Google Ad Exchange: A Complete Guide for Publishers in 2024

Google Ad Exchange: A Complete Guide for Publishers in 2024

The Google ad exchange is a busy marketplace for the publisher where they get to monetize their website or app. Let us precisely understand how a publisher gets themselves qualified and can setup a Google Adx account and what is the correct way to set it up with a closer outlook making heed on its pros and cons. 

What is Google AdX (Google Ad Exchange)? Learn How They Work

It is a programmatic advertising platform that helps the publisher in selling out the ad inventory. Google Adx let you have a direct link to the advertisers so that it becomes easy for the publisher to sell there and inventory at a good price.

Let’s learn ways to sell out and add inventory with the Google Adx: 

  • Open Auction: In the open auction you get to request the bid for filling up the ad space you want. Any of the advertisers can place the bid of their choice. Eventually whoever advertiser gets the highest number of bids wins and that creative ad get a display on the website
  • Private Auction: in the private option it is you who can invite the advertiser to bid on the Inventory of your Ad. It is you who can select a floor price. 
  • Preferred Deals: It is you who can offer the Inventory of an ad to the chosen advertiser before sending it to any kind of private auction. 

If you are the one who is using Google Adx as a publisher, you will get a nice control on the ads that are displayed on the website. You will also have control over the Inventory of the ad you are selling and many more things like that. It is not only the publisher who get benefit but Google adx also turns out to be beneficial for the advertiser as it lets them have an access to the at space and control over the pay. 

What is an Ad Exchange?

What is an Ad ExchangeIt is a kind of managed marketplace which turns out to be a beneficial platform for the ad networks advertiser agency and the population as it lets them exchange their impressions in real time through private auction, preferred deals and open auction or in any other way. 

In the year 2018 the DFP and Adx got merged, which created a new environment for the publisher in respect of management of their inventory. 

Ad Exchange Examples

Google add exchange or adx will be a good example of an ad exchange. It is a platform which lets the publisher sell their ad and inventory based on an auction system. The advertiser bids on the ad space that is available and the highest bidder ad gets displayed on the website of the publisher or the app. 

Benefits of Google AdX 

There comes a lot of benefits of the Google ad exchange that makes it a little superior as compared to the Google AdSense. 

Higher Revenue Potential

There are two major sources that raises the demand for the Google AdSense which is Google display Network and the other is Google AdWords but when it comes to Google ad exchange it still holds the group among the advertiser and the publisher as it consolidates multiple demand platforms. 

Advance Targeting Option

The Geographic and behavioural targeting is offered by the Google ad exchange and it literally allows the publisher to reach a higher audience that also increases the efficiency of the advertising system. 

More Control OverAd Content

The control over the ad content gets a little higher when it comes to Google ad exchange as the publisher gets control over the display ads of their mobile application and the website. 

Increases Transparency 

Google Adx increases the transparency in the process of advertising and also let you have a good understanding of the inventory of advertising. 

 Am I Eligible to Get Into Google AdX?

Latest check out the Eligibility requirement for the Google Adx. 

A page view of at least 5 million is required by the publisher for getting access to the Google adx. After getting the above criteria fulfilled the publisher can:

  • Negotiate and plan the direct deals at one place. 
  • They can also set the floor price for a better return. 
  • Get themselves connected with a large group of global demand that features the best advertiser and the brand. 
  • Sticky ads and auto refresh can also be implemented. 
  • Blocking, filtering and revenue reporting tools will have better access. 

How to Sign Up for a Google AdX Account through third party ? Learn How They Work

In case you want to run Google adx with the third party you have to pay them up price to get yourself access with it. The charges of the party resellers varies between 15 to 20% of the revenue generated from the ads every month. In case if you are making $ 20000 from adx the partner will be charged $1000 as fees. 

Latest understand the working pattern of Google adx: 

Publishers Integration: for serving up the ad setup, it is necessary for the publisher to integrate with the Google ad exchange. This process is done through a code snippet and the tag of the website or application. The publisher also get the access for conducting the real time auction for the Impressions of the ad. 

Ad inventory auction: when the user visits the profile of a publisher the space of ad that is available gets option in a real time through the ad exchange. 

Real Time Bidding: The real time bidding is used to enhance the process of auction. The advertiser here submit the bid of the real time for the Impressions of the ad for getting the highest bidder  winning opportunity for displaying their ads. 

Optimization and Decisioning: it is necessary to have an algorithm for the optimization which helps you make a decision for the real time bidding. 

Ad rendering and display: as you select the winning ad it renders the display of the user within the publisher’s app or the website. The adx also ensures a seamless integration and the delivery of the ads.

Reporting and Insight: if you are looking for a comprehensive reporting solution Google adx is the one stop destination as it provides many analytic tools that keep track of your click, revenue, Impressions, ecpm and other important things. It also helps you evaluate the performance of the ads and optimise your ad inventory. 

How to Link Your Google Ad Exchange Account to Ad Manager?

How to Link Your Google Ad Exchange Account to Ad ManagerIn order to link your Google add exchange account to the Google ad manager you need to follow The below steps: 

  • You need to access the Google ad manager account and then login. 
  • Navigate to the admin settings once you are logged in, click on the admin tab that is present on the upper right corner of the interface. 
  • You may select on to the Global setting section from the admin panel where you will find linked accounts. 
  • In the link account section you will get to see the option of Link your ad exchange account. 
  • From there you will enter your ad exchange account Id and select the account you want to link. Therefore, click on the link account button to initiate the same. 

How Do You Increase Your Google Ad Exchange Revenue?

There has been a considerable amount of revenue potential when it comes to Google ad exchange as it totally depends on the potential and the amount of goal the publisher want to achieve. When it comes to the publisher who have a large pool with a premium amount of inventory and a good traffic quality they get benefit directly from the ad exchange where the smaller publisher who are seeking simplicity will not find ad exchange as a suitable option for generating revenue rather they can switch to the adsense. 

The publisher has to get a proper evaluation of the website and the consideration of factors such as the quality of the content and the size of the audience. 

Google Ad Exchange CPM

The CPM in the Google ad exchange clearly refers to the price which the advertisers are willing to pay for every thousand impressions that are served on the website of a publisher or through any app through the ad exchange program. 


