Mastering Google MCM with Magicbid: A Comprehensive Guide

Google’s Multiple Customer Management (MCM) is a powerful tool that uses the expertise of third-party partners to give publishers more control over their ad inventories. In this guide, you will learn about the workings of Google MCM, its advantages, and how Magicbid can help you maximize your ad revenue. 

 What is Google MCM? 

The goal of Google MCM, which took the place of Scaled Partner Management (SPM), is to make it easier for publishers to manage their ad inventories with third-party partners. The main idea is to make advertising management easier, more secure, and transparent. Participants in this system fall into two main categories:

  • Parent: This is a company authorized by Google, like Magicbid that manages ad inventory for multiple publishers and has direct access to Google Ad Exchange (AdX) and the Google account management team for immediate assistance and support.
  • Child Publisher: These are independent publishers of a web, app, OTT or a CTV platform that make use of the parent publisher’s knowledge and AdX access. 

The Roles and Responsibilities in MCM

  • Parent Publisher: Ad performance optimization and ensuring compliance with Google’s quality standards are the responsibilities of a parent publisher. They are chosen for their track record of maintaining low account end rates and high ad quality standards.
  • Child Publisher: Publishers benefit from the MCM parent access to AdX and their mastery in managing promotion inventories. Smaller publishers can gain access to premium advertisers through this partnership that would otherwise be out of their reach.

Types of Delegations in Google MCM 

Google MCM provides two primary delegation options, each personalized to specific requirements:  

Manage Account Delegation

Manage Account Delegation

  • Exclusive Access: There can only be one parent publisher.
  • Full Control: The child publisher’s Google Ad Manager (GAM) account is completely accessible to the parent publisher. 
  • Ideal Use Case: publishers who want a dependable partner like Magicbid to manage and optimize their ad inventories completely.  
Manage Inventory Delegation
  • Multiple Partners: Up to 15 parent publishers can be authorized.
  • Limited Access: Parent don’t approach the GAM account yet can manage explicit inventories. 
  • Ideal Use Case: Reasonable for parents needing to hold control while utilizing numerous accomplices for standard direction.

Key Benefits of Google MCM

1. Enhanced Access to Premium Demand

Publishers can gain access to premium demand sources on Google AdX by collaborating with a certified Parent Publisher like Magicbid. Increased competition for advertising space may result in higher ad revenue.

2. Streamlined Programmatic Deals

Programmatic deal management is made easier with Google MCM. Programmatic guaranteed deals and preferred deals, which can result in higher CPMs and more direct relationships with advertisers, are examples of this.

3. Leveraging Third-Party Expertise

Third Parties Ad inventory management benefits greatly from the extensive experience and expertise of third-party partners like Magicbid. They can manage yield, optimize ad placements, and maximize revenue from your ad inventories. 

4. Improved Ad Fraud Protection

Ad fraud protection is a strong feature of Google MCM. Publishers can guarantee the safety of their inventory and protect themselves from fraud by collaborating with dependable partners.

Transitioning from SPM to MCM

The need for more control and transparency was the driving force behind the switch from SPM to MCM. MCM gives better devices for overseeing consents and promotion inventories, prompting a more straightforward and successful connection between parent and child publishers. 

How to Get Started with Google MCM via Magicbid

How to Get Started with Google MCM via Magicbid

Step 1: Set Up a Google Ad Manager Account 

You must have a Google Ad Manager account in order to participate in Google MCM. Accessing AdX and managing your ad inventories are built on this account. 

 Step 2: Find a Trusted MCM Partner

Picking the right MCM partner is necessary. As a Google Certified MCM Partner, Magicbid meets all requirements and provides high levels of expertise and dependability. 

Step 3: Choose the Delegation Type

Choose whether to use Manage Inventory Delegation or Manage Account Delegation. This choice will be based on how much control you want to have over your partner and how much control you want to have over them. 

Step 4: Accept the MCM Invitation

An invitation to establish a Parent-Child linkage will be sent to you once you have selected your MCM partner. A crucial step in the setup process is accepting this invitation.

 Step 5: Configure Inventory and Ad Trafficking

Set up and configure your ad inventories with Magicbid. Ad units, line items, and targeting rules are all part of this to ensure optimal performance.

Step 6: Monitor and Optimize

Maximizing your advertising revenue necessitates constant optimization and monitoring. Consistently survey execution measurements and make vital changes in a joint effort with Magicbid’s group of specialists. 

The Future of Ad Management with Magicbid and Google MCM

Future of Ad Management with Magicbid

The Future of Ad Management Google MCM is a significant development in the ecosystem for digital advertising. By giving better apparatuses to overseeing promotion inventories and cultivating straightforward connections, MCM assists parents with augmenting their income potential. You can effectively navigate this new landscape by utilizing Magicbid’s expertise and robust support as your partner.

