech, making sure you are constantly monitoring and tweaking your setup will guarantee that you are making the most of your ad inventory and maximizing revenue. 

How MagicBid Will Help You

A comprehensive set of tools from MagicBid helps you to improve monetization strategies on a variety of platforms, including the web, apps, and Connected TV (CTV). MagicBid optimizes ad placements for web monetization, guaranteeing increased exposure and interaction while offering comprehensive statistics to continuously improve strategy.

It provides a smooth interaction with various demand sources for app monetization, optimizing fill rates and eCPM. MagicBid provides optimal ad delivery and audience engagement for CTV by delivering personalized ad experiences with high-quality content. Publishers can achieve Ad Inventory Optimization and open up new income streams across all digital channels by utilizing MagicBid’s Ad Tech Solutions.

Using Google Trends to stay ahead in your SEO strategy

Using Google Trends to stay ahead in your SEO strategy

If you’re just starting with SEO and want to get a competitive edge, Google Trends is a great tool to begin with. It’s a free, user-friendly resource that offers valuable insights into popular search topics and changing interests. Incorporating trends into your SEO content strategy can significantly boost brand awareness and search performance. Staying ahead of the curve by leveraging current trends confirms your content is timely, relevant, and more likely to capture audience interest. 

Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to effectively integrate trends into your SEO efforts:

1. Create Timely, Trend-Relevant Content

Identifying and leveraging emerging trends can set your content apart from the competition. Use tools like Google Trends, Glimpse, and Exploding Topics to monitor and discover these trends. Once a trend is identified, create high-quality content quickly to capitalize on the lower competition and immediate audience interest.

Example: In India, if ‘Guru Purnima’ becomes popular, creating a video explaining its history and religious significance can attract a large audience. This type of content not only engages viewers with relevant information but also positions your brand as a well-informed source on trending topics.

2. Re-optimize Existing Content

Updating your existing content with developing and trending keywords can enhance its performance. This approach ensures that your content remains relevant and continues to attract traffic.

Example: Suppose your health blog has an article on ‘healthy eating’ that performs well. If a ‘plant-based diet’ starts trending, updating your content to include this new keyword can attract additional visitors searching for this trending topic. Re-optimization breathes new life into old content, keeping it competitive and relevant in search engine results.

3. Identify and Plan for Periodic Trends

Recognize trends that resurface annually or seasonally. Historical data can help predict these trends, allowing you to plan and create content in advance.

Example: Retailers might notice points in searches for ‘gift ideas’ during Amazon Prime Day. By recognizing this pattern, you can plan related content in advance, such as gift guides or special promotions, to agree with the anticipated increase in search volume. This proactive approach ensures you have high-quality, relevant content ready to capture the flow of interest.

4. Leverage Trends for Digital PR and Influencer Marketing

Trends can attract media attention and high visibility. Combining trends with digital PR efforts can generate links, build authority, and increase revenue. Influencer marketing can further increase your message.

Example: If ‘sustainable fashion’ is trending, cooperating with influencers who promote sustainability can significantly enhance your brand’s visibility. Writing press releases highlighting your brand’s eco-friendly practices and products can attract media coverage and build authority. This dual approach controls both media and influencer platforms to maximize reach and impact.

From Reactive to Proactive: Incorporating Trends in SEO

You may more effectively engage your audience and set yourself apart from competitors by using patterns in your SEO content strategy. The following are some tips for transitioning from a reactive to a proactive strategy in trend integration:

1. Regular Monitoring and Analysis

Keep tabs on search trends in your industry by regularly using tools such as Google Trends. You may set up alerts for particular phrases and subjects to stay on top of emerging trends. Regular analysis allows you to identify patterns and predict trends before they become popular.

2. Content Planning and Calendar

Develop a content calendar that includes trend-based content. Plan your content creation schedule around anticipated trends, ensuring you have timely and relevant content ready for publication. This proactive planning allows you to capitalize on trends as soon as they emerge.

3. Collaboration and Networking

Make relationships with influencers and media contacts who can help you promote your trend-based content. Collaborate with influencers to produce content that aligns with current trends and the messaging of your company. Making connections with people in the media can help your material get more exposure in highly visible outlets.