If you are a publisher and looking for the monetization of your website you can surely take help of a Google ad exchange that helps you gain control over your own setup and gives you the desired number of increase in terms of revenue. Magicbid turns out to be a forceful service approach that helps you with the ad monetization process which includes the access to the Google adx with all the dedicated and management support. 

Google AdX vs Google AdSense 2024: Which is Better For You?

Google AdX vs Google AdSense 2024: Which is Better For You?

Want to know about the Google Adx vs Google Ad sense? You have landed on the right page. They are digital advertising programs but serve different purposes. Publishers use both of the platforms for the monetization of the website. Let us understand both of them with a closer look. Google AdX and Google AdSense depend on factors such as website traffic volume, publisher size, and desired level of control and customization. AdX is ideal for large publishers seeking premium ad inventory and higher revenue potential, while AdSense is suitable for smaller publishers looking for efficiency and accessibility. 

What is Google AdX?

The origin of the Google adx began from the double click ad exchange which was founded in the year 1996. It was an ad server which was later acquired by Google in 2008.

The publishers are able to sell the inventory of their ads to the advertisers and other agencies in a real time bidding setup. The ad exchange enables an open marketplace where the prices are dealt in a real time auction. The ad exchange also enabled the display at the ad spaces to be allocated in a much efficient way which could easily cross the web. 

The seller can make the money with their ad space and give access to the advertiser, whereas they still control and can advertise on their site. The buyers still get the access to more ad space and the websites for having the control over where the ads need to run. 

This platform also monetizes the ad inventory and gets to serve the mobile developers and the website owners. 

How Does Google AdX Work?

How Does Google AdX WorkThe Google ad exchange works to establish an open  market whereas the buyer places the real time bids on the ad inventory that is available. There are the three kinds of auction that is available on the Google Adx: 

Open auction: Publishers are supposedly nameless and the auction is open to all the advertisers and the publishers. It is the default auction type. 

Private Auction: The private auctions are where the publishers and the advertisers offer the ad placement on their site. The publishers are not nameless in a private auction. The publisher brand and the profile has a deep impact on how good an auction can be performed that is private. 

Preferred Deal: The publisher deal directly with the advertiser and offer them an exclusive access to the selected inventory prior it gets private. Management and the optimisation of a Google Adx account is demanding and craves for an agency or rather a dedicated resource. 

What is Google AdSense?

It is a platform which displays the content based on the advertisements on the partner site. This allows the publisher to earn profit for every ad click. 

The AdSense matches the ad to the site based on the content of the publisher’s visitor and the content. Advertisers then bid for the placement of their ads just the same as the Google Ads. In fact, the ads on the Ad sense comes from the Google Ads, the display on the Google Display Network and the Google products. 

What is exactly the difference? Which is the platform that is most suitable for you? 

How Does Google AdSense Work?

The Ad sense emerges as a free service and it clearly manages all the steps and the process once the tags are set. It gives a way for everyone to sign up. In contrast the entry barrier is kept low. 

Of course, The Google Ad sense enunciates the result and requires a lot of effort by the marketing resource and the consultant. If you want to get started with the Ad sense, it is actually very easy. For this very reason the popularity has grown high with a larger adoption rate in between the advertisers and the publisher. 

The ads get generated from the Google Ads platforms, where the advertisers set up a campaign with the ads and then bid on the keyword on the ad placement. All of it makes it very easy for the advertisers for the access of the placement on the Ad sense network. 

Google AdX vs Google AdSense: What Are the Key Differences?

Google AdX vs Google AdSense What Are the Key DifferencesAdx is a type of ad exchange which brings together the seller and the buyer of the ad inventory in the real time process of bidding. The Ad sense then comes as an ad network which simply matches the content of the publisher with the related ads. The two products serve fundamentally the purpose of different varieties of the clients. This kind gets a detailed comparison for the ad network vs ad exchange. 

Let us summarises the key differences: 

1. Functionality

Google Adx is a type of Ad exchange that lets the publisher sell the Inventory of their ad to the advertisers and the ad networks. Additionally, it also gives the publisher access to a larger pool of advertisers and adds a network that eventually results in higher revenue. 

On the other side Google AdSense, emerges as an ad network which allows publishers for the placement of their ads on the website and on revenue through it when the user Clicks on that particular ad. 

2. Control:

This Adx provides the publisher with a control over the ad inventory. It also let’s the publisher to set any kind of rule they want for the type of Ads that is going to appear on the website. It supports the real time bidding which eventually helps in the maximization of revenue by selling the inventory of their ad to the highest bidder. 

With the help of Google ad sense the publisher may choose the format  of the ads. They get a less control over the content that appears on the website.

3. Revenue

The Google Adx helps in the generation of a higher amount of revenue compared to the adsense. The Adx allows access to a larger pool of the ad networks and the publishers that results in the higher revenue and higher bids. 

On the other hand, the ad sense clearly depends on the volume of traffic and number of clicks on the ad. 

4. Publisher Eligibility

The adsense is basically open to all the publishers no matter what their size of the website is and the amount of traffic they are receiving. Both of the large publishers are able to earn money with the Google AdSense by signing up and getting themselves approved. 

Google Adx on the other side is available to the large publisher who meet the eligibility criteria and want Adx. 

5. Ad Quality

The Adx and the Adsense offer a quality at which allows the advertisers who are certified to ensure that the ads which are delivered are of high quality and relevant. 

What is Google Ad Manager?

 It is a flagship ad server product that enables the publisher to hold the ad exchange and the adsense at once, aligning with the other third party apps. Google rebranded its publisher-facing product and the advertising product including the double click, AdWords, Ad exchange and other marketing tools by the end of the year 2018. The Ad sense remains as a separate product whereas Google combines both the admanager which is Google’s popular ad server and the industrial leading ad exchange. 

The Ad exchange is needed by the Publisher for the sign up. The publisher needs to be invited or signed by Google through any third party partner and during that process Google has to limit the access for the premium ad exchange for the larger publisher and the partner. 

How Authorized Buyers Work With Google Ad Manager

How Authorized Buyers Work With Google Ad ManagerThe authorised buyer program of Google enables many websites and the applications from all over the world to make their ad inventory available to the buyer. The authorised buyers get access to the Google partner inventory that allows them to curate both on who they work with and how they work with. 

