Google AdX vs Google AdSense 2024: Which is Better For You?

Want to know about the Google Adx vs Google Ad-sense? You have landed on the right page. They are digital advertising programs but serve different purposes. Publishers use both of the platforms for the monetization of the website. Let us understand both of them with a closer look. Google AdX and Google AdSense depend on factors such as website traffic volume, publisher size, and desired level of control and customization. AdX is ideal for large publishers seeking premium ad inventory and higher revenue potential, while AdSense is suitable for smaller publishers looking for efficiency and accessibility. 

What is Google AdX?

The origin of the Google adx began with the double click ad exchange which was founded in the year 1996. It was an ad server which was later acquired by Google in 2008.

The publishers are able to sell the inventory of their ads to the advertisers and other agencies in a real-time bidding setup. The ad exchange enables an open marketplace where the prices are dealt with in a real-time auction. The ad exchange also enabled the display of the ad spaces to be allocated in a much efficient way which could easily cross the web. 

The seller can make money with their ad space and give access to the advertiser, whereas they still control and can advertise on their site. The buyers still get access to more ad space and the websites have control over where the ads need to run. 

This platform also monetizes the ad inventory and serves mobile developers and website owners. 

How Does Google AdX Work?

How Does Google AdX WorkThe Google ad exchange works to establish an open market whereas the buyer places the real-time bids on the ad inventory that is available. There are three kinds of auction that are available on Google Adx: 

  • Open auction: Publishers are supposedly nameless and the auction is open to all the advertisers and the publishers. It is the default auction type. 
  • Private Auction: Private auctions are where the publishers and the advertisers offer the ad placement on their site. The publishers are not nameless in a private auction. The publisher brand and the profile have a deep impact on how well an auction can be performed that is private. 
  • Preferred Deal: The publisher deals directly with the advertiser and offers them exclusive access to the selected inventory prior to it getting private. Management and the optimization of a Google Adx account are demanding and require an agency or rather a dedicated resource. 

What is Google AdSense?

It is a platform that displays the content based on the advertisements on the partner site. This allows the publisher to earn profit for every ad click. 

AdSense matches the ad to the site based on the content of the publisher’s visitor and the content. Advertisers then bid for the placement of their ads just the same as the Google Ads. In fact, the ads on the Ad sense come from the Google Ads, the display on the Google Display Network, and the Google products. 

What is exactly the difference? Which platform is most suitable for you? 

How Does Google AdSense Work?

The Ad sense emerges as a free service and it clearly manages all the steps and the process once the tags are set. It gives a way for everyone to sign up. In contrast the entry barrier is kept low. 

Of course, The Google Ad-sense enunciates the result and requires a lot of effort by the marketing resource and the consultant. If you want to get started with Ad sense, it is actually very easy. For this very reason, the popularity has grown high with a larger adoption rate between the advertisers and the publisher. 

The ads get generated from the Google Ads platforms, where the advertisers set up a campaign with the ads and then bid on the keyword on the ad placement. All of it makes it very easy for the advertisers the access the placement on the Ad Sense network. 

Google AdX vs Google AdSense: What Are the Key Differences?

Google AdX vs Google AdSense What Are the Key DifferencesAdx is a type of ad exchange that brings together the seller and the buyer of the ad inventory in the real-time process of bidding. The Ad sense then comes as an ad network which simply matches the content of the publisher with the related ads. The two products serve fundamentally the purpose of different varieties of clients. This kind gets a detailed comparison of the ad network vs ad exchange. 

Let us summarise the key differences: 

1. Functionality

Google Adx is a type of Ad exchange that lets the publisher sell the Inventory of their ad to the advertisers and the ad networks. Additionally, it also gives the publisher access to a larger pool of advertisers and adds a network that eventually results in higher revenue. 

On the other side Google AdSense emerges as an ad network that allows publishers the place of their ads on the website and on revenue through it when the user Clicks on that particular ad. 

2. Control

This Adx provides the publisher with control over the ad inventory. It also lets the publisher set any kind of rule they want for the type of Ads that are going to appear on the website. It supports the real-time bidding which eventually helps in the maximization of revenue by selling the inventory of their ad to the highest bidder. 

With the help of Google ad sense, the publisher may choose the format of the ads. They get less control over the content that appears on the website.