4. Adaptability in Content Creation

Make sure your process for creating content is swift and flexible. Quick content generation and publication are necessary to capitalize on new trends. Provide the tools and resources your team needs to generate high-quality content quickly.

Benefits of Incorporating Trends in SEO

Benefits of Incorporating Trends in SEO

Integrating trends into your SEO strategy offers several benefits:

  • Increased Traffic: Trend-relevant content attracts more visitors searching for current topics.
  • Higher Engagement: Timely content resonates with audiences, leading to better engagement and interaction.
  • Enhanced Brand Visibility: Being a source of current information positions your brand as a leader in your industry.
  • Improved Search Rankings: Search engines favor fresh, relevant content, which can boost your rankings.
  • Competitive Edge: Staying ahead of trends sets you apart from competitors who may be slower to react.


Including trends in your SEO content strategy is a huge way to boost search engine performance, brand exposure, and user interaction. By producing timely material that is relevant to trends, improving already-existing content, anticipating recurring trends, and utilizing trends for influencer and digital PR, you can ensure that your SEO efforts are constantly ahead of the curve. Moving from a reactive to a proactive strategy to trend integration requires regular monitoring, strategic content planning, teamwork, and speed in content development. You get a competitive advantage by using this method in addition to increased traffic, engagement, brand awareness, and search engine rankings.

How MagicBid Can Help You

MagicBid offers comprehensive software solutions that foster profitable expansion by maximizing monetization and utilizing artificial intelligence for strategic, data-driven marketing choices. Collaborating with businesses, MagicBid ensures tailored experiences on a vast global level, enhancing engagement and customer satisfaction. With the right technology and experience, one can achieve a greater goal. Magicbid enhances your monetization capabilities with their experience and tech expertise. 

Connect with us now to get a free ad revenue evaluation.

Google Launches June 2024 Spam Update

Google Launches June 2024 Spam Update 

In June 2024, Google announced a significant update to its spam detection algorithms, aiming to improve the quality of search results by targeting websites that violate its spam policies. This update, known as the June 2024 Spam Update, has caused ripples across the digital marketing community, as webmasters and SEO experts journey to understand its implications and adjust their strategies accordingly. In this article, we will delve into the key aspects of this update, its impact on website rankings, and how you can align your SEO practices to stay compliant with Google’s latest standards.

What is the June 2024 Spam Update? 

Google periodically updates its algorithms to enhance user experience by providing more relevant and high-quality search results. The June 2024 Spam Update is one such effort, specifically designed to crack down on spammy content and websites that employ false practices to work on search rankings. This includes strategies like keyword stuffing, cloaking, and using malicious links. By refining its spam detection capabilities, Google aims to ensure that users are directed to trustworthy and valuable content.

Impact on Website Rankings

The immediate result of the June 2024 Spam Update has seen fluctuations in website rankings. Websites engaging in spammy practices have experienced significant drops in their positions, while those following Google’s guidelines have seen improvements or remained stable. This update supports the importance of maintaining ethical SEO practices and prioritizing user experience over manipulative strategies. 

SEO Best Practices Post-Update

To mitigate the negative impacts of the June 2024 Spam Update and enhance your website’s performance, consider the following SEO best practices:

  1. Focus on High-Quality Content: Ensure your content is informative, well-researched, and valuable to your audience. Avoid keyword stuffing and prioritize natural language.
  2. Optimize for User Experience: Enhance your website’s usability by improving load times, mobile responsiveness, and overall site navigation.
  3. Build Trustworthy Backlinks: Acquire backlinks from reputable sources rather than engaging in link schemes or buying links.
  4. Regular Audits and Updates: Conduct regular audits to identify and rectify any spammy practices, ensuring your site remains compliant with Google’s guidelines. 

How to Recover from the June 2024 Spam Update 

June 2024 Spam Update 

If your website has been negatively impacted by the June 2024 Spam Update, recovery is possible with hardworking effort and devotion to SEO best practices:

  1. Identify Issues: Use tools like Google Search Console to pinpoint the areas where your site violates spam policies.
  2. Clean-Up Content: Remove or revise any low-quality, duplicate, or keyword-stuffed content on your site.
  3. Disavow Bad Links: Utilize Google’s Disavow tool to distance your site from harmful backlinks.
  4. Submit for Reconsideration: Once you have made the necessary changes, request a reconsideration from Google to have your site checked.