The most common buyers includes: 

Ad network: the company clearly serve to be a broker between the advertiser and the publisher

Trading Desk: The divisions execute exchange buys for all the company agencies. 

Demand Side Platform: the platform make buying easier. 

How to Get Started With AdX

 If you want to sell your ad inventory then using Adx is a good option. Though, it can be a bit tricky to set up but since it is reserved for the large publisher the Google representative can manually approve the application. 

If you get this ad exchange you can access an advanced functionality of the ecosystem and can set up the floor price as per the unit and the wide range of buyers. 

If you are a large publisher then you can have your own account manager which is dedicated in the Google adx. Further the negotiation of the ad revenue share can also be done. This can also alter and create an impact on the bottom line due to the high traffic site volume that is coming. 

You can start this by signing with the Google ad manager where you will get access to the double click for the publisher which is an ad server by the Google account manager and the Google will tell your eligibility for Adx account or not. 

How to Get Started With Google AdSense

To get yourself started with the Google AdSense you need to insert an ad sense ad on the website and thereafter, which needs to be signed up using your Google account. 

You may also need to submit the physical address as Google sends a personal identification number by post to this address for the verification which usually takes almost 4 weeks. 

 As you get it approved by your address you are good to proceed. The ad tags need to be copied and provided by the adsense and this needs to be inserted on the website thereafter, where you can place your ad. 

Google AdX vs AdSense Revenue: Which Generates Greater Returns?

There are many factors that affect the digital advertising revenue category. It turns out to be difficult but there are two platforms that target different segments. 

Google Ad sense, It is basically for the small to mid size publisher which has a strict defined share of revenue. Almost 68% of it goes to publishers whereas 32% is with Google. Google Adx on the other side are specifically for the Agencies and large publishers they generate the revenue and it depends on the greater extension of whether Publication has a large source of resource and expert is in place to manage and optimize their ad operation effectively through Google ad exchange. 

AdX or AdSense: Which Should I Choose?

Ek clearly depends on the size of the audience and the business that you are going to choose a ADX or the adsense. The Ad sense and can be obtained if it is meeting the minimum criteria you can also work with the adh rather it is the Google who selects who it wants to work with. 

The Adx has the potential to generate revenue for the publisher which requires your attention and the resource is always the third party which manages its ad ops for them. 

Since the publisher used to have a large audience, they get exposed to the premium advertisers who could spend a wide budget on trafficked sites. If you have a good knowledge in tech and the ad industry the adx is going to be the right choice.


If you are a publisher looking for a way to generate revenue, Both of the adsense and Adx help the publisher to display their ad through various channels. You can consider MagicBid, its revenue, and the Optimisation solution performance as it helps the publisher to realize their efficiency and increase their revenue with a maximum earning potential.

How to Choose a Google Adx Partner: Did You Know?

How to Choose a Google Adx Partners: Did You Know?

Did You Know? Google Adx partners are not easy to choose as you need to pay heed to every consideration that ensures reputable and effective partners who work to maximize your ad revenue. Before choosing any Google Adx partner you need to define the goal and evaluate the reputation of the partner that you are choosing. Thereafter, review its target capability and seek the transparency that it offers. 

What is a Google AdX Partner?

Google ADX partner acts as a Google Adx reseller which is a third party and helps you access the Google ad exchange as a premium advertising marketplace with the high CPM deals. It also helps to increase the revenue of the website and improve the quality of the ad. When it comes to Google ad exchange partners, Google MCM is the best program as it connects the Google ad exchange to the website. MagicBid is a Google ad exchange reseller that helps you connect your website to the Google Adx. 

What is a Google Certified Channel Partners?

Google Certified Channel Partner
Google certified channel partner is awarded only by Google to the ad tech companies who achieves a proficiency in deployment of the Google advertising tools like the Google ad Manager or the Google AdSense. Magic bid has been thoroughly reviewed and the endorse the service quality and the efficacy

Ad Mediation: magic bid accelerates providing a unified platform that integrates multiple ad networks. It also allows the developer to access a wide range of demand sources without managing the separate integration. 

Ad optimization: by growing in the algorithm Magic bid automatically optimises the ad network selection which is based on factors like eCPM. 

Dedicated support: it gives dedicated support and automatically optimises the ad network selection. This Optimisation helps in maximisation of Ad revenue that delivers the most relevant and highest paying ads to the user. 

Transparent Report: magic bid on one hand accelerates the transparent reporting that enables the developer for tracking the ad revenue and earning from a different ad network. 

Real Time Analytics: it accelerates providing detailed and real time analytics on the ad performance that allows the developer to monitor the key metrics. 

How Do I Get Access to Google AdX?

How Do I Get Access to Google AdXFor getting the access you need to go through the Google account manager or there is also a medium called Google MCM aur reach it out through a publishing channel called magicbid_ai. Here, you will get a great amount of flexibility but there is also a need for advertising technology which will help you in maximising the artery venue from the platform. If you are working with an ad tech company you need to share a part of the revenue but the partner on the other hand will be taking care of the advertising operation optimizations. 

How Do I Become a Google AdX Partner?

To become the Google Adx partner the very first thing you need to do is signing up your Google ad manager account (GAM) which will establish a good viewability and score. Invalid traffic should be avoided and there should be family and friendly content for review. After all this the Google account manager assesses the suitability of your GAM account which has been live for a few months. If in case you get the direct taxes you get the flexibility to manage your own Adx account. 

For accessing the Google Adx directly you need to: 

  • Have a Google Ad manager account. 
  • There should be no history of policy violation, invalid traffic or content that is unsafe. 
  • There should be at least 5 million page views per month. 
  • An updated ads.txt file with all the detailed buyers should be there. 
  • There should be at least 10 million Ad impression per month for at least 6 months. 

How to Choose a Google AdX Partner?

While choosing a Google Adx partner you should check list the following criterias of the partner: 

  • There should be contracts without any lock-ins. 
  • MCM account access. 
  • Transparent revenue share. 
  • Anti malvertising
  • Responsive support of the account management. 
  • Solution for gdpr and ccpa compliance. 
  • High quality partner website
  • High quality ads
  • Good reviews from the high quality website. 

Google MCM Approved Partners

Google MCM Approved PartnersGoogle has specifically switched from being a scaling partner management to a multiple Customer Management. Talking about it in brief the SPM account is phrased and will no longer be accessible with the Google Adx. Therefore there shall be a surety that you are working with Google.

