What is Ad Refresh and How Does it Work?

Did you know? What is Ad Refresh and How Does it Work? As a publisher seeking ways to enhance your ad yield, you may have come across ad refresh, a tool that offers the potential to generate additional revenue from the same ad units and app users. But what exactly is ad refresh, and how can it benefit your app monetization strategy? In this article, we’ll address these questions and more, providing valuable insights into the world of ad refresh.

What is Ad Refresh?

Ad refresh, also known as ad rotation or ad reloading, is a digital advertising technique used to update or change the advertisements displayed to users on a webpage or within a mobile app. This strategy is employed to keep ad content fresh and engaging, with the aim of improving ad performance and user engagement.

Understanding Ad Refresh

Ad refresh, also known as auto ad refresh, is a technique where a new ad is served to an existing ad unit. This approach enables publishers to display more ads to a user during a single session without reloading the entire page. By adopting ad refresh, publishers can significantly increase the number of ad impressions and, consequently, their ad revenue.

Types of Ad Refresh

Types of Ad Refresh

Time-Based Refresh: Advertisers can set predefined time intervals for ad refresh. Ads are reloaded after a predetermined time window, such as 15, 30, or 60 seconds. This approach may impact ad viewability and revenue, as advertisers might be reluctant to spend on units that are not being seen.

Event-Based Refresh: Ad refresh occurs when a specific event, initiated by the publisher, takes place. This type is ideal for displaying fresh content, such as game scores or stats.

Action-Based Refresh: Ad refresh is triggered when a user completes certain actions. Using user activities as triggers ensures the user is actively engaged, leading to higher view ability compared to time- and event-based refreshes.

Ad Refresh and Load Times

Ad refresh does not affect the initial app load time. When ad refresh is triggered, the app sends new queries to the ad server, consuming a small amount of additional bandwidth. Therefore, while ad refresh increases data usage, it has no impact on the original app load time.

Maintaining eCPM with Ad Refresh

Properly implemented ad refresh, based on acceptable preset settings, will not lower your eCPM. Adhering to Google’s and other ad exchanges’ approved preset settings ensures you continue to receive ad fills and generate incremental revenue.

Ideal Candidates for Ad Refresh

Apps with longer session durations are well-suited for ad refresh. Gaming apps, service-based apps, and educational apps can particularly benefit from ad refresh, leading to increased ad yield.

Best Practices for Effective Ad Refresh

To ensure successful ad refresh implementation, consider the following best practices:

  • Use ad refresh on apps with engaging content.
  • Avoid reloading too frequently; maintain a minimum duration of at least 15 seconds to count impressions accurately.
  • A/B test different triggers to determine the most effective approach for your app.
  • Track Revenue Per Session (RPS) as a key success metric.
  • Familiarize yourself with ad network policies to avoid policy breaches.
  • Partner with reliable ad tech suppliers or consider ad mediation providers like MagicBid for increased ad yield while maintaining inventory quality and eCPMs.

Benefits of Ad Refresh

Improved Engagement – Ad refresh keeps ad content fresh and engaging, reducing banner blindness and increasing the likelihood of user interaction.

Higher Click-Through Rates (CTR) – When users see a new ad creative, they are more likely to click on the ad, leading to higher CTRs and potential conversions.

Optimized Revenue – Website publishers can maximize ad revenue by implementing ad refresh, as it often results in increased ad impressions and user engagement.

Dynamic Messaging – Advertisers can adapt their messaging in real-time, making it relevant to current events or user behavior.

Publisher Guide for Improving In-App Ad Yield

MagicBid believes that when ad refresh benefits both brands and users, publishers can sustainably scale up their ad revenue. By optimizing the number of ad units and page load time, ad refresh can become the answer you’ve been seeking to boost your ad yield. Partner with MagicBid to maximize the potential of ad refresh and ensure a successful app monetization strategy.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Question

What are the benefits of ad refresh?

The purpose of ad refresh is to enhance ad exposure, engagement, and revenue on a website or digital platform through the optimization of the ads.

What are the different types of ad refresh?

Firstly user action refreshes are based on user-guided navigation. The second thing Event-Driven content changes cause both page content and ads to refresh based on publisher-initiated events.

How do you implement ad refresh?

Ad Refresh basically works on measuring the engagement and fill rates before/after refreshing the ad inventories. Monitor Revenue per session as success measures matrices. Implement ad refresh on pages with engaging content on your website.

What is the ad refresh rate?

Ad impressions are generated on a mobile app based on the refresh rate. You can choose to not refresh ads or to refresh them every 30 to 120 seconds. You should have your ads persist for 60 seconds or longer, depending on the functionality of your app.


In conclusion, ad refresh is a dynamic strategy in digital advertising that aims to combat banner blindness, boost user engagement, and increase ad revenue. When used thoughtfully and in moderation, ad refresh can be a valuable tool for advertisers and publishers alike, helping them deliver more effective and engaging online ad campaigns.

Choose MagicBid today and explore new horizons in Ad Refresh and Mobile App Monetization, driving your success to new heights. Your app’s profitability starts here, with MagicBid.