The Future of SEO with Google Algorithm Updates 

Google’s commitment to enhancing search quality means that algorithm updates will continue to evolve. Staying informed about these changes and proactively adjusting your SEO strategies is crucial. Focus on creating a user-centric website, following ethical SEO practices, and keeping up with industry trends to maintain and improve your search rankings.


The June 2024 Spam Update serves as a reminder of Google’s unwavering dedication to delivering high-quality search results. By targeting spammy practices, this update emphasizes the need for ethical SEO strategies and user-focused content. Website owners and digital marketers must stay vigilant and adapt to these changes to ensure sustained success in the competitive online landscape.

How MagicBid Can Help You 

MagicBid offers advanced solutions to help you navigate the complexities of web, CTV, and app monetization in light of Google’s updates. With our cutting-edge ad tech solutions, you can optimize your ad placements, enhance user experience, and maximize revenue. Our platform uses AI-driven insights to ensure compliance with the latest SEO standards, helping you maintain high rankings and attract quality traffic. Whether you’re monetizing a website, a connected TV platform, or a mobile app, MagicBid provides the tools and expertise to boost your ad revenue while adhering to best practices.

Connect with us now to get a free ad revenue evaluation.

Header Bidding or Waterfall: Which is Right for Your Website?

Header Bidding vs. Waterfall: What’s The Difference?

In this blog we will understand the difference between Header Bidding AKA prebid and Waterfall model. It is crucial for growing publishers to increase revenue by using effective new age ad delivery strategies. In recent years, two key such strategies are: Waterfall and header bidding. Comprehending the differences between these two methods can have a significant impact on a publishers earning. This article explains the differences between Waterfall and header bidding, by focusing on their benefits, drawbacks, and mechanisms.

The field of advanced public relations is always evolving, as publishers search for new and innovative methods to modify their content. Two strategies that are frequently utilized to improve promotion conveyance and increase revenue are waterfall and header bidding . Although each has advantages, realizing how they differ is essential to making the most of them. This piece explores the intricacies of header offering and header bidding , providing tidbits of information about each strategy’s possibilities and their individual benefits and drawbacks.

What is Header Bidding?

Header bidding, also known as advance offering or pre-offering, is an automated public relations tactic that enables publishers to offer stock to different promotion trades in the interim before making judgments and submitting them to their promotion servers. By creating a serious environment in which request sources bid gradually, this strategy may increase the distributer’s overall promotion revenue.

How Header Bidding Works

  1. Ad Request: An advertisement demand is raised when a customer visits a publisher’s website.
  2. Header Bidding Code: Located in the site’s header, this code continuously sends bid notifications to various interest sources.
  3. Real-Time Bidding:  Request providers gradually present their offerings, such as promotion trades and SSPs
  4. Bid Evaluation: The publisher’s promotion server ships off the most notable bid.
  5. Ad Display: The customer is shown the winning advertising by the advertisement server.

Benefits of Header Bidding

  • Increased Revenue: publishers can get more CPMs by allowing many interest sources to offer concurrently.
  • Improved Yield Management: Executive yield has improved as a result of publishers’ increased control over their stock.
  • Reduced Latency: Since the offering system runs ahead of the promotion server call, there may be less overall idleness during the delivery of advertisements.

Drawbacks of Header Bidding

  • Complex Implementation: Configuring header offerings is a complex process that calls for specialist knowledge.
  • Increased Latency: Inadequately improved header-providing arrangements may result in deferrals even if they can reduce idle time.
  • Higher Costs: Handling a variety of interest sources and offerings may result in higher functional costs.

What is Waterfall?

The waterfall method, also known as daisy chaining, is an automated public relations technique that involves suggesting promotional material to sources to progressively seek information. If the primary interest source is unable to fill the stock, the publisher sets down a boundary request and proceeds to the next, etc.