The Google MCM delivers the following improvements: 

  • It comes up with a new management feature of ad.
  • The functionality for the Managing publisher permission is more. 
  • There is more transparency for the publisher. 

‘MagicBid is a Google Certified Channel Partner’. 

Conclusion – You Know What’s Important?

Finding the right adx partner is not easy and is quite a tough task but there should always be an eye out there for finding a partner that raises the potential based on the above criteria. MagicBid comes as a Google certified channel partner that helps you for building a set of premium advertisers and the ad network that respects the user, builds trust and deliver better results. 

What is Bot Traffic? How to Detect and Prevent?

 What is Bot Traffic? How to Detect and Prevent?

Do you know! what is bot traffic? It is a non- human generated traffic that are specifically sent by the robots to the apps and the website. These kinds of traffic are programmed to perform various kinds of tasks like monitoring the website performance, introducing web pages on the search engine or be it the engagement in the other malicious activity. Talking about the latest statistics the overall growth of traffic as compared to 2018 is 24% and there are several tips to detect and prevent it. 

For the bot traffic detection there are various tools that might mitigate such as behavioural analysis, traffic analysis tools, rate limiting, bot detection services, captcha and other bot Management Solutions. Magic bid helps in the detection of bot networks that generate click impressions from non-human sources. 

What is Bot Traffic?

It is a non-human traffic that is generated by the robots to the app and websites. This kind of traffic usually come up with a negative association. 

The Good Bot Traffic:

  • The good bot scans the content of your website. It is usually the webcrawler which is also known as the Google bot. 
  • The search engine bot allows the indexing of the content on your website. 

The Bad Bot Traffic:

  • These kinds of bots are provided when spammy content pops up using some malicious link. 
  • These affect the site and make it accessible to the user. 
  • These are the click bots that takes the click on the ads. 

How to Detect Bot Traffic

How to Detect Bot TrafficBy the help of Google Analytics or any other analytics tool you can clearly analyse the traffic coming to your website and If in case the site is experiencing a bot traffic the report will clearly show about it. 

The Easiest Way: How to Filter and detect Bot Traffic on Google Analytics

It is very crucial to filter the bot traffic as it helps to improve the accuracy of the website and also enhances the automated visit. Let us look at the setup data that shows how to identify and filter bot traffic on Google Analytics: 

  1. Log In to your Google Analytics account
  2. Select the section ‘Acquisition’ then go to ‘All traffic’ and then choose channels. 
  3. Filter out the traffic then. Scroll it down and look for the channels from where the traffic either direct,  referral or organic comes from. 
  4. If there is an unexpected increase in traffic you can surely get a look of it. 
  5. Click on every channel and see the URL source from where the traffic is coming from. 

Therefore, this traffic can be one of the many ways to understand if your site is actually affected by the bot and if yes from what source these traffic are coming. 

How to Remove Bot Traffic from Google Analytics?

It sounds crucial to remove bot traffic from your website but you shouldn’t think that removing bot traffic will shift you in a safe zone from the effect of any kind of invalid traffic. Let us learn the removal of bot traffic from Google Analytics, first login to the Google Analytics account, and from the admin section click on view settings. The magic shield by magic tag comes as a powerful solution for the app owner to easily detect and block unwanted traffic. 

Find out the boat filtering and then tick it. By pressing save you will be able to keep the boat traffic out of your Google analytic report. 

3 Tips to Avoid Bot Traffic

  • Use reCaptcha: This function acts as a Firewall for the protection of your bot attack. It is an advanced technology that filters the bot traffic like any other. 
  • robots.txt file: This helps in blocking the traffic related to bot as it crawls through the site. The overloading of traffic can be avoided through this as it clearly segregates between the good bots, spam ones and the search engine bot. 
  • Use Bot Mitigation: This bot mitigation solution is used by many companies. It is a machine learning process spread across the internet that understands the traffic source and differentiate between the several bots. 


In case if your site experiences an anomalous bot traffic, make sure that you have done the job of investigating and understanding what bot traffic actually looks like and from where the source is. The fraudulent activity can also be avoided and also make sure that it should not be performed in future. MagicShield not only investigates the ad fraud it also detects the source of the traffic but also enables a strong supply chain protecting it from the bot and the low quality traffic.

What is Hybrid Monetization – MagicBid.Ai

What is Hybrid Monetization – MagicBid.Ai

What is hybrid monetization? Lets land up on its whole model. It refers to the business strategy or model which combines multiple methods that generate revenue. This monetization method comes as a mixture of different approaches together. This model of monetization uses the combination of in- app purchases and In-app ads that blend together to maximize revenue at large. The clear goal of the developer is to enrich the lifetime value by using any number of those combinations together. 

The hybrid monetization model comes as a strategic move that improves the user to enhance the app base. It also helps to enlarge the lifetime value overall. This model helps in the ad integration to maximize the revenue which is further made easy by the Magicbid SDK. 

Where did Hybrid Monetization come from? 

Earlier there were not so many ways through which money could be made from the applications as there were only unlimited sources. Users then had two options: either they could make an in-app purchase or they may pay to download. Developers used to make their profit from the impression and the banner ad which turned out to be a solid way to generate revenue. 

There were also many loops in this as many of them were not spending money on In app purchase, for a month. Therefore, the developers need to think about the other streams to generate revenue. 

The market starts to become more competitive and so are the developers. Hence, thinking of new ways turned out to be really necessary. A monetization strategy was much needed as it helps to improve the experience of how ads were interwoven and thereafter came the hybrid monetization model. 

Hybrid Monetization for Mobile Gaming Apps

Hybrid monetization for mobile gaming appsIn the hybrid monetization model the gaming app has to add a combination of strategy together in order to generate revenue and enlarge the profit percent. The in-app purchase, Advertising, Subscription, DLC and expansion packs, sponsorship and partnership, rewards and offer helps in diversification of revenue stream and cater different players for the overall profitability. 

In casual games the ads are the only thing around which the monetization revolves. Therefore, you need to hold the benefit and skill level which is usually simple and make the game accessible to the large number of audience. 

What are Rewarded Video Ads? 

The rewarded video ads are used typically in the games and in mobile applications where users get the option to watch an advertisement on a voluntary basis in exchange of some benefit or in app reward.