Embrace the Future

Google MCM is more than just a replacement for SPM; rather, it is an all-encompassing upgrade that meets the requirements of contemporary digital advertising. It offers upgraded control, better straightforwardness, and higher income potential. By joining forces with Magicbid, you can guarantee that you are capitalizing on these new devices and accomplishing your promotion income objectives.

Contact MagicBid

You can reach out to us through our website contact information page or through WhatsApp messagng icon oin our website for more information and assistance with Google MCM. MagicBid’s well-trained and experienced professionals are prepared to assist you in navigating the MCM complexities and maximizing the potential of your advertising inventories.

Understanding Google Ad Manager’s Managed Inventory Feature for Child Publishers

Google Ad Manager gives publishers a set of tools that can help them make the most of their advertising revenue and make advertising more efficient. The ability to use the “Managed Inventory” feature to manage inventory across multiple accounts is one of the notable features. Parent publishers who oversee multiple child publishers will find this particularly useful. We go over the main features and advantages of this feature in this section. 

What is Managed Inventory? 

A parent publisher can oversee and manage the ad inventory of their child publishers with Google Ad Manager’s Managed Inventory feature. This means that the parent publisher can control ad units, placements, and inventory settings from their own account even though the child publisher has their own account. For larger publishing networks, this centralized management can significantly simplify operations 

 Key Features and Benefits 

 Key Features and Benefits

1. Centralized Management

Centralized control is the main advantage of managed inventory. Parent can without much of a stretch design and change promotion settings for all young accounts from a solitary point of interaction. As a result, it takes less time and effort to manage each account individually.

2. Consistency Across Accounts

Parent publishers can guarantee consistency in ad placements, formats, and strategies across all child accounts by centrally managing inventory. This consistency can upgrade the client experience and further develop promotion execution.  

3. Simplified Inventory Creation and Management

Making and overseeing promotion units and positions turns out to be more smoothed out. Without having to repeat the setup process for each individual account, parent publishers can set up ad units that can be used across multiple child accounts.  

4. Enhanced Reporting and Analytics

Parent get sufficiently close to complete revealing and examination for all oversaw accounts. This merged view helps in pursuing informed choices in light of execution information across the whole organization. 

5. Improved Ad Performance

With concentrated control, parent can execute best practices and upgrade promotion settings to boost income and commitment. Better ad performance and higher fill rates can result from consistent optimization efforts. 

How It Works

The parent publisher must first link their account with the child publisher’s account in order to use Managed Inventory. When connected, the parent can make and oversee promotion units and situations that will show up in the child publishers inventory. While the parent retains oversight and ad management expertise, the child publisher retains control over their account settings-

Setting Up Managed Inventory

1. Linking Accounts

The child publisher requires an invitation to link accounts from the parent publisher. The parent can begin managing the child’s inventory once accepted.  

2. Creating Ad Units

-Ad units and placements can be created by the parent publisher and automatically added to the child publisher’s account. These ad units can be set up to cater to the particular requirements of the child audience 

3. Monitoring Performance

The parent publisher can monitor the performance of ad units across all managed accounts by utilizing Google Ad Manager’s reporting tools. Optimizing ad strategies and increasing revenue require this data.

Best Practices for Using Managed Inventory

Best Practices for Using Managed Inventory

  • Maintain Clear Communication

To align goals and expectations, ensure that parent and child publishers communicate clearly. Meetings and updates regularly can help resolve problems quickly.     

  • Leverage Data

Make decisions based on data by analyzing performance trends with comprehensive reporting features. Identify and replicate successful ad units across multiple accounts.  

  • Optimize Regularly

Continuously improve the settings and placements of ads to adapt to shifting user behavior and market conditions. Ad performance stays high and revenue potential is maximized with regular optimization.


Mastering Google MCM with Magicbid: This Comprehensive Guide equips you with the knowledge to enhance your digital advertising through effective integration of Google’s MCM and Magicbid’s advanced tools. By following the strategies outlined, you can streamline account management, boost ad performance, and maximize revenue. Stay informed and adaptable with this guide, ensuring you’re ready to capitalize on emerging opportunities in the evolving digital advertising landscape.

How MagicBid Can Help Publishers

MagicBid’s advanced AI-driven monetization solutions and in-depth analytics help Publishers further optimize ad placements, improve fill rates, and increase revenue by integrating MagicBid’s platform. In addition, MagicBid’s fraud detection tools safeguard against incorrect deductions by ensuring that ad traffic is genuine. This association can altogether smooth out the administration of different records, making it more straightforward to accomplish reliable and high-performing promotion systems across all small publishers.