How Waterfall Works

  1. Ad Request: When a customer enters the website, a promotion demand is triggered.
  2. Sequential Bidding: The most notable source of need requests receives the solicitation first.
  3. Fill Rate Check: The promotion is supplied if the interest source can handle the solicitation. If not, the request is sent to the next source of interest further down the chain.
  4. Ad Display: This loop continues until either all request sources are used up or advertising is provided.

Benefits of Waterfall

  • Simpler Setup: Compared to header providing, the waterfall approach is easier to implement and manage.
  • Lower Costs: Typically, managing successive interest sources entails less functional costs.

Drawbacks of Waterfall

  • Lower Revenue Potential: Since the stock may be sold at less aggressive rates, the sequential nature may result in lower CPMs. 
  • Inefficient Yield Management: Unbending design may result in executives wasting their time and money, and it can also close fantastic opportunities.
  • Increased Latency: Continual provisioning may lengthen the duration required to fulfill a promotion, resulting in increased inactivity.

Header Bidding vs. Waterfall: A Comparative Analysis

Header Bidding vs. Waterfall

  • Revenue Generation

Header bidding generally offers higher revenue potential compared to the waterfall method due to its competitive bidding environment. By allowing multiple demand sources to bid simultaneously, publishers can achieve better CPMs and optimize their ad revenue.

  • Implementation Complexity

Because of its serious offering atmosphere, header offerings often provide better earning potential as compared to the waterfall approach. publishers may improve their marketing income and get higher CPMs by allowing several interest sources to offer at the same time.

  • Latency Considerations

Both methods may worry about being idle. While header offering, when properly advanced, might reduce dormancy, it can also result in deferrals if not handled with precision. Because the waterfall technique is sequential, it has increased idleness by nature.

  • Yield Management

Header providing increases the value of each impression through shrewd offering, which results in a more effective yield across the board. It’s interesting to note that the waterfall technique’s rigid requirement structure might lead to wasted yield on the board.


Every tactic in the header bidding vs waterfall conflict has unique advantages and disadvantages. Header offerings come with complexity and probable inertness difficulties, but they also provide more income possibilities, further developed for the executives, and a competitive offering. The waterfall technique is less complex and practical however may prompt lower income and wasteful promotion conveyance. publishers should gauge these variables and pick the technique that best lines up with their adaptation objectives and specialized abilities.

How MagicBid Will Help You

MagicBid provides advanced solutions for app, web, and CTV monetization by leveraging cutting-edge ad tech for websites. With MagicBid, publishers can optimize their inventory through real-time bidding, audience segmentation, and personalized ad experiences. These features ensure effective monetizing of web traffic, maximizing revenue across all platforms. Whether you are looking to enhance your app monetization strategy or improve ad performance on your website or CTV, MagicBid’s comprehensive suite of tools is designed to meet your needs in the evolving digital ad ecosystem.

Connect with us now to get a free ad revenue evaluation.

Global Ad Revenue Will Hit $1 Trillion Faster Than Expected, GroupM Forecast Says

Global Ad Revenue Will Hit $1 Trillion Faster Than Expected, GroupM Forecast Says

According to the latest forecast from GroupM, a well-known media investment group, global advertising spend will pass a major milestone sooner than expected. Their projections show that global ad revenue will reach $1 trillion at an accelerated pace, driven by unique changes in consumer behavior, mechanical advances, and developments in the economy.

Understanding the Forecast

Based on extensive research and data analysis, GroupM’s forecast provides insights into future trends and serves as a benchmark for the advertising sector. The $1 trillion milestone underscores the robust growth trajectory of the Global ad revenue and its critical role in shaping modern economies.

Factors Driving Growth

1. Digital Transformation

Digital advertising continues to be the main driver of growth and is changing the way brands engage with their customers. Digital streaming services, social media, and search engines offer targeted advertising opportunities that appeal to an increasingly digital audience

2. E-commerce Boom

Spending on digital advertising has increased as a result of the rise in online shopping. Brands are quickly benefiting from the immense reach and quantifiable impact of computer-driven advertising that drives shopper and store engagement.

3. Mobile Dominance

Multi-faceted advertising has become a dominant force, reflecting the inescapable use of cell phones and tablets around the world. Location-based targeting and interactive ad formats are being used by advertisers on mobile platforms to deliver personalized content.