There are several benefits of rewarded video ads that lead to success. These kinds of ads create a value in exchange from all the advertisers for getting the content and building a positive association with the ads. The developers can also make use of these kinds of apps to provide a high quality user experience. 

Designing the Ad into the App

It is very important to give a user-friendly and seamless experience to the user. Sometimes the ads get designed in the actual application. The extra life could also be given to the player for watching a quick app or there could be a special weapon to reach on to the next level, for instance. 

Hence, Designing the ad into the app could be a better option for high-quality in game monetization that could attract the user. 

In-App Bidding and What it Means for Developers

In-app bidding and what it means for developersWith the help of In-app bidding, the developers are able to sell the ad inventory in auction. This kind of bidding refers to the optimization and selling of the ad inventory. Talking about the traditional way the developer could integrate different kinds of ad networks into their app and manage it individually that could be time consuming and inefficient too. 

In contrast with the in-app bidding, the developers could run simultaneous auctions and maximise their revenue as it comes as an automated process. This kind of bidding also helps in creating a good network of ecosystems that not only allows developers to make use of the opportunity but also helps in the increase of ad impression that eventually leads to the growth of your business. 

The in app bidding also saves the time to manage the data giving a high CPM that increases revenue for the publisher. 

Other Ads that Help You Monetize: Banner Ads and Interstitial Ads

The Hybrid Monetization model comes from a traditional way therefore, it also supports different kinds of ads. 

Passive Ad Experiences

In this kind of ad experience you don’t need to have an acting engagement and it also requires a minimum physical space from the audience. You can seamlessly integrate the user environment without interrupting their service. Native advertising, static display, product placement, background ad and sponsored ads are some of the example of passive ad experience. 

This kind of ad clearly captivate the audience attention without disrupting the current activity maintaining a positive and user friendly experience. Banner ads were prevalent at times and appeared on the top and bottom of the screen in the form of text, video or image. They are also a kind of passive ad experience that drives a high volume of traffic. 

Interstitial ads on the other hand are a full screen overlay which turn out to be engaging as compared to the banner ad. They do not generate impressions as compared with the banner ads but have a high CPM rate. 

Hybrid monetization will continue to evolve with the evolving change in the Dynamics the mobile ad industry, will also have a change in hybrid and so will the monetization strategies.

The app and the developer will turn the hybrid model and maximise the revenue using a combination of strategies. 


The Hybrid Monetization Model can go on any of the platforms. it can be posted on Android, iOS Or any other existing platform. Hence, the MagicBid SDK also has the capability to monetize the hybrid apps which are developed on other technology other than the native technology. This involves a combination of Technical integration strategic decisions that makes the ongoing monitoring to ensure that it is maximizing your advertising revenue while giving a positive user experience. 

The Importance of Innovative Ad Formats for Publishers

The Importance of Innovative Ad Formats for Publishers

In today’s digital world it is very important to attract and grab the audience’s attention more effectively and what’s better than innovative ad formats. MagicBid offers new and innovative ad formats for publishers like sticky footer, interscroller, mini scrollers, and video ads. These not only enhance the user engagement but also increase the ad revenue that builds a brand reputation differentiating your landscape in the market bringing out many impactful advertising opportunities. The innovative ad formats for publishers play a crucial role and help the publisher to captivate the audience’s attention, building a strong relationship with the advertiser which contributes to long term success and sustainability. 

What are the Innovative Ad Formats?

Innovations at format are the high impact that help out the publisher in creating a strategy that drives performance across all the devices. This kind of ad format is specifically designed for the high view ability that delivers a positive user experience. These kinds of ad formats help the publisher in boosting the engagement for the advertiser and the marketer and to generate a good amount of revenue. 

Different Ad Formats

Different ad formatsIn-view Ads: They are the online advertisements which are viewable as they are displayed within the users visible browser window. These ads are placed between the text or media within the main content on the website

In-Image Ads: in image ads are a type of online advertisement that appear within the image on the web page. These enable the publisher to create an additional channel for the ad revenue. 

Sticky Ads: these ads are kind of a header on the banner which stick to a fixed position on the screen. 

Docked Ads: they are a kind of online ad format which are fixed on a specific location typically on the edges or the corner. 

How is Innovation Taking Place in Different Ad Formats?

Innovation in advertising is continuously evolving across various ad formats that are basically driven by the advancement in the changing technology. The latest formats are innovatively built that help you go beyond and above. The innovation in the ad formats is strategized to create engaging and personalized experiences for the user that deliver better results for the advertiser. As technology gets to see the advancement and consumer preference involvement, innovation is something that needs to be done. 

Let us look at the innovation that impacts the ad formats. 

Flexi Slots: The humble ad unit, in with the powerful ad zone. 

Inter Scroller: This inter-scroller blends the power and impacts the interstitial ads with the scroll interaction. 

Mini Scroller: This helps in the viewability out of a horizontal unit. 

Pimp Your Video Player: This is the customizable and the interactive video player. 

Sticky Footer Scrollbar: Get more size and value out of your sticky footer. 

New Innovative Ad Formats for Publishers


New Innovative Ad Formats for Publishers There are many kinds of innovative ad formats that have emerged for the publisher that engage the audience effectively and drive the advertising revenue. The main Challenges that a publisher faces is the bad ad layout, low click through rate and the banner blindness. Therefore to beat the same the may publisher need to have a cohesive placement strategy that will take into the consideration of the ad performance, traffic source and the user reading pattern. Due to certain factors like the banner blindness and the ad blocking the CTR might face a decline and to combat the same their need to have a multiple tracking heat map experiment which is related to the goal. 

MagicBid offers new and innovative ad formats for publishers like sticky footer, inter-scroller, mini scrollers, and video ads. Apart from them it helps to fight the industry standard, ad placement of the low viewability, bad User experience and ultimately leads to a revenue loss. 


To exist in the competition in the ad format competition it is essential to have an innovative and sustainable provider that maximizes the potential of revenue and delivers the compelling advertising experience that reflects the user processing. Therefore, you need to have such an ad format provider like magic bid that offers innovative ad format as per the requirement in various forms. It helps in capturing the audience’s attention which enhances user experience and increases ad revenue. 

Click Redirection: Ad Clicks Same as We Are Redirected to?

Click Redirection: Ad Clicks Same as We Are Redirected to?