3. Revenue

The Google Adx helps in the generation of a higher amount of revenue compared to the AdSense. The Adx allows access to a larger pool of ad networks and publishers which results in higher revenue and higher bids. 

On the other hand, the ad sense clearly depends on the volume of traffic and the number of clicks on the ad. 

4. Publisher Eligibility

AdSense is basically open to all publishers no matter what the size of the website is and the amount of traffic they are receiving. Both of the large publishers are able to earn money with Google AdSense by signing up and getting themselves approved. 

Google Adx on the other side is available to large publishers who meet the eligibility criteria and want Adx. 

5. Ad Quality

The Adx and the Adsense offer a quality that allows the advertisers who are certified to ensure that the ads that are delivered are of high quality and relevant. 

What is Google Ad Manager?

 It is a flagship ad server product that enables the publisher to hold the ad exchange and the AdSense at once, aligning with the other third-party apps. Google rebranded its publisher-facing product and advertising product including the double click, AdWords, Ad exchange, and other marketing tools by the end of the year 2018. The Ad Sense remains a separate product whereas Google combines both the ad manager which is Google’s popular ad server and the industrial leading ad exchange. 

The Ad exchange is needed by the Publisher for the signup. The publisher needs to be invited or signed by Google through any third-party partner and during that process, Google has to limit the access to the premium ad exchange for the larger publisher and the partner. 

How Authorized Buyers Work With Google Ad Manager

How Authorized Buyers Work With Google Ad ManagerThe authorized buyer program of Google enables many websites and applications from all over the world to make their ad inventory available to the buyer. The authorized buyers get access to the Google partner inventory that allows them to curate both who they work with and how they work with. 

The most common buyers include: 

  • Ad network: the company clearly serves to be a broker between the advertiser and the publisher
  • Trading Desk: The divisions execute exchange buys for all the company agencies. 
  • Demand Side Platform: the platform makes buying easier. 

How to Get Started With AdX

 If you want to sell your ad inventory then using Adx is a good option. Though it can be a bit tricky to set up since it is reserved for the large publisher the Google representative can manually approve the application. 

If you get this ad exchange you can access an advanced functionality of the ecosystem and can set up the floor price as per the unit and the wide range of buyers. 

If you are a large publisher then you can have your own account manager which is dedicated to the Google adx. Further, the negotiation of the ad revenue share can also be done. This can also alter and create an impact on the bottom line due to the high traffic site volume that is coming. 

You can start this by signing in with the Google Ad Manager where you will get access to the double click for the publisher which is an ad server by the Google account manager and the Google will tell you your eligibility for an Adx account or not. 

How to Get Started With Google AdSense

To get yourself started with Google AdSense you need to insert an ad Sense ad on the website and thereafter, which needs to be signed up using your Google account. 

You may also need to submit the physical address as Google sends a personal identification number by post to this address for the verification which usually takes almost 4 weeks. 

 As you get it approved by your address you are good to proceed. The ad tags need to be copied and provided by AdSense and this needs to be inserted on the website thereafter, where you can place your ad. 

Google AdX vs AdSense Revenue: Which Generates Greater Returns?

There are many factors that affect the digital advertising revenue category. It turns out to be difficult but there are two platforms that target different segments. 

Google Ad Sense, is basically for the small to mid-size publisher that has a strictly defined share of the revenue. Almost 68% of it goes to publishers whereas 32% is with Google. Google Adx on the other side is specifically for the Agencies and large publishers they generate revenue and it depends on the greater extent of whether Publication has a large source of resources and expertise in place to manage and optimize their ad operation effectively through Google ad exchange. 

AdX or AdSense: Which Should I Choose?

Ek clearly depends on the size of the audience and the business that you are going to choose an ADX or AdSense. The Ad-sense can be obtained if it meets the minimum criteria you can also work with the adh rather it is Google who selects who it wants to work with. 

The Adx has the potential to generate revenue for the publisher which requires your attention and the resource is always the third party that manages its ad ops for them. 

Since the publisher used to have a large audience, they were exposed to the premium advertisers who could spend a wide budget on trafficked sites. If you have a good knowledge of tech and the ad industry the axd is going to be the right choice.


If you are a publisher looking for a way to generate revenue, Both AdSense and Adx help the publisher to display their ad through various channels. You can consider MagicBid, its revenue, and the Optimisation solution performance as it helps the publisher to realize their efficiency and increase their revenue with a maximum earning potential.