4. Emerging Markets Expansion

Advertisers are benefiting financially from the explosive economic expansion seen in emerging markets in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The burgeoning working class and growing expendable livelihoods are fueling interest in labor and products, prompting brands to invest resources in limited advertising techniques.

5. Hybrid Advertising Strategies

Traditional media channels such as print, radio, and television are still relevant, even though digital advertising is receiving a lot of attention. In order to reach and appeal to a wider range of customers, many brands are using hybrid advertising strategies.

Challenges and Considerations

Challenges and Considerations

1. Ad Fraud and Privacy Concerns

Ad fraud and data privacy are two of the challenges facing the digital advertising ecosystem. To reduce risk and increase transparency, advertisers are implementing increasingly stringent measures and utilizing cutting-edge technologies.

2. Technological Innovations

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning advances are changing the advertising industry by allowing real-time ad optimization and correct audience targeting. The success and efficiency of budget use remain mainly determined by the growth of advertising technology.

3. Consumer Expectations

Today’s customers want their advertising to be relevant, customized, and consistent with their opinions and interests. Over time, organizations have to focus on honesty and transparency in their advertising campaigns if they hope to gain the confidence and loyalty of audiences.

The Road Ahead

GroupM’s positive estimate suggests that the world’s advertising market is entering a new chapter. Reaching the $1 trillion milestone ahead of schedule demonstrates the ability to adapt and the pragmaticity of the sponsors in investigating new business sector features.


In conclusion, the advertising industry’s rapid rise toward $1 trillion in worldwide ad income may be due to many factors, including digital innovation, the growth of e-commerce, and expanded market prospects. When advertisers continue to innovate and adjust to changing consumer behaviors and technological innovations, the future is full of opportunities and growth. The GroupM projection highlights the industry’s strong growth trend while also stressing that, for marketers to succeed over the long run, they must embrace agility, innovation, and ethical standards. 

How MagicBid Will Help You

MagicBid has proven to be an indispensable tool for maximizing ad revenue. Its innovative technology and user-centric design make it a top choice for publishers looking to enhance their monetization strategies. Whether for web, app, or CTV, MagicBid delivers exceptional results with minimal effort. MagicBid’s capabilities make it an ideal choice for anyone looking to maximize their ad revenue. Its intuitive interface and hassle-free integrations make it the perfect choice for publishers of all sizes.

Connect with us now to get a free ad revenue evaluation.

Making Best Use of Low-Value Content: Tips and Tricks

Making Best Use of Low-Value Content: Tips and Tricks

Low-value content is a huge issue in the digital world. Numerous sites and websites produce content that doesn’t offer a lot of benefits to readers. This kind of content can negatively affect your site’s standing and search engine optimization execution. In this article, we will investigate what low-value content is, its effect, and how to keep away from it.

What is Low-Value content?

Low-value content is related to web content that gives almost no helpful data to the readers. This type of content is often shallow, poorly researched, and fails to engage the audience. Models incorporate substance, which is:

  • Repetitive or redundant
  • Overly promotional
  • Lack in-depth information
  • Filled with grammar and spelling errors
  • Irrelevant to the target audience
  • These attributes make the substance unappealing and pointless.

The Impact of Low-Value Content

The impact of low-value content can be far-reaching. Here are some of the negative effects:

1. Poor User Experience

Readers hope to find important data when they visit a site. They are likely to leave quickly when they find content of low value. This raises the bounce rate, which can have a negative impact on the performance of your website. 

2. Harm to SEO

Web indexes like Google expect to give the best outcomes to clients. Low-value content can prompt lower rankings since it doesn’t satisfy the quality guidelines set via web indexes. Google’s calculations are intended to recognize and depreciate content that lacks depth and relevance.

3. Damage to Brand Reputation

 Your brand’s reputation could suffer if you publish low-quality content on a regular basis. Perusers will begin to consider your site to be a wellspring of low-quality data. A loss of credibility and trust can result from this. 

How to Identify Low-Value Content

Value Recognizing low-esteem content on your site is the initial step to working on quality. 

1. Short and Vague Articles

 Articles that are too short frequently have less information. It is likely of low value if the content is vague and lacks specifics. 