In the constantly changing world of digital advertising, “click redirection” has become a significant worry for programmatic publishers. As digital publishers, we often assume that when a user clicks on an ad, they’ll go straight to the intended destination – a smooth journey for everyone involved. However, the reality can be quite different. Magic Shield effectively address the issue and get a firm grip of traffic. 

Around 28% of the loss due to fraudulent web traffic occurs on mobile, with click redirection being a major contributor. This kind of fraud can seriously impact both mobile advertisers and publishers, causing credibility issues and generating fraudulent impressions. This blog explores the world of click redirection, explaining how it works, its impact on programmatic publishers, and most importantly, how to protect your campaigns against this ad fraud technique. 

Understanding Click Redirection

Understanding Click RedirectionClick redirection is a deceptive practice that undermines the integrity of online advertising campaigns. Let’s break down how this technique operates:

  • Initial Click: A user clicks on an ad on a publisher’s website, usually out of genuine interest or curiosity, starting a sequence of events.
  • The Redirect Script: Unbeknownst to the user, a malicious redirect script is embedded in the ad or the ad tag. This script diverts the user to a different URL, away from the advertiser’s intended content.
  • Fraudulent Intermediary: Click redirection often involves a fraudulent intermediary, like a click farm or a network of bots, artificially inflating the click count.
  • Landing on an Unintended Page: Instead of reaching the expected landing page, the user ends up on a different website, diluting the original advertiser’s message and compromising their objectives.
  • Loss of Quality Engagement: User experience suffers, and the advertiser’s budget is wasted on irrelevant or fraudulent clicks, devaluing the effectiveness of the entire ad campaign.
  • Masking the Fraud: Click redirection may cleverly mask itself by briefly redirecting users to the intended landing page before diverting them elsewhere, making it more challenging to detect.

Impact on Publishers

Publishers also face consequences of this unhealthy scheme deployed by fraudsters.

  • Ad Budget Drain: Click redirection inflates the number of clicks, leading to a drain on the advertiser’s budget with no genuine value.
  • Decreased Trust: Constant redirection to unrelated or low-quality websites erodes trust in the publisher’s platform.
  • Reduced Advertiser Satisfaction: Advertisers dissatisfied with click redirection may lead to lost partnerships and revenue.
  • Reputation Damage: The prevalence of click redirection can tarnish the publisher’s reputation, making it difficult to attract both advertisers and users.

Avoiding Click Redirection

Understanding the detrimental impact of click redirection, it’s crucial to explore strategies to protect ad campaigns and the interests of programmatic publishers.

  • Vet Your Ad Partners: Research potential advertisers or ad networks thoroughly, ensuring they have a strong track record of delivering quality traffic and ethical advertising practices.
  • Use Anti-Fraud Tools: Employ ad fraud detection and prevention tools, such as anti-click fraud software, to identify and block click redirection attempts in real time.
  • Regular Auditing: Regularly audit ad placements and monitor for suspicious behavior by analyzing click-through rates, conversion rates, and bounce rates.
  • User Behaviour Analysis: Invest in tools to understand user behavior and identify click fraud attempts by detecting patterns that deviate from normal engagement.

Ad Clicks vs. Redirects: Understanding the Difference

In digital marketing, discerning between ad clicks and redirects is crucial for campaign analysis.

Ad Clicks

Firstly do you understand Ad clicks occur when users actively engage with an ad by clicking on it? These are the following points:

  • Signify user interest and engagement with ad content.
  • Users click on ads, leading them to designated landing pages or websites.
  • Directly reflect user interaction with advertisements.


Redirects happen when users are automatically directed to another webpage without explicit action. These are the following points:

  • It occurs when users are automatically directed to another webpage.
  • Can result from ad placements, tracking mechanisms, or website optimizations.
  • Offer insights into user behavior and ad placement effectiveness.

Importance of Understanding the Difference

Magic Shield Understand your

  • Enables advertisers to accurately assess campaign performance.
  • Helps identify areas for improvement and maximize ROI.
  • Ensures transparency and compliance with privacy regulations.

Monitoring and Optimization

You can monitor and optimize to help advertisers evaluate campaign performance effectively. These are the following points:

  • Advertisers should monitor both ad clicks and redirects.
  • Use insights to refine ad strategies and improve campaign effectiveness.
  • Transparency and user consent regarding redirects are essential for maintaining trust.


Understanding the difference between ad clicks and redirects is vital for digital advertisers. It allows for more informed decision-making and optimization of ad campaigns. Magic Shield always monitoring both metrics and ensuring transparency, advertisers can enhance user engagement and achieve better results.

As a digital publisher, staying vigilant against ad fraud techniques like click redirection is crucial for protecting your reputation and revenue streams. By understanding how click redirection works and taking proactive steps to prevent it, you can ensure a more transparent and trustworthy advertising environment for both your audience and your advertising partners.

Google Updates Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines

Google Updates Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines

Recently Google updated its search quality evaluator guideline which is about a document of 170 pages and it clearly serves the quality that assesses the website in an effective way.

Insight Into Trustworthiness

The 170 page guidelines that have been updated takes you to the valuable insight and teaches how Google keeps on determining the trust about the  trustworthiness of the website and the web pages.

The quality raiters do not directly impact the search engine ranking and the updated document also explains how Google considers it valuable for all the high quality websites.

Latest Changes

In the updated guidelines Google has also looked up on the characteristics that serve the unworthy page and has added some of the illustrative examples to understand it in a better way.

The first update of the guideline starts from November 2023 that highlights the significance of the changes that have been made.

Untrustworthy Webpages & Websites

Untrustworthy Webpages and WebsitesThe information of this update that has been given on page 35 is titled as ‘Untrustworthy webpages and the websites.’ Google has not only shown an expansion in the characteristics but also has listed out the quality rated you should look for while accessing the trust where the offer website or a web page.

The documents state that a page is considered Untrustworthy and contains factual inaccuracy on the information page which causes the user to lose interest on the web page as a reliable source of information.

Illustrative Examples 

For the clarification of the update that Google has bought, it has also illustrated a few examples to clear all the doubts.

Google has updated the quality of the search quality rater guidelines with 2023 November.