2. High Bounce Rates

Assuming that specific pages have a high bounce rate, it very well may be an indication that the substance isn’t drawing in or helpful. 

3. Lack of Engagement

Your audience probably won’t connect with content that doesn’t get comments, shares, or other forms of engagement. 

How to Avoid Low-Value Content

How to Avoid Low-Value Content

Creating high-quality content requires effort and planning. Here are some tips to ensure your content is valuable:

1. Understand Your Audience

 It’s important to know who your audience is. Grasp their requirements, interests, and problem areas. Make content that tends to these perspectives. This will make your substance more significant and lock in. 

2. Conduct Thorough Research

The great substance is well-informed. Set aside some margin to assemble precise and state-of-the-art data. Make use of reliable sources and offer in-depth insights. As a result, your content will be more trustworthy and informative. 

3. Provide In-Depth Analysis

Go past the analysis. Give inside-and-out analysis and definite clarifications. This enhances your substance and lays out your clout regarding the matter. 

4. Focus on Quality Over Quantity

It is smarter to distribute less excellent articles than some bad quality ones. Center around making very much created, useful pieces. This will further develop your site’s general quality and execution. 

5. Use Clear and Correct Language

Good grammar and spelling are essential. Poor language can distract readers and undermine your credibility. Proofread your content and consider using tools like Grammarly to help with this.

6. Update and improve existing content.

Regularly review your existing content. Update outdated information and improve the overall quality. This keeps your site relevant and valuable to readers.

Examples of High-Value Content

To better understand what makes content valuable, here are some examples of high-value content:

1. Detailed Guides and Tutorials

These give bit-by-bit guidelines and point-by-point clarifications. They assist perusers with tackling explicit issues or acquiring new abilities. 

2. In-Depth Reviews

Exhaustive surveys that cover all parts of an item or administration. They furnish perusers with all the data they need to settle on informed choices.

3. Case Studies

Genuine models that show how an item, administration, or methodology works practically speaking. They impart significant bits of knowledge and exhibit results. 

4. Original Research

Content that presents unique exploration or exceptional information. This kind of happiness is exceptionally significant in light of the fact that it offers new data that can’t be found somewhere else.

Tools and Resources to Improve Content Quality

Tools and Resources to Improve Content Quality

Several tools and resources can help you create high-quality content:

1. Grammarly

This instrument assists with language and spelling. It likewise gives ideas to further develop coherence and clearness. 

2. Hemingway Editor

Hemingway Supervisor assists make your composition with clarity and briefness. It features complex sentences and proposes less complex other options. 

3. Google Analytics

Utilize Google Analytics to monitor your content’s performance. Examine metrics such as user engagement, time spent on the page, and bounce rate. This information can assist you with distinguishing regions for development.

4. BuzzSumo

BuzzSumo helps you identify hot topics and content that performs well. It can likewise assist you with examining your rivals’ substance methodologies.

5. SEMrush

SEMrush gives bits of knowledge into watchword execution, backlinks, and content holes. This data can assist you with improving your substance for better Search engine optimization execution. 

Case Study: Improving Content Quality

Let’s look at a case study of a website that improved its content quality and saw significant benefits.


A private venture blog was battling with low traffic and high skip rates. The substance was short, ineffectively explored, and not locking in.


The blog proprietor chose to redo their substance methodology. They began by understanding their crowd better. They directed reviews and broke down input to recognize their crowd’s requirements. Then, they zeroed in on making top-to-bottom articles. They concentrated on research and gave nitty gritty data. They additionally worked on the language and comprehensibility of their substance. 


The blog saw a significant rise in traffic within a few months. The bob rate diminished, and client commitment got to the next level. The site’s Web optimization execution likewise improved, prompting higher rankings on web search tool results pages. 


The performance and reputation of your website can be harmed by low-quality content. It is vital to comprehend what comprises low-value substances and do whatever it takes to stay away from them. Center around grasping your crowd, leading exhaustive exploration, and giving inside and outside investigation. Use language that is understandable and accurate, and regularly update and enhance your content. 