Importance of Trustworthy Content

The quality of the search engine evaluator comes with an update of guidelines. As the internet is an evolving channel that moves in a very rapid way. The importance of the same has been increased but it totally subsides misinformation. This method prioritizes the accurate content.

Implications For Website Owners & SEO Professionals

Google keeps on refining the algorithm as per the guidelines. The owner of the website and the SEO professional shall take notice of these kinds of changes and keep on balancing the trust and quality to meet the standard of search engines.

Doing this improves the chance of ranking providing the user with reliable information.


The search engine quality comes with the guidelines that serve as a valuable resource for people. If we look and understand the expectation for the quality of the website, the landscape of search evolves with the guidelines and adapts accordingly will turn essential for continued success. Do you know latest Google March 2024 Core Update.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

What are Google’s search Quality Evaluator Guidelines?

The quality evaluator guideline is called a detailed document used as a reference by the quality rater that determines and evaluates the quality of the webpage and the website.

What are the latest changes to Google Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines?

Criteria Update: The guidelines that is now provided have updated characteristics of the untrustworthy pages.

Illustration: Google has included practical examples that clearly clarifies recognizing websites and untrustworthy pages.

As an SEO professional, how can I ensure my website aligns with the quality standard of Google?

  • You should review the indicator for search quality and remain informed about Google.
  • You should create the content and focus on the accuracy as it ensures a reputable support with all factual claims.
  •  You should monitor the claim of the website making an improvement that is necessary for meeting the standard guidelines.

Video Ads Vs Banner Ads: Which is better for you?

Video Ads Vs Banner Ads: Which is better for you?

The digital marketing world keeps on changing and one of the most burning questions that comes along while forming a strategy is which is more effective between video ads vs banner ads? 

This has been a point of debate in the corporate world as to which of these advertisements is conquering the landscape online. MagicBid comes as a solution that helps the publisher in increasing the number of viewable impressions and get the maximum value for each impression that includes display video and native. It also helps you to empower your brand by conveying a perfect message as MagicBid is rich in media ads that offer you an industry leading format with better attention and great use of experience. There are many alarming strategies which engage the audience with the information retention, flexibility and the immediate impact. As these at play a major role in expounding the brand image online, let’s take you to an approach that will help you make an informed decision as per your need. 

What is Video Advertising?

What is Video AdvertisingVideo ads act as a window to enter the digital marketing field. It helps in the promotion of brand promotion of products and reach target audience. You can accompany your story and enhance it by the audio giving it a mesmerised look out. These ads are generated on platforms like social media networks, YouTube or other streaming services. You can master the art of storytelling that clearly resonates with your audience giving a crisp and clear message that will create a long lasting impact. 

These kinds of advertisements use visuals along with the audio for framing stories that are appealing. 

What is Banner Advertising?

Banner ads act as an ultimate brand endorser. They captivate the attention of the user with the visual elements in form of images, graphic, text and sometimes animation that conveys a valuable message. They are a form of square ads that are positioned strategically to bring out users attention. 

Let’s delve deeper and look out the distinction between video ads vs banner ads. 

Video Advertising Vs Banner Advertising

Engagement and Impact

Video Ads: these kinds of ads give the user an emotional connection and the publisher can deliver messages that are loaded with visual and sound. 

Banner Ads: These kind of ads appeal you and are a bit challenging when it comes to grabbing your attention as compared to the video ads. 

Storytelling and Messaging

Video Ads: video ads are complete in its own experimental form and they enable you to convey the message through the medium of storytelling so that it resonates with the message of your brand. 

Banner Ads: this kinds of ads help you with the CTA in an effective way. 

User Experience: These are well framed and it contributes to the user in a positive way that does not disrupt the flow. 

Reach and Platform

Video Ads: These kinds of ads give a good flourishment on social media and YouTube and eventually give you a wide reach. 

Banner Ads: These kinds of ads offer a way of a targeted demographic. 

Similarities of Video Advertising and Banner Advertising

These both kinds of ads underline the similarity in the realm of digital marketing. 

Visual Appearance: These both kinds of ads explode out the graphic, colour, and design that curates the engaging content. 

Creative Design: These both kinds of format gives an effective skill for design and helps you convey the brand message. 

Brand Visibility: Both of these ads contribute to enhancing the logo of the brand, upgrades its identity and message uplifting the brand. 

Call To Action: These ads include CTA that helps a user to perform a specific action. 

What are Facebook Video Ads? 

What are facebook video adsThese are a kind of advertising format that are displayed on the Facebook platform and on the affiliated applications like Instagram and WhatsApp. Facebook ads are visually appealing as it contains a short video that displays on your feed and story containing a message. These kinds of ads are visual and give good engagement metrics. These ads can also be customised as per need of the brand. 

Which is better for you?

When it comes to deciding between the video ads vs banner ads you should better watch out what is going to align better with your brand objective. 

  1. Brand Storytelling and Engagement: if you are looking for a way to connect emotionally to your views or visitor, video ad is going to be an ultimate solution as it offers you a great medium. 
  2. Cost Efficiency and Swift Message: At the initial States there needs to be a cost effective way that could deliver the proper message without burning a large amount therefore banner and will be a practical choice for the same. 
  3. Audience Reach and Platform Suitability: video ads can be made available at various social media networks and platforms that help you dive deep into the content giving a potential impact. 


There is a clean choice between the banner ad and video ads and that totally depends on the available resource business reach and the target audience. Video ads will in turn be more preferable if you want to establish the emotional connect and if you are looking for something cost effective and yet impactful banner ads will be a good option. Magicbid will be the ultimate saviour as it enables you to run video ad server with the programmatic and direct campaigns that will clearly maximise your revenue. 

What are Video Ads for Websites?

What are Video Ads for Websites?

Video ads for website is the kind of advertisement which appears in the format of a video on the web page is called the video ad for the website. These kinds of ads are specifically designed for captivating the attention of the visitors. This kind of advertisement system is self explanatory that is offered on the website that includes entertainment, e-commerce, and news sites. MagicBid is a boon for the publishers that is responsible for internal ad mediation that lends you power to get rid of invalid source of ad and traffic. 

What are Video Ads?

The video ads are a kind of ads that are available in the format of a video which are available online. They are soft within or outside the content of a page. 