Thus, you can make top-notch content that draws in perusers and lifts your site’s exhibition. Keep in mind that the most important thing is quality over quantity. It is smarter to have a couple of high-esteem articles than some low-esteem ones. Put time and exertion into making content that offers genuine benefit to your perusers. This will assist you with building areas of strength for a presence and making long-haul progress.

How MagicBid will help you

MagicBid enhances app, web, and CTV monetization by leveraging AI-driven ad placement and targeting. It optimizes ad revenues through precise audience segmentation and real-time bidding, ensuring higher engagement and conversion rates. With seamless integration and robust analytics, MagicBid offers a comprehensive solution for maximizing ad performance and revenue across various digital platforms.

Connect with us now to get a free ad revenue evaluation.

How to Set Up Google Ad Manager Ads for Newsletters

How to Set Up Google Ad Manager Ads for Newsletters

Google Ad Manager is an essential tool for publishers. It helps manage ad inventory effectively. If you want to monetize your newsletters, Google Ad Manager is a great option. This guide will walk you through the detailed process of setting up Google Ad Manager ads specifically for newsletters.

Step 1: Create a Google Ad Manager Account

First, you want a Google Ad Manager account. You will need to make one if you don’t already have one. Visit the [Google Ad Manager Account website] ( To set up your account, just follow the guidelines mentioned in this article. This will require you to agree to Google’s terms of service and provide some fundamental information about your business.

Step 2: Set Up Ad Units

When your account is set up, the next stage is to create ad units. Ad units are the assigned spaces where your advertisements will show up. How to make an advertisement unit: 

  1. Navigate to the Inventory Section: In Google Ad Manager, go to the ‘Inventory’ section from the main menu.
  2. Create a new ad unit: Click on ‘Ad Units’ and then on the ‘New Ad Unit’ button.
  3. Name your ad unit: Provide a name for your ad unit. Make it descriptive so you can easily identify it later.
  4. Select ad size: Choose the size of your ad. For newsletters, common sizes include 300×250 (medium rectangle) and 728×90 (leaderboard).

Ad units must be tailored to your newsletter’s layout and design. Make a point to test various sizes and positions to see what turns out best for your crowd. 

Step 3: Generate Ad Tags

The creation of the ad tag is the next step after creating your ad unit. The promotion tag is a piece of HTML code that you will embed into your pamphlet. How to go about it:

  1. Go to the tags section: In Google Ad Manager, navigate to the ‘Tags’ section.
  2. Find Your Ad Unit: Locate the ad unit you created earlier.
  3. Generate the Ad Tag: Click on the ‘Tag’ button next to your ad unit. A window will pop up with the ad tag code.
  4. Copy the code: Copy the ad tag code to your clipboard.

Ads in your newsletter can’t be displayed without this code. It tells the email client where to pull the promotion content from and how to show it.

Google ad manager 

Step 4: Integrate Ad Tags into Your Newsletter Template

It’s time to incorporate the ad tag into your newsletter template now that you have it. This cycle will fluctuate depending on the email specialist co-op (ESP) you use, like Mailchimp, Steady Contact, or SendinBlue. Here is a general aide: 

  1. Log into your ESP account: Access the account you use for sending newsletters.
  2. Open the template editor: Navigate to the section where you can edit your newsletter template to open the Template Editor. 
  3. Paste the Ad Tag: Place the ad tag code where you want it to appear in your newsletter’s HTML. 
  4. Save and Preview: Save your progressions and see the bulletin to guarantee the promotion shows up accurately.

Step 5: Create Line Items

The terms and conditions of your ad deals are called line items. They decide which ads will run, for how long, and other important parameters. This is the way to set them up:

  1. Go to the Orders Section: In Google Ad Manager, navigate to the ‘Orders’ section.
  2. Create a new order: Click on the ‘New Order’ button. Provide a name for your order and fill in the advertiser’s details.
  3. Add a Line Item: Click on the ‘New Line Item’ button within your order.
  4. Set Line Item Type: Choose the type of ad. For newsletters, common types include standard and sponsorship.
  5. Define campaign parameters: Set the beginning and end dates for the mission. Describe the objectives, such as the number of clicks or impressions. 
  6. Select Ad Unit: Choose the ad unit you created earlier.

Details help oversee and follow different promotion crusades. They likewise consider exact command over promotion conveyance and execution. 

Step 6: Upload Creative

The content of the advertisement that users will see is creative. It could be text, an image, or a mix of the two. How to upload your creative is as follows: Creatives Section

  1. Navigate to the Creatives Section: In Google Ad Manager, go to the ‘Creatives Section.
  2. Create a New Creative: Click on the  ‘New creative’ button.
  3. Choose a Creative Type: Choose a creative type. For bulletins, picture creatives are normal. 
  4. Upload the Ad Content: Upload the image or other ad content.
  5. Link Creative to Line Item: Link the creative to the line item you created earlier.

Make sure the ads you create are visually appealing and relevant to the interests of your target audience. Top-notch creatives can help with promotion execution. 

Test Your Ads

Step 7: Test Your Ads

Testing your advertisements is essential prior to going live. Send yourself, or a small group, a test email. Verify that the advertisements display correctly and function as intended. Look for any problems, such as poor image quality, broken links, or incorrect formatting. 

  1. Send a test email: Send a test email with your ESP. 
  2. Verify Ad Display: Check to see that the ad is displayed in the right size and position. 
  3. Check Links: Click on the ad to make sure it directs to the correct landing page.
  4. Adjust If Necessary: Make any necessary adjustments to the ad tag or creative if necessary

Testing makes sure that your ads will work as intended and that your audience will have a smooth experience.

Step 8: Monitor Ad Performance

When your advertisements are live, checking their performance is significant. You can track and analyze your ad campaigns with the help of robust reporting tools provided by Google Ad Manager. This is the way to screen your promotions: 

  1. Go to the Reports Section: Go to the ‘Reports’ section in Google Ad Manager
  2. Create a new report: Click on the ‘New Report’ button to start a new report.
  3. Select Metrics: Choose the metrics you want to track, such as impressions, clicks, and click-through rates (CTR).
  4. Set Date Range: Define the time period for your report.
  5. Generate Report: Click on “Run Report” to generate the information.

Monitoring your ads on a regular basis helps you know how well they are working. It lets you make decisions based on data to improve your advertising campaigns.

Step 9: Optimize Your Ads

Optimization is key to maximizing your ad revenue. Based on the performance data, make adjustments to improve your ad effectiveness. Here are some tips:

  1. Adjust Ad Placements: Test various newsletter positions to determine which ones get the most attention. 
  2. Experiment with ad sizes: Try a variety of ad sizes to find the one that works best for your audience. 
  3. Refine targeting: Use Google Promotion Supervisor’s focus on choices to contact explicit crowd portions. 
  4. Update Creative: To keep your ad creatives engaging and relevant, you should update them frequently. 
  5. Adjust Bids and Budgets: Alter your offers and spending plan allotments in view of execution information. 

Streamlining is a continuous interaction. To get the most out of your strategy, keep improving it. 


It takes a lot of time to set up ads in Google Ad Manager for newsletters, but doing so is a great way to make money off of your email content. You can successfully manage your newsletter ads by following these steps: creating an account, setting up ad units, creating ad tags, integrating them into your newsletter, creating line items, uploading creatives, testing ads, monitoring performance, and optimizing your campaigns. Keep in mind that the way to progress is through ceaseless trying and improvement.

Give close consideration to your promotion execution and adapt. You can make more money from ads and improve the quality of your newsletters as a whole if you keep at it and pay attention to the little things. Google Ad Manager is an invaluable resource for any publisher because it provides the tools and adaptability required to accomplish these objectives.

How MagicBid Will Help You

MagicBid stands out as a comprehensive solution for optimizing monetization across web, app, and CTV platforms. By leveraging cutting-edge technology, real-time bidding, diverse ad formats, and detailed analytics, MagicBid ensures that your ad inventory is fully optimized, leading to significant revenue growth.

By integrating MagicBid into your monetization efforts, you gain access to a suite of tools and features designed to maximize earnings and streamline the ad management process. Whether you’re focusing on web, app, or CTV monetization, MagicBid equips you with the resources needed to drive exceptional revenue growth and achieve unparalleled success.

Connect with us now to get a free ad revenue evaluation.