All You Need to Know About Video Ads for Website

Video Ads for Website

Looking up for what are video ads? Let’s have a detailed look out. For getting a better customer engagement it is very important to use the video advertising system as it increases the ratio of clients interaction. Awareness consideration and conversion are the three market KPI that are used when it comes to video advertising. 

Get to Know How to Create an Effective Video Ad for Your Business

Here are the five tips and tricks that will help you create an effective video ad. 

1. Make Sure to Include the Most Compelling Part at the Beginning

You can grab the potential of your customer in a very limited time and generate a spark and interest in them. Therefore, for this you need an eye -catching video that will provide a high quality video and attract your viewer in just a few seconds. If the viewer gets attracted by your ad you can prevent them from skipping it and that will help you to grow. 

2. Tell About Your Company’s Competitive Advantage

The reason of promoting a brand is to be known by every customer therefore you need to stand apart with the competitive market and make sure that you answer every queries in your video ad. 

3. Choose the Optimal Length of Your Video

There should always be an ensured length of a video. The advertisement that you are making should not go beyond 30-40 seconds or more. Therefore, you need to be crisp and sharp with every detail information in that span of time. 

4. Provide Convincing Arguments that Your Brand is Worth the Customer’s Trust

If a viewer is watching your ad he needs to know about the brand and its worth therefore you should talk about the warranty that the technology provides, the innovative feature and mention all the crucial and important points that are enough to convince them. 

5. Consider Using a CTA

The call to action button act as an encouraging point for the people for doing the desired action. Therefore, the process of creating ads are clear as you need a number of visitors on your side. 

How Do Video Ads Work?

How Do Video Ads WorkThe video ads work as it serves as a promotional message to the viewer through the content of the video. 

Let us understand the working process of it: 

  • After clicking the play button, the message is conveyed to the web server with a code through which you can access the content. 
  • The video player requests a video from the ad server of the publisher. 
  • The ad server will then send a code back then. 
  • The player now contacts the ad server to request the location of the relevant ad. 
  • The ads are stored in the CDN and are recieved back the ad. 

How Much Do Video Ads Pay?

Video ads can help you earn a good amount if it aligns well. For this there needs to be traffic loaded websites. In case, the video ads are not implemented well there money may not be generated. 

Why You Should Use Video Ads to Monetize Your Website

When it comes to video advertising, this comes with a market approach by which the market performance of the business is also increased. Promotional videos are also a good strategy that helps in targeting the audience and also builds the customer trust. Magicbid helps in the maximization of the revenue with the faster technology. It helps in the promotion keeping transparency and empowers growth. 

Companies these days are using video formats for the promotion of products. There are many reasons behind why the most part of the businesses consider the video ads for the promotion. 

The reason behind this include:

  • It gives you a broad international audience. 
  • Enhances ROI
  • Uplifts the conversion rate
  • Gives an excellent CTR
  • Enhances credibility and trust
  • Gives a good ranking on google
  • Good mobile user engagement
  • High visibility level
  • Boosts traffic online

How to Put Video Ads on Your Websites

After covering all the basics of what a video ad is and how the working system works when it comes to them, let us understand how you can put video ads on your website in a step to step guideline. 

Let us know it In 6 Simple Steps
1. Decide The Ad Format You Want To Use

The ad formats are available with multiple options therefore you need to choose the one for yourself. In-stream and out-stream video ads are two of the popular categories in them so you need to know how to choose between both of them. 

The instream ads show up within the videos stream before, during or after a video. They are also usually profitable and ones out to be powerful when it comes to the generation of revenue. They are having more engagement,  higher CPM and are difficult to ignore. At the same time they also require the existing video content that require an HTMLS player. 

The outstream ads are served outside of a native video stream. They are not as intrusive and are easier to target the audience but at the same time they have an easy overlook and are not as profitable as the instream video ads. 

2. Join a Reliable Video Ad Network

If you need to choose a video ad network there should be a proper consistency and you should know what is going to be the right and wrong for your business. The video ad acts as a point of contract between the seller and the publisher who want to sell their inventory to the advertisers who want to buy it. They also take an ad space by the publisher offering the advertiser auction that is known as real time bidding and the advertiser gets to set the parameter for the campaigning which involves the budget, frequency and the target audience. 

When it comes to the contract between the publisher and the ad networks they take the percentage of every time transaction while the rest directly goes to the publisher. You should better choose the ad network that has better availability and helps you monetize your video across different channels. 

3. Find a Video Player With Extensive Ad Support

In order to have a right ad network you need to choose among the good online video players which is as important as anything. It’s important as it helps you fetch the highest traffic quality delivering the best ads. In case the visitor of your website does not get to see the ad because your video player is not performing up to the mark then it’s all for nothing. 

Therefore, you need to choose among the premium video player that is worth the price they are charging as with them you will get clear access to all the support systems on a professional basis who will address the issue that you face. 

4. Configure The Player and Implement Your Ad Tags

Configuring the player and implementing it with the ad tags is the step that you actually need to take if you want to display ads on the website. There are several step that are involved in the target video content management system. 

You need to navigate the target video CMS account on the website where you want to add the ads to. 

You want to apply the new setting then explore the players on the left side of the menu and then add new on the top of that page. Later to that adjust a monetization option of your player and change any other required setting according to your preference. 

The new ad tag is ready to be inserted and after that you can close the setting and choose the set player ad stack. The pre, mid and post roll ads can also be added. 

5. Embed Videos on Your Website

After doing all the above formalities now the video ads are ready to be set up. So, you can easily retrieve the embed codes of your website from the library. 

6. Track Ad Performance and Optimize Your Creatives

After setting up everything on the website the website visitor can see the ad which can help you fetch the income but its not the end of your work as it is really important to keep a proper eye on how the ad performs and to optimise it and a regular basis. 

Therefore, for doing all these you need to have an analytics tool that is advanced and also help you target impression ctr, impressions, engagement and the performance data. 


Video Ads for websites always play a crucial role that enhances the effectiveness of the website in one or the other way. It helps in increasing the engagement rates, improving the conversion rate and also pay heed to the brand awareness by many monetization opportunities. It helps the business to tailor the creative content and become a champion of their field through the storytelling ads and conveying the desired message to the viewer. Magicbid also comes into picture when it comes to the monetization of the ad. It helps in driving out higher engagement, revenue and speeds up the overall management system. The article above gives a clear overview about the video Ads for website and how it is going to turn beneficial